IT spending increases, organizations react

IT spending increases, organizations react

Organizations are investing in new technology and software.

Organizations are investing in new technology and software.

Each year, IT budgets are being stretched further, as companies realize that investing in new technology and software is crucial to their long-term success. Research firm Gartner predicted that IT spending will grow 4.2 percent in 2013 (compared to 3.9 percent in 2012). Analysts from Forrester predicted even more growth, saying that worldwide IT spending in 2013 will increase 5.4 percent, reported InformationWeek’s Paul McDougall.

The Gartner report pointed out that the area expected to have the most growth in 2013 is the device market, which affects: computers, tablets, smartphones and eBooks. Total worldwide spending on devices is predicted to increase 6.3 percent, to $666 billion.

Many organizations will also invest in new software or upgrade existing applications in 2013 – total spending is expected to climb 6.4 percent in 2013, reported Gartner. Companies are looking to software to increase security, storage and improve operational efficiency. This may include computer lab classroom management software like Faronics‘ Insight, or computer monitoring software that whitelists or blocks applications on computers and servers.

While many organizations are finding ways to make room for technology costs in their budgets, others are struggling to find the funds. Thankfully, charitable organizations and donationsare helping to support these strategic investments.

Mobile computer lab supports after-school program
One such organization is Dell Canada, which, as part of Dell’s Powering the Possible initiative, recently donated a mobile computer lab to the St. Alban’s Boys and Girls Club in Toronto. The club serves thousands of kids at its 19 satellite locations, reported Alina Sotula for Samaritanmag.

“Because our clubs have a number of different locations, we want to take the technology to where the young people are,” said Pam Jolliffe, CEO of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Canada, in an interview with Sotula. “Clubs are always struggling to raise money to do everything they’d like to be able to do, so a mobile unit allows us to bring this state-of-the-art technology to more of our club locations.”

Dell donated five mini-laptops, a printer/scanner, a modem with Wi-Fi, a USB/DVD hub, a portable Internet hub and 10 tablets with detachable keyboards. Dell also said that they will give computer training to 300 of the club’s staff members so they’ll know how to operate and maintain the equipment.

The mobile computer lab will change the way that students engage in after-school activities and help them learn new technologies.

Which technology investments do you think will become dominant in the years to come? Do you think that companies should be making these kinds of investments a priority? Please share your thoughts in the comments below.

About The Author

Kate Beckham

Kate has been lighting up the blogosphere for over 5 years, with a keen interest in social media and new malware threats. When not sitting at a café behind her Mac, you’ll usually find her scouring the racks for vintage finds or playing guitar.

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