All Faronics evaluations expire after 30 days. Please choose from the following editions.
Enterprise Editions Designed for any number of computers within your network and offers central management. |
Standard Editions Designed for 1-10 computers without central management requirements. |
Mac Editions Designed for any number of Macintosh computers. |
Server Editions Designed for managing individual servers. |

Download Deep Freeze
Faronics Deep Freeze provides advanced system integrity. Every time you restart your computer, Deep Freeze restores the machine back to its desired configuration.

Download Anti-Virus
Keep your data safe, your computers running fast, and remain infection-free with Faronics Anti-Virus.

Download Insight
Faronics Insight is an effective classroom management software that helps teachers create a better learning experience, while streamlining IT administration and supporting multiple labs with ease.

Download Anti-Executable
Anti-Executable keeps PCs safe by stopping sophisticated threats like zero-day malware.

Download Power Save
Faronics Power Save eliminates computer energy waste by up to 50% without affecting productivity.

Download Data Igloo
Faronics Data Igloo is a FREE utility which enables users to seamlessly and efficiently retain user data on machines protected by Deep Freeze.