3 Reasons I Am Looking Forward To Attending EDUCAUSE 2011

3 Reasons I Am Looking Forward To Attending EDUCAUSE 2011

EDUCAUSE  is quickly approaching and I can’t wait!   Other than it’s being one of my favorite events of the year, I have few items on my agenda that I thought I’d share.

Exploring mobile offerings.  User mobility is one of the key trends gaining importance in the edu space space. It’s trending to be even more significant in the coming year.  With students and prospective students carrying  iPads, and Smartphones everywhere they go, institutions’ ability to provide mobile access to content becomes a real competitive differentiator.  I’m looking forward to seeing lots of thought leadership keynotes and vendor offerings addressing this trend.

Meeting customers .  K-12 and Higher Ed is where we have some of the most loyal Deep Freeze customers. I get tremendous energy, ideas, and creativity when I learn about unique ways our products are used to accomplish more with reduced IT budgets and simplify the life of IT departments.

Testing security awareness.   We’ve shared lots of research this year about the dramatic increase in the IT Security malware, spyware and viruses targeting organizations of every kind.  However, we still come across all types myths about companies being immune from targeted cyber attacks: Mac users are invincible to malware,  antivirus guarantees 100% protection, “my school is too small to be a target of attack” –  to name a few.  We’ve put together a short security IQ test  which will be available at our Educause Booth (915).  I’m hoping to see quite a high “grade average” on the test next week.

Why are you attending Educause this year?

About The Author

Maria Osipova

Maria is a marketing campaign manager at Faronics by day and mom, reader, runner by night. Relying on coffee and iGoogle to manage the hectic days, she is interested in emerging technologies, tools for education and social marketing.

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