Today’s classrooms rely on technology as a teaching tool to enhance education. It’s nothing new. Technology has been used in the classrooms as early as the 1800s with the magic slide lantern. Obviously we’ve come a long way to the point where technology is a staple in every classroom. In fact, it’s safe to say schools are undergoing a major transformation as the transition to a digital learning environment.
But for IT professionals, managing computers in the classroom is no easy feat. In a recent poll conducted by Faronics, we asked IT professionals to share their top challenges managing computers in school environments. The results were not surprising. Weight on the network came in last place with 26% citing slowing down the network as a major frustration.
Next came the burden on the IT department. 36% said that IT support requests were out of control, while 41% believe it simply takes too much time to train faculty and staff on new technologies. When you consider that teachers are juggling many balls already, trying to find time to hold a training program that doesn’t interfere with teaching is incredibly difficult. Classroom management tools can be awesome, but not when they make the IT team pull their hair out.
What’s the number one source of frustration? Keeping students focused and managing online distractions. Although students have always faced an army of tempting time-wasters luring them away from learning and studying, it’s reached new heights. Students of today are bombarded with stimuli all day long to the point where may are constantly shifting their attention. It’s a scary thought, but they’re actually wired differently.