Deep Freeze aids PC maintenance for aviation

Deep Freeze aids PC maintenance for aviation

Keeping enterprise computers fully functioning is a major chore, no matter what industry they are serving. But in fields where those using these machines are not necessarily trained professionals, PC health can especially be difficult to get a handle on. This can be of particular concern when the only IT workers that can solve the problem are located halfway across the country in another facility. Whenever an issue arises, the company has to fly out professional assistance to aid in repairs – something that can result in mounting travel costs when proving to be a frequent occurrence.

But thanks to the consumerization of IT, it is more possible than ever to enable employees with tech skills they can use. With modern assets like Deep Freeze Enterprise on-hand, workers and remote staffers can work together to quickly rectify problems without needlessly traveling across the country.

Faronics Deep Freeze Enables 
Challenges and inefficiencies can force an airline to re-examine its strategies. The obvious solution when tech employees are stationed offsite is to enable remote management capabilities – something that Deep Freeze Enterprise has in spades. This allows for easy fixes to common problems without having to constantly be flying IT specialists all over the world. The seats on flights are best used to generate profit, not to help re-image a couple of computers. 

Additionally, Deep Freeze software can be easily leveraged by many employees without having to extensively train them. Because the modern workforce is so readily-equipped with basic IT skills, many operations may not even require the assistance of a tech professional.

In airlines where traveling great distances to fix IT issues is par for the course, remote management and reboot to restore capabilities are proving to be essential. These is little room for downtime when flights have to stay on schedule to maintain customer satisfaction. But thankfully, these powers are not too far out of reach thanks to Faronics and Deep Freeze Enterprise.

About The Author

Kate Beckham

Kate has been lighting up the blogosphere for over 5 years, with a keen interest in social media and new malware threats. When not sitting at a café behind her Mac, you’ll usually find her scouring the racks for vintage finds or playing guitar.

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