USB drives have somewhat of a sordid past. While they have enabled countless people to conveniently transport data, they have generally been considered to be an enterprise security risk because of how easily they can be lost. A recent discovery made by security researchers regarding USB drive technology, however, has found that there is greater cause for alarm besides t...
We would all like to believe that enterprise cybersecurity is an easy issue to handle. Drop a firewall in place and forget about it, right? The fact of the matter is that this sentiment could not be farther from the truth. Not only do businesses have to put more than one kind of defense in place, but they also have to continuously re-examine what is wor...
The modern threat landscape for enterprises is constantly evolving. The pace of technology is rapid, with new advantages appearing every day. But at the same time, the risks associated with leveraging these new assets are increasing as well. Digital criminals and cyberterrorists are interested in stealing sensitive information and cause general chaos wherever they can, an...
An increasing number of retail transactions are performed either online or with debit and credit cards. The digital age has afforded a great deal of convenience for modern consumers, and paying for goods and services in cash is viewed as a greater hassle than it is worth in many instances. As a result, point-of-sale systems are increasingly being integrated more deeply wit...
It is no longer a matter of if an organization is going to be victimized by cybercrime, but when. Be they crimes of opportunity or indiscriminate malware campaigns, chances are more than likely that malicious hackers are standing right outside any given firewall, actively trying to find a way in. This is why there needs to be a greater interest from those outside of the...

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