We all know it’s the Digital Age, but how do you feel about photo privacy? Given the number of social networking sites from Facebook to Google+ to Flickr, there are a lot of people who could be posting your face up for all to see. And let’s face it. Sometimes even our friends can have poor taste. The photo with the lampshade on your head… you know the one. Not exactly Facebook material – for your boss to see.
Once this photo has been posted to Facebook, you can delete it from your own page, but that’s about it. There’s nothing you can do about photos posted on other people’s pages. Now you’re able to review photos and posts where you’re tagged before they appear on your page (thank goodness). But unfortunately, it’s not a default setting (so make sure to change it).
So the question today is: Is it okay to post photos without permission? That’s difficult to answer, but social networking was created to promote sharing… and even over-sharing. So don’t expect the rules to change any time soon. And to make matters worse, if you do have a change of heart and try to delete a questionable photo, Facebook stores it for a full 45 days.
Instead, before you post a photo of a friend, keep in mind that employers and prospective employers could see it. Maybe even your friend’s mom or grandma. And anyone else who might just be curious. If you’re not sure you would want it posted, check first. And try letting your friends know how you feel about what photos are appropriate to avoid any accidents.