Threat Protection
Threat Protection
Protect your organization against today's toughest threats with our Layered Security Solution.
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Protect your organization against highly sophisticated threats.
Protect your IT assets and keep your business running.
Guaranteed protection from virus, malware, spyware, ransomware, and zero day threats.

Multi-layer Security
Multi-layer Security

Enforce a multi-layer security using Application Control, file signature, publisher, and user types for complete protection.

Browser and Desktop Lockdown
Browser and Desktop Lockdown

Allow users to access only a pre-defined set of Windows functionality thereby avoiding issues caused due to system tampering.

Prevent Malware Attacks
Prevent Malware Attacks

Enforce multiple layers of protection with a powerful anti-malware engine to detect the most complicated malware.

Thwart Network Attacks
Thwart Network Attacks

Protect your entire network from sophisticated attacks originating from the Internet using the built-in firewall.


Keep your organization safe from increasingly sophisticated security threats
Keep your organization safe from increasingly sophisticated security threats
  • Enforce a multi-layer security using Application Control, file signature, publisher, and user types for complete protection.
  • Protect your IT assets from zero day threats and reverse any malicious changes to systems.

Be assured that your IT assets are in safe hands
Be assured that your IT assets are in safe hands
  • Allow users to access only a pre-defined set of Windows functionality and prevent unauthorized actions on public kiosk systems.
  • Restrict browser functionality to control what users can access on the Internet and disable features within the browsers for complete security.

Guaranteed protection from zero day threats, ransomware and other security threats
Guaranteed protection from zero day threats, ransomware and other security threats
  • Enforce multiple layers of protection with a powerful anti-malware engine to detect the most complicated malware.
  • Protect your entire network from sophisticated attacks originating from the Internet using the built-in firewall.
  • Compatibility with Faronics Deep Freeze ensures computers are protected, definitions are updated and retained across reboots.
High Performance Anti-Virus  Technology
High Performance Anti-Virus Technology
  • The MX-Virtualization™ engine analyzes malware in real-time, observing its
    behavior before it can actually infect the computer– ensuring zero-day threat detection
  • Advanced anti-rootkit technology finds and disables dangerous hidden processes, modules, services, and files
  • High speed file scanning with low CPU and memory usage during scans
  • Efficient, continuous virus definition updates (at least two daily) and regular threat-engine updates
  • Scanning of USB devices automatically upon connecting
  • Email protection works on top of any POP3- and SMTP -based email program including Microsoft Outlook
  • Embedded firewall can configure specific network ports access
  • Host Intrusion Prevention System allows processes to be protected by preventing one program from injecting code into another program
  • Intrusion detection system blocks malicious programs based on incoming and outgoing traffic analysis

Application Whitelisting for Beyond  Anti-Virus Protection
Application Whitelisting for Beyond Anti-Virus Protection
  • Protection from threats like zero-day attacks, mutating malware and advanced persistent threats.
  • Block .EXE, .DLL, .COM, .SCR, .JAR and .BAT and other executable files.
  • Comprehensive protection from malware, ransom ware and other security threats.
  • Only allow trusted application and block everything else for complete protection.
  • Folder-level protection feature allows specific folders to be exempt from protection regardless of their location.
  • Expanded flexibility options to allow or block execution of applications regardless of location.
  • Temporary Execution Mode to allow unrestricted file execution for a specific time period and ability to run a report on executed programs during Temporary Execution Mode.
  • Unique protection levels for Administrators, Trusted, and External users.
  • Granular control of publishers with four-levels of control for expanded protection.
  • Display a customized violation message when a user attempts to perform an action that is not authorized.
  • Stealth Mode hides the presence of Anti-Executable while keeping the computer fully protected.
  • Log of all unauthorized installation attempts and scanning of remote workstations to augment control list and policies.

Cloud Based GPOs
Cloud Based GPOs
  • Launch only predetermined applications upon start up with in-built Kiosk mode functionality.
  • Block access to specific menu items and hot-key combinations and restrict access to any application on the workstation.
  • Create a list of allowed or restricted web sites by domain name, IP address, or range of IP addresses and domain names.
  • Prevent macro shortcuts within Microsoft Office programs and use of Visual Basic for Applications and prevent access to VBA through Microsoft Office.
  • Create time-limited user sessions with a countdown timer on screen. Decide if users have the option to extend session limits and create multiple time segments with reference codes for user input
  • Control or block network and web-based data storage. Restrict opening and saving of files with specific file extensions.

Desktop and Browser Restriction
Desktop and Browser Restriction
  • Control Panel and Desktop Restrictions. Restrict access to user accounts. Prevent right-clicks on desktop icons or hide them completely.
  • Implement Windows Explorer restrictions. Prevent drag and drop functionality. Prevent delete, rename, and folder creation and Restrict access to UNC path.
  • Regulate Start Button Functionality. Hide the Start Button or disable right-click functionality.
  • Customize options available in Start Menu or force the Classic style Start Menu.
  • Control which features and options are available within Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox.
  • Prevent right-clicks within the browser. Prevent users from changing the default homepage.
  • Control read access with option to block saving data to the Hard Drive, CD, DVD and USB devices.
  • Restrict user access to specific printers or restrict the number of pages a user can print.

Deep Freeze Integration
Deep Freeze Integration
  • Seamless integration with Faronics Deep Freeze allowing configuration and activation settings to be changed without reboot or thawing the workstation.
  • Ensure effortless anti-virus definition file updates on “Frozen” workstations without the need to set maintenance period.
  • Automatically enters Maintenance Mode when it detects that a Deep Freeze Maintenance Event has Thawed the computer.

Summary of Performance Benchmarking Results from PassMark*
Keep your data safe, your computers running fast, and remain infection-free with Faronics Anti-Virus.


Boots up in 1/2 the time as Kaspersky ES10
Boots up in 1/2 the time as Kaspersky ES10

Average Boot Time measures the amount of time taken for the machine to boot into the operating system. Shorter boot times indicate that the application has had less impact on the normal operation of the machine.

Installs 9x faster than McAfee CEP
Installs 9x faster than McAfee CEP

Installation Time measures the time required by the security software to get installed, be fully functional and ready to use by the end user. Lower installation times represent security products that are quicker to install.

Requires only 1/5th the space as Kaspersky ES10
Requires only 1/5th the space as Kaspersky ES10

Installation Size measures the total disk space consumed by all new files added during a product’s installation. Less disk space consumption means more available space for other files or media on the disk.

Scans 22x faster than ESET NOD32 – Business
Scans 22x faster than ESET NOD32 – Business

Average Scan Time on Schedule measures the amount of time required to run a scheduled scan on the system. A shorter scan time means a reduced impact due to the scan process on the normal operation of the machine.

Occupies only 40% memory space as Symantec EP SBE 2013
Occupies only 40% memory space as Symantec EP SBE 2013

Average Memory Usage during Scan measures the amount of memory (RAM) used by the product during an initial security scan. Lower memory usage results in reduced impact on system performance during scans.

*PassMark Software, ‘Faronics Anti-Virus : The PassMark benchmarking report (August 2014)

Faster and More Efficient Protection
Faster and More Efficient Protection

Ballston Spa Central School District was struggling to stay on top of infected machines. They needed a more efficient anti-virus solution that didn’t slow down the network or system performance, and could deliver updates without delays. Thanks to Faronics Anti-Virus they can easily manage updates to Frozen machines, plus it’s faster and more efficient at protecting against malware. Now they enjoy peace of mind knowing they have the best protection available — with both run-time and boot-time protection.

“Faronics Anti-Virus and Deep Freeze have simplified our job and allowed us to focus on other critical projects.”

Brian Merchant
Coordinator of Technical Support Services

Reducing Support Tickets by 90%
Reducing Support Tickets by 90%

The IT team at Glenpool Public Schools was frustrated by countless hours spent rebuilding infected machines, not to mention the lost staff productivity. They were overwhelmed by advanced malware, rogue software, and system performance problems. After installing Faronics Anti-Virus and Faronics Deep Freeze, they immediately saw a 90% reduction in IT support tickets. Not only did it allow definition file updates on Frozen machines, but it was more effective at malware detection and had a lighter footprint!

“90% of our IT support tickets revolved around viruses or anomalies with software and system performance.”

Greg Atkins
Director of Technology.

More Security, Availability, and Time
More Security, Availability, and Time

With over 4,000 machines, IT administrators at Augusta County Public Schools were plagued by malware infections. They frequently spent 60% of their week troubleshooting damaged PCs. Innocent users accidently clicked on hazardous malware including the dangerous Conficker Worm. They used a layered approach with Faronics Anti-Virus, Anti-Executable, and Deep Freeze for the ultimate protection. IT support requests dropped by 60% and they can now enjoy 100% machine availability. The extra peace of mind from enhanced security is a real bonus too!

“Faronics Anti-Virus has been a godsend with low impact on system resources and a full integration with Deep Freeze to deliver updates without putting Deep Freeze in maintenance mode,”

Amos Painter
IT Technician at ACPS

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