Facebook Throws A Lifeline

Facebook Throws A Lifeline

Facebook is launching a new program called The Lifeline, which allows its users to have instant access to a crisis counselor through Facebook chat.

It’s no secret that Facebook has been named the culprit of many bullying stories over the years.

Bullies use Facebook as their playground, as it gives them easy, at-home access to their victims. However, it is now trying to provide a level of safety to the site, by making help easily available to bullying victims. Many victims of bullying want help, but don’t know where to look, and don’t want to ‘tattle’.

By clicking on a link users can instantly enter into a chat with a suicide prevention specialist.  There is also a reporting link for others to report situations where a friend may be in trouble. When that link is clicked on, a message is sent referring the person to Lifeline.

The goal is that The Lifeline will provide easy access to relief and comfort to those who need it, and perhaps as a result, suicidal tendencies will go down and cyber-bullies will be deterred.

About The Author

Nimritta Parmar

Nimritta is a third year student at Simon Fraser University, studying English and Communications. She's a Facebook rat (AKA master procrastinator), and being a student for the last 16 years of her life means that she has education on the brain! (perhaps you've noticed?)

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