Here are some new enhancements to Deep Freeze Cloud that you may appreciate.
1. Maintenance Period Compatibility with Deep Freeze
For customers using Enterprise, Standard, and Cloud editions of Deep Freeze, all Deep Freeze Cloud Services such as Anti-Virus and Anti-Executable will switch into Maintenance Mode if Deep Freeze tasks such as Windows Update, Thawed Period, and Batch File are detected.
2. New Live Action: Run Maintenance Period
Allows administrators to run the Maintenance Period on the fly. Executing this live action applies the Policy settings under General Settings > Maintenance Period tab. Ensure a Maintenance Period is scheduled in the policy. Note that the new “Shutdown after maintenance period” option in the Maintenance Period settings will be ignored if enabled.
3. New Report: Maintenance Period Status
Lists Maintenance Period tasks running on computers, along with their status (Successful or Failed). Clicking on the Status displays the specific actions that were performed on the computer during the Maintenance Period.
4. New Maintenance Setting: Shutdown after Maintenance Period
Allows administrators to automatically shutdown computers after the Maintenance Period is completed.
For more information on these features, please contact your Faronics representative. Don’t forget to click on the Feedback button in your Console and give us your ideas – we will try our best to consider them. Vote for your favorite ideas… the more votes, the better the chances of us implementing it!