You May Want To Think Twice About What You’re “Liking” On Facebook

You May Want To Think Twice About What You’re “Liking” On Facebook

In 2009, six employees of a Sheriff in Virginia were fired after liking a Facebook page supporting his opponent in the election. They took it to court but didn’t have much of a case, because their actions online did not count as “free speech.” Clicking a button is not the same thing as orally speaking, so it cannot be protected speech. This isn’t the only instance where employees were let go due to their pages on Facebook. There have been many cases where people were either fired, or not hired due to the nature of their “Likes.”

Think of all the times you have thoughtlessly “Liked” a page on Facebook.  These pages represent your interests and beliefs, so when employers see those pages and it contradicts with company interests and beliefs, you might be in a bit of a jam.

Some things are better left unsaid – or unLiked.

About The Author

Nimritta Parmar

Nimritta is a third year student at Simon Fraser University, studying English and Communications. She's a Facebook rat (AKA master procrastinator), and being a student for the last 16 years of her life means that she has education on the brain! (perhaps you've noticed?)

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