The task of creating an enterprise-wide cybersecurity plan may feel like a daunting project for many administrators. Especially in larger organizations, an undertaking of this kind requires considerable planning, however, the benefits are great for companies that fully protect their IT systems. When decision makers take a few aspects into consideration while implementing or upgrading their security protocols, they can realize the vast advantages their protection plan can offer.
What to consider
There are several factors that should be considered when creating or revamping cybersecurity practices, including data-centric protection and mechanisms to protect individual workstations. One of the main considerations is the software being used and ensuring that there are plans in place to keep these systems up to date. Every cybersecurity plan should include antimalware software, which should be updated whenever security patches or other upgrades are made available.
However, some businesses require a higher level of software protection than others. These businesses can consider including an application whitelisting program as a means to prevent unauthorized applications from running on corporate hardware. This type of solution allows users to create a master list of programs that are allowed to run, and all others will be blocked.
Organizations should also take the time to set up employee profiles, which offer different levels of access depending on workers’ roles within the company. Some individuals may need a wider range of access, whereas others might not need to connect with certain sensitive data. This practice can ensure that only those who need certain sets of data can access it, rather than allowing the information to run rampant throughout the system.
Businesses should also investigate the possibility of creating usage policies for the Internet and social media. Some companies follow a strategy in which employees are allowed only a certain amount of time to utilize corporate network resource for leisure activities like entertainment purposes or checking their Facebook pages.
Overall, it is important to take a layered security approach when it comes to enterprise-wide protection. In addition to overarching safeguards, businesses should also include computer monitoring software and computer restore software for workstation protection.
Why create a cybersecurity plan?
Protecting internal systems and hardware from infections, as well as avoiding data loss due to security threats are two important reasons to implement overall cyber protection. However, there are also some less obvious motivations to creating and establishing an enterprise-wide plan.
When businesses comply with certain security requirements, they can qualify for certain incentives and benefits from federal authorities. Enterprises that adhere to standards included in the Cybersecurity Framework, core practices to manage security risks, they could be rewarded. Furthermore, implementing this type of protection is not as difficult as one may think.
“These are known practices that many firms already do, in part or across the enterprise and across a wide range of sectors,” stated White House blog contributor Michael Daniel.
To encourage more groups to adopt protection measures within their organizations, the government could offer cybersecurity insurance and grants as financial incentives. In addition, these companies will be better protected against vulnerabilities and threats present in today’s technological environment.