Faronics understands the importance of providing products that are without barriers to access for persons who wish to use them and is committed to ensuring that we provide for such access.

As part of our development processes we evaluate our products to determine how well they comply with a number of regulations and standards including;

The W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (2.0 / 2.1).
Revised Section 508 Standards published by the U.S. Access Board as of January 18th, 2020.
The Corrections to the ICT Final Rule, as published by the U.S. Access Board as of January 22, 2020.
EN 301 549 Accessibility requirements for public procurement of ICT product and services in Europe V2.12 (2020-08).

Compliance Status

In order to provide transparency into the state of accessibility in our products Faronics publishes Voluntary Product Accessibility Template Reports (VPAT’s) for our products that can be accessed below;

Faronics Deep Freeze (All Versions)

Faronics Insight

Faronics Core

Accessibility Feedback

While we work on ensuring that our products are accessible to all persons, we are aware that issues with around the accessibility of our software may occur from time to time and we welcome feedback on our efforts from our customers.

If you have feedback regarding the accessibility of our products or web sites please let our support team know so that we can ensure that feedback is placed in the appropriate hands.

The product support team can be reached via email to, through our support portal at, or via phone to +1 604-637-3333.

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