Advantages of leveraging a classroom management system

Advantages of leveraging a classroom management system

The Learning Bridge Charter School is one of the most recent organizations to upgrade its technological resources with new classroom computers. The institution raised over $20,000 through an Otis Spunkmeyer fundraiser and utilized the capital to purchase more than 20 Chromebook laptop classroom computers to be used in the school’s “roving computer lab.”

As part of the technology overhaul, the institution also bought eight televisions and streaming media devices, enabling educators and students to leverage new systems during lessons.

However, with the introduction of new technology also comes additional challenges that teachers and administrators at schools like Learning Bridge Charter must address. Among these obstacles is ensuring that newly purchased classroom computers and associated resources are utilized effectively and appropriately. Many institutions use a classroom management system, which can adequately resolve such problems, as well as provide several other benefits for education.

Advantages of classroom control software
Classroom management software, such as that provided by Faronics, have a number of features that enable educators to have better oversight of their classroom computers and technological resources.

One such aspect is the ability to supervise all students’ online activities from a single teacher workstation. In this way, faculty members can better manage connected systems and ensure that students are performing the task at hand. This is especially beneficial during individual work, when some pupils may be tempted to stray from their classroom projects to utilize social media or other entertainment websites. With this solution in place, however, teachers can prevent students from becoming distracted and guaranteeing that they remain on task.

Furthermore, teachers can also remotely assist individual students, providing one-on-one learning and support for the adolescent. For example, if a pupil is having particular difficulty with a certain subject, the teacher can send links or other resources to help the student learn the material.

In addition, classroom control programs also help teachers better manage technology during group work. Many applications enable educators to establish small student groups and connect the associated classroom computers.

“[G]roups can be customized by the teacher, and assignments are distributed instantly, saving precious classroom time,” Cogent Innovators pointed out.

Besides helping students connect with additional resources and ensuring that technology is used effectively, classroom control applications can also assist educators with their lectures and presentations. Teachers can leverage multimedia components within their lessons and easily change between different windows to show the correct material on screen to students. For instance, staff can display a video first, easily switch to a PowerPoint presentation and also display individual students’ work as well.

About The Author

Scott Cornell

When he’s not knee deep in blogging and all things tech, Scott spends his free time playing ultimate Frisbee and watching foreign films. An expert in emerging tech trends, Scott always has his ear to ground for breaking news related to IT security.

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