Alerts available on Deep Freeze Administrator Mobile App

Alerts available on Deep Freeze Administrator Mobile App

The Deep Freeze Administrator mobile app has been updated to support push notifications!

The new version includes the following enhancements:

  • Receive push notifications when Anti-Virus threats occur on endpoints. Configure alert settings in the Deep Freeze Cloud console.
  • Track multiple levels of security threats.
  • Take immediate action when security threats occur.
  • Deep Freeze Cloud Relay is no longer required to perform On-Demand actions.



The iOS and Android versions can be downloaded from the iTunes Store and the Google Play Store.

About The Author

Heman Mehta

Heman, aka: He-Man, is the "Master of Deep Freeze" and VP of Product Management. He has been with Faronics for more than 10 years and is (of course) the biggest evangelist of Deep Freeze. When not living the "PM Lifestyle", you'll find him traveling the world—his last count was at about 38 countries visited.

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