Recently, the world has suffered a massive intensification in hacking. 2021 alone saw a terrifying 105% jump in ransomware cyberattacks. Certain sectors found themselves the focused target, such as healthcare which was rocked by a 755% increase. Oil and gas companies have found themselves under heavy assault, partly becau...
The ferocious pace of technological innovation has changed a teacher’s role in the last couple of decades. On the plus side, the range of ways to deliver an engaging lesson has multiplied beyond recognition. On the minus side, it can be harder to keep students away from distraction. If...
Endpoint management has become more complicated for IT managers over the last couple of years. The arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic brought a sudden scramble to shift nearly all IT management to function remotely. And while some offices are now as full as they were before, the Omicron variant has ensured that flexibility and the need for managing e...
Ticket management has become an essential part of IT service management over the last couple of decades. In all larger organisations, the days of a tap on the shoulder to solve a computer problem are long past. The reasons why helpdesks came into existence, then became far more systemised, are obvious: bus...
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