In the 1930s, Walt Disney, an animator and producer, had a hunch. He suspected that fans of his characters would enjoy meeting them in real life, at an amusement park on a far grander scale than had ever been attempted before. Half a century later, Bob Galvin, CEO of Motorola, also had a hunch. He felt it was inevitable that commun...
For most IT managers around the planet, it’s been a year since COVID-19 turned everything upside down, and they were faced with the dramatic prospect of immediately shifting entire offices towards home working, often for the first time. Many people in IT roles, previously comfortable in the background, were shunted into an uncomfortable spotlight. The best IT administ...
Recently we came across an interesting situation where a Deep Freeze customer was trying to enforce social distancing in computer labs. Soon after, another customer wanted to allows students to remote into “reserved” lab computers so they can access licensed applications while working from home. Mr. Albuquerque from the University of Florida’s Journalism departmen...
There are 7 types of cyber crimes and criminals. Remember when cyber criminals were computer geeks trying to crash computers from their mothers’ basements?  Well they’ve evolved. Cyber attacks and malware have become an increasingly prevalent threat to businesses in the last few years, and the effects they have on businesses can be devastating....
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