All Faronics evaluations expire after 30 days. Please choose from the following editions.
Enterprise Editions Designed for any number of computers within your network and offers central management. |
Standard Editions Designed for 1-10 computers without central management requirements. |
Mac Editions Designed for any number of Macintosh computers. |
Server Editions Designed for managing individual servers. |

Download Deep Freeze
Faronics Deep Freeze provides an advanced restore on reboot system. Why reconfigure, recompile, or use complex imaging solutions, when you can simply reboot to restore your system. Get your Deep Freeze license key and restore your system to working order.

Download Insight
Faronics Insight is an effective classroom management software that helps teachers create a better learning experience, while streamlining IT administration and supporting multiple labs with ease.

Download Antivirus
Keep your data safe, your computers running fast, and remain infection-free with Faronics Antivirus.

Download Anti-Executable
Anti-Executable keeps PCs safe by stopping sophisticated threats like zero-day malware.

Download Power Save
Faronics Power Save eliminates computer energy waste by up to 50% without affecting productivity.

Download Data Igloo
Faronics Data Igloo is a FREE utility which enables users to seamlessly and efficiently retain user data on machines protected by Deep Freeze.