Best strategies for reducing office energy consumption

Best strategies for reducing office energy consumption

These days, more and more businesses are looking for ways to lower their operating expenditures to allow for boosted profits. Often times, decision makers will take drastic measures like reducing the number of new hires, or holding off on the purchase of new technology. However, these individuals may be missing a more obvious solution – lessening overhead costs by lowering office energy consumption.

When it comes to reducing electricity usage, some strategies are more effective and beneficial to the cause than others. To help aid in these efforts, here are a couple of best practices for lowering power utilization in an office environment:

Leverage PC Power Management Software
Many offices have rows of workstations for employee use. While these devices have become a linchpin for enterprise processes, they represent a considerable drain to the office’s power resources. By utilizing a solution like Faronics’ PC power management software, administrators can ensure that desktops draw electricity in the most efficient means possible. Furthermore, the system comes equipped with a Core Console that ensures managers have the best oversight of their computing assets. With this feature, individuals can schedule start up and shu​tdowns for workstations office-wide, preventing this hardware from unnecessarily using power when users are not present.

Update and monitor heating and cooling systems
Nearly every office depend on heating and cooling systems to guarantee the comfort of on-premise employees. However, if these components are outdated or not functioning optimally, they could be consuming more power than they should. Systems more than a decade old should be replaced with newer, more efficient arrangements.

Additionally, these structures should also be monitored to ensure they don’t utilize more power than they need to. For instance, lowering the temperature by a single degree during colder months can result in up to 8 percent savings on heating bills.

Turn off the nonessentials 
Employees and supervisors should also work together to ensure that nonessential equipment, lighting and appliances are switched off when not in use. Even leaving the photocopier on overnight can be a considerable waste of energy – the technology consumes enough electricity in a single night to make 5,000 standard copies. Turning off items like coffee makers, microwaves, computer systems and vending machines overnight and during long weekends can save the organization a significant amount on their power bills.

Furthermore, items in conference rooms that are not in use should be added to this list as well. Lighting, phone or videoconferencing systems and other electric furnishings in unoccupied spaces should be turned off as often as possible.

About The Author

Scott Cornell

When he’s not knee deep in blogging and all things tech, Scott spends his free time playing ultimate Frisbee and watching foreign films. An expert in emerging tech trends, Scott always has his ear to ground for breaking news related to IT security.

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