With large-scale hacks and data breaches making the news so frequently, businesses have started to make cybersecurity a top priority. A lot of security buzzwords get thrown around, and one of the most popular is encryption. Even people who don't know anything about cybersecurity know that they need to encrypt their data if they want to keep it safe. And while encryption is...
As cyberattacks targeting medical and insurance information become increasingly common, many organizations in the industry are wondering if a data breach can cause customers to switch health care providers. Consumers are worrying about privacy now more than ever and a rash of high-profile data breaches within the medical industry of late have made many health care provider...
Cybersecurity has become the number one priority for many businesses in the wake of some very high profile data breaches at the beginning of the year. But despite the heightened awareness of decision-makers and stronger defense precautions being taken, companies are still falling prey to hackers everyday. For most organizations there is an easy explanation for the securit...
Small businesses are often the last to adopt new technology, either because they don't have the necessary budgets or because they lack the expertise to install and maintain the appropriate infrastructure. Luckily for these types of organizations, cloud computing isn't like most tech trends. It easily lends itself to being used by companies with limited budgets and technolo...

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