Deep Freeze Server Standard Release Notes 版(2024 年 6 月 26 日)


  • 核心隔离支持:增强了与 Windows 10 和 11 的兼容性。Deep Freeze 冰点现支持默认启用核心隔离功能的计算机,确保客户可使用这一重要的 Windows 安全功能。
  • DF 本地事件日志:在 Windows 本地事件日志中记录信息事件。日志包括 Deep Freeze 冰点状态(Thawed 解冻、Frozen 冻结、锁定、维护中)、本地更改状态的用户身份以及更改来源(控制台、用户、命令行),以便更好地进行监督、提高透明度。


31652 解决了在基于虚拟化的安全功能或内存完整性功能(在核心隔离设置中)启用时,Deep Freeze 冰点工作站出现启动错误的问题。(案例编号:KGE-734-30441、AGS-503-14300)



11387 NTFS Storage Space(NTFS 存储空间)不受支持。配有单个或多个 NTFS Storage Space(NTFS 存储空间)的 Windows 8 及更高版本系统的计算机重启时发生蓝屏死机 (BSOD)。

11425 在冻结状态下工作站每次重启后,公告显示为 “New”(新)。

11496 在 StorageSpace 储存空间上后台安装带有 ThawSpaces 解冻空间的工作站时,DFInstall.log 文件不含错误记录。

12611 在 64 位系统上:安装 Deep Freeze 冰点时,Network Drive(网卡)选项不应出现在 ThawSpace 解冻空间配置页面的下拉列表中。

16560 无法激活网卡未启用的计算机。

18513 如果用户的登录名称包含双字节字符,将导致 Deep Freeze 冰点工作站安装失败。

20074 在某些情况下,在工作站上安装 Deep Freeze 冰点会导致 Frozen 冻结状态下登录缓慢。

21171 安装 Deep Freeze 冰点后,无法从 Windows App Store(Windows 应用商店)安装应用程序。启用 Windows 更新服务作为解决方法。

21568 安装 Deep Freeze 冰点后,Dell 全磁盘加密软件出错。知识库

22504 Deep Freeze 冰点将不会在 Hyper-V Gen 2 上冻结系统。

22709 在设备处于冻结状态时,运行 Windows 10 的工作站会出现登录缓慢。

25020 在 Frozen 冻结模式下,使用 Arsenal Image Mounter 软件加载虚拟磁盘映像时,系统会崩溃。

25585 Deep Freeze 冰点工作站在 Intel Compute Stick 设备上无法 Thawed 解冻。

26689 如果工作站日期设置为未来 20 年以上,则工作站将会过期。

26727 在数据分区之后分配系统分区时,Deep Freeze 冰点驱动程序无法正常运行。

26892 安装 Deep Freeze 后,系统运行 VIAware 时出错。

28494 当运行最新版 Deep Freeze 的虚拟硬盘 (VHD) 处于 Frozen 冻结状态时,无法在重启后还原数据。

28944 Windows 10:系统处于 Frozen 冻结状态时,计算机加载缓慢。

30308 在 Deep Freeze 维护期间安装功能版后,显示用户设置界面。

31652 在”内核隔离”设置中启用了”内存完整性”后,Deep Freeze 冰点机器会陷入重启循环。

31689 工作站上的 Deep Freeze 冰点状态屏幕不能随”高分辨率”调整大小。

35925 当计算机上的用户配置文件位于或重定向到 ThawSpace 解冻空间时,无法更新 Windows 10。

36310 无法在 Windows 10 企业版多会话版本(由 Azure 托管)上安装 Deep Freeze。

36627 安装 Deep Freeze 后的音频设备问题。

39439 Deep Freeze 和微软系统中心配置管理器 (SCCM) 软件计量功能之间的不兼容问题。

40205 Deep Freeze 冰点安装程序认为虚拟 Google Drive 是可以 Frozen 冻结的卷。(案例编号:EGK-724-68412)

43505 FAT32 文件系统数据分区上的数据被损坏。

44077 安装 Deep Freeze 冰点时,Iron Key USB 设备不能正确检测磁盘可用空间。(CN #22824)。

44401 在特定情况下,Deep Freeze 冰点在安装时启用了“管理虚拟内存”选项,并且系统驱动器上的可用空间低于 10%。

44429 在特定情况下,即使启用了“管理虚拟内存”选项并且 Deep Freeze 冰点设置了页面文件,Deep Freeze 冰点仍停止监控页面文件设置。

44670 启用 UEFI 时 Deep Freeze 冰点功能无法工作。

44707 如果页面文件主机驱动器上的可用空间低于 10%,“管理虚拟内存”选项不会关闭。

45820 DFInstall.log 未记录日语和中文的通知消息。 版(2023 年 11 月 29 日)


  • 新式待机和休眠兼容性 – Deep Freeze 冰点工作站现已支持新式待机、休眠和快速启动电源选项,可节能并延长电池寿命。需要兼容的系统。
  • Deep Freeze 冰点日志文件 – 客户端将自动备份 Deep Freeze 冰点日志,确保最佳性能。
  • 管理虚拟内存 – 在“高级”选项下选择此选项,即可让 Deep Freeze 冰点管理分页文件大小,从而在 RAM 有限的工作站上实现更好的处理性能。


28006 解决了在 Frozen 冻结状态下系统可能随机挂起的问题。建议始终启用新的“管理虚拟内存”复选框,以允许 Deep Freeze 冰点管理分页文件大小,提高效率。(案例编号:KBK-301-15788、HFG-902-80256、TXW-714-46790、DCK-357-11563、VVQ-945-75978)

28183 解决了 Windows Defender 阻止 Deep Freeze 冰点可执行文件的问题。(案例编号:LYC-936-29805)

40436 解决了计算机进入新式待机模式后,笔记本电脑耗电速度变快的问题。(案例编号:RLB-437-39845)

42541 解决了后台运行的服务意外触发并安装 Windows 更新的问题。(案例编号:CGX-669-80714)

43598 解决了工作站随机挂起且无可识别模式的问题。(案例编号:WPD-530-71307) 版(2021 年 7 月 30 日)

注意:Deep Freeze 冰点 8.63 支持的 Windows 11(此版本已经过广泛测试,未检测到任何已知问题)。


28484 解决了当 Deep Freeze 处于 Frozen 冻结状态时,Windows 10 工作站随机挂起的问题。

31618 解决了从 RDP 将 Deep Freeze 重启为 Frozen 冻结状态导致 Deep Freeze 重启为 Frozen & Locked 冻结并锁定状态的问题。

31717 解决了无法从安装有 nComputing vSpace 的计算机上卸载 Deep Freeze Server Standard 的问题 。

34781 解决了当 Windows 更新系统历史记录中存在 Staged 暂存状态的永久条目时,Deep Freeze 工作站无法启动 Frozen 冻结的问题。 版(2020 年 12 月 8 日)

注意:Deep Freeze 冰点 8.62 支持的 Windows 10 最高版本为 21H1(此版本已经过广泛测试,未检测到任何已知问题)。


34699 当 Windows 更新系统历史记录中有状态为”正在进行”的永久条目时,Deep Freeze 冰点工作站安装程序会阻止安装。

33606 当 Windows 更新系统历史记录中有状态为”正在进行”的永久条目时,Deep Freeze 冰点工作站无法实现”启动后 Frozen 冻结”。 版(2020 年 6 月 26 日)


  • 支持最新版 Boot Camp
    Deep Freeze 支持 v6.1.7748 及以上版本的 Boot Camp。


30011 解决了 Deep Freeze 无法冻结安装在虚拟机上的系统的问题。

28916 解决了使用 FSLogix 配置文件容器时,Frozen 冻结计算机发生崩溃的问题。

28687 解决了 Deep Freeze 驱动程序和可执行文件出现冗余 SHA-1 签名的问题。

28458 解决了安装 Deep Freeze Surface Pro X 时,发生蓝屏死机 (BSOD) 的问题。

27940 解决了 OWC ThunderBlade 驱动器连接到运行 Deep Freeze 的系统时,工作站发生蓝屏死机 (BSOD) 的问题。 版(2020 年 1 月 17 日)


  • Windows Server 2003 支持终止
    为了确保 Deep Freeze 冰点继续利用最新技术,Faronics 在该版 Deep Freeze 冰点中正式结束了对 Server 2003 的支持。Microsoft 分别于 2015 年 7 月 14 日正式终止了对 Windows Server 2003 的支持。


25400 解决了在 Deep Freeze 冰点工作站上安装了某一特定软件(例如 PUBG、Fortnite、Easy Anti-Cheat、BattlEye)时,系统会崩溃的问题。

26287 解决了用户无法从 Frozen 冻结状态启动到”高级启动选项”的问题。

26731 解决了在客户端计算机上安装 Deep Freeze 冰点后,用户无法登录的问题。 版(2019 年 3 月 20 日)


  • 将系统驱动器排除在 Deep Freeze 冰点保护之外
    客户现在可以选择将系统驱动器配置为”Thawed 解冻”。
  • 全面支持 NVMe 驱动器
    Deep Freeze 冰点现在兼容采用高级格式 (4K) 技术的 NVMe 驱动器(通常用于现代 Mac 计算机)。
  • 支持 iSCSI 驱动器
    Deep Freeze 冰点现在兼容 iSCSI 驱动器


14289 解决了在配有 NVMe 驱动器(采用高级格式 (4K) 技术)的计算机上安装 Deep Freeze 冰点工作站之后,系统无法启动的问题。(此类驱动器主要用于现代 Mac 计算机。)

20567 解决了在最新版本的 Windows 10 上,当在 Deep Freeze 冰点中启用了”缓存 Windows 更新”选项时 Windows 更新无法下载的问题。

22238 解决了当连接 Imation 设备时,Windows 操作系统无法启动的问题。 版(2018 年 12 月 12 日)


23667 解决了在某些情况下重启时显示错误 (DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL) 的问题。

24292 Windows 10 版本 1803:解决了 Deep Freeze 工作站在”核心隔离”设置中启用”内存完整性”之后不启动的问题。

24558 解决了任务栏未显示 Deep Freeze 冰点图标的问题。


Version (December 2013)


8831 On Windows 8 systems: Resolved an issue where AncillaryDev key disappears after upgrading Windows 8 to Windows 8.1, resulting in a failed uninstallation process.

9110 On Windows 8.1 RTM: Resolved an issue where the Fast Startup option failed to turn off while installing Deep Freeze.


Version (October 2013)

New Features

Deep Freeze notification messages are now displayed on all active user sessions on Remote Desktop Server (Windows Terminal Server) and Windows Multipoint Server. This feature is not supported on Windows Server 2012 and Windows Multipoint Server 2012. Learn more about Deep Freeze behavior when installed on Remote Desktop Server.


7766 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze installed incorrectly on Session 0.

7795 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze service reported an invalid current state 0 in the Windows Event Log. (Case No: YOC-456-50071)


Version (July 2013)


7311 Resolved an issue where the DFDiskLow drive caused BSOD on Windows XP systems with a FAT32 system partition. (Case No: RLM-498-27897, YKA-210-55431)

7053 Resolved an issue where data on Thawed partitions larger than 1TB was inaccessible with IO error due to large data sets. (Case No: MQD-872-12018)


Version (March 2013)


7156 Resolved an issue on XP systems where the error ‘Not enough server storage available’ was displayed on Deep Freeze workstations with certain third party software that utilizes IRPStack system resource. (Case No: JVU-655-36949)

7240 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze caused a deadlock on system startup if there was a zip drive present. (Case No: XBI-364-81148)

7307 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze 7.6 caused Blue Screen on computers with Microsoft BitLocker enabled on the system drive. (Case No: ZIH-859-63089)

7327 Resolved random Blue Screen issues on systems with a many disk devices . (Case No: TIW-271-41633/SUT-748-38530)


Version (December 2012)

New Features

  • Supports Windows Server 2012
  • Support for Windows To Go
    Deep Freeze can be installed on Windows To Go to boot and run from mass storage devices such as USB flash drives and external hard disk drives.
  • Disable System Refresh and Reset
    Disable Windows 2012 System Refresh and Reset when Frozen. Learn more about the difference between Deep Freeze and Microsoft System Refresh and Reset.
  • Support for BitLocker ‘Used Disk Space’ Encryption
    Deep Freeze is compatible with ‘Used Disk Space Only’ encryption in BitLocker on Windows 2012. Learn more.
  • License Key Activation
    This version will include the ability to activate the license key. Activation is simple and painless and does not require the user to input any personal or authentication information. Learn more.


6762 Workstation Blue Screen when ejecting ESATA devices. (XCN-236-87261)

Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 Specific Fixes

5511 When remotely accessing Windows 8 workstations while Thawed and Locked, keyboard and mouse remain locked and black screen shows.

5512 Remotely accessing a Windows 8 workstation in a Frozen or Locked state and then Locking it will cause the target workstation to reboot unexpectedly.

5537 Workstation will Blue Screen when DF is installed with Windows 8 Storage Spaces.

6085 Workstations Blue Screen when creating ThawSpace on ReFS.

6085 On Windows Server 2012: ThawSpace hosted on ReFS partition is not accessible.

6104 Windows Server 2012 will Blue Screen while performing a backup

6234 On Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012: The workstation Blue Screen when installing ThawSpaces on Windows Storage Spaces.

6265 On Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012: Deep Freeze workstation does not show pop up messages on Windows Start screen.

6306 On Windows Server 2012: Deadlock on startup, when boot into Frozen state on the system with Storage Spaces hosted on physical disk

6338 Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012: Storage Space drive remains Frozen when configured as Thawed.

6713 On Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012: Sent Message is not displayed on the target workstation which is automatically logged in.

6735 Windows 8: Cannot manually shutdown Deep Freeze workstation with ‘Fast Start up’ option enabled. Learn more.

6819 Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012: Notifications with a Cancel button consumes 100% CPU even after clicking on it.

Accepted Behavior for Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012

6147 Windows 8: If there are any ThawSpace existing, recimg.exe fails to create backup image. Learn more.

6151 When backing up the workstation in a Frozen state, both the backup application and the system hangs. Do not backup when workstation is Frozen.

6332 Status of Dynamic StorageSpace drives on Windows 8 workstations are reported as ‘Healthy (At Risk)’ in Disk Manager. Learn more.

6811 Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012: When the Notification displays on the logon screen it does not stay on top of the Start screen.

6821 Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012: A new Notification window does not popup if another Notification window is running in another user session.


Version (September 2012)


5471 Resolved issues related to insufficient space on system drives when installing Deep Freeze. (Case No: YBK-318-94672)


Version (July 2012)

New Features

  • Protect Master Boot Record (MBR)
    Deep Freeze prevents a virus from injecting into MBR.
  • Support for Hard Drives larger than 2 TB
  • New and improved Deep Freeze Workstation Service with Logging.
    Enables our Tech Support to help with any corner cases.


2504 Resolved an issue where there was a random deadlock on startup while installing/uninstalling Deep Freeze or creating/deleting ThawSpaces.

4037 Resolved Blue Screen issue with certain keyboard and mouse drivers. (Case No: ZYP-187-69083, DCK-331-46840, OLV-592-70831)

4255 Resolved Blue Screen issue when Express Cache is installed. (Case No: HMT-966-41631)

3572 Resolved an issue where the task failed with License Expired error when trying to reboot workstations with expired license into Thawed mode.
3900 Resolved translation issues. (Case No: OTU-350-44687)


Version (March 2012)

New Features

  • Improvements in Deep Freeze WMI Classes.
  • License expiry notification displayed in the system tray.
  • Improved Deep Freeze performance related to Terminal Services and Roaming Profiles.


FB1922 Resolved a Blue Screen at login on Frozen computers after updating from Deep Freeze 6.22 to 7.21. (Case No: TTR-416-23714)

FB2557 Resolved an issue on systems with custom Windows folder: Secure Channel Password was not being managed when Deep Freeze was in a Thawed state. (Case No: DGV-558-22897)

TT2254 Resolved an issue where after uninstalling Deep Freeze on the workstation, Deep Freeze entry is not removed from Faronics Product under WMI.

TT2620 Resolved a Blue Screen on Dell computer with RAID hardware controller (PERC card) (Case No: RYF-134-76780)

TT2621 Resolved a Blue Screen. (Case No: OYK-134-64403)

TT2627 Resolved an unexpected shutdown error on a computer with hardware RAID controller. (Case No: IIA-307-84690)

TT2695 Resolved a Blue Screen issue after upgrading Deep Freeze. (Case No: MIS-143-20157)

TT2697 Resolved a cosmetic issue in the Status of Next Reboot option. (Case No: RLX-148-27814)

TT2774 Resolved an issue where the Windows Program Compatibility Assistant displayed a warning when Deep Freeze installation was cancelled.




1902 Resolved issue where the keyboard shortcuts on the workstation did not work.

2245 Resolved a Blue Screen issue while logging off Windows 7. (Case: 130-33089)

2299 Resolved issue where the Embedded Events show inaccurate message time.

2323 Resolve a Blue Screen issue while logoff. (Case: 223-40305)

2326 Resolve a Blue Screen issue while logoff. (Case: 42-39496)

2328 Resolve a Blue Screen issue while logoff. (Case: 153-42051)

2325 Resolved issue where the number of Thawed restarts field was not wide enough to show two digits and was not limited to 9.

2339 Resolved issue where DFC crashed when launched from Windows folder.

2349 Resolved issue where Deep Freeze command line password was not limited to 63 characters.

2352 Resolved issue where D drive shows as Frozen even when it is Thawed and has a page file on it. (Case: 121-43697)

2354 Resolved issue with Deep Freeze and Ramdisk.

2363 Resolved issue where the Error Notification is not displayed when incorrect network settings are set via Deep Freeze.

2370 Resolved issue where the blank password dialog must expand and the scroll bar was not displayed.

2371 Resolved issue where the MaximumPasswordAge registry is not reverted back to 30 when Deep Freeze is uninstalled from the workstation.

2372 Resolved issue where the Deep Freeze UI items disappear when Alt button is pressed.

L226 Resolved issue where Anti-Executable was partially installed when Faronics Core remotely installed Anti-Executable after Deep Freeze is remotely installed.




2271 Resolved issue where Windows entered a boot loop when Deep Freeze was installed on an SSD supporting the ATA TRIM command. (Case# 76-37482)

2330 Resolved a password security issue.

2238 Resolved issue where Deep Freeze was unstable after running Last Good Known Configuration. (Case # 153-29637)

2246 Resolved issue where the Deep Freeze Workstation Installer hanged when it failed to write to the registry (due to a registry protection software blocking system registry access).

2308 Resolved issue where Deep Freeze looped infinitely in the Please Wait dialog when double- clicking the Install button.

2336 Resolved issue where FrzState login is not protected against buffer overflow and crashes if a long password string is entered.




2257 Resolved issue that could prevent roaming profiles from synchronizing correctly upon user log off.



New Features

  • Enhanced security.


2152 Resolved compatibility issue with WinMagic SecureDoc encryption software.



New Features

  • Officially supported on Windows Server 2008 R2.
  • Licensing: Deep Freeze now employs the same licensing scheme as other Faronics products. Therefore, a valid License Key must be entered into the product in order to prevent it from expiring after a 30-day evaluation period.
  • Simplified Chinese localization added.
  • Rewritten password security functionality to resolve a reported potential security vulnerability in which a malicious user may be able to bypass the Deep Freeze password dialog when running as a Windows administrator user.


652 Windows Server 2008 only: Resolved issue where Deep Freeze files did not have proper large and extra large icons.

942 Resolved issue that could allow a non-administrator user to kill Deep Freeze processes resulting in the icon not being displayed in the system tray (the machine would remain Frozen).

1153 Resolved issue that could cause the Deep Freeze icon to not appear in the System Tray, resulting in an inability to access the Deep Freeze login menu.

1179 Resolved issue that could cause the Deep Freeze password dialog to become non-responsive due to a compatibility issue with Novell’s login dll (NWGina.dll).

1561 Changing settings Boot Control settings results in a single (formerly multiple) confirmation dialogs.

1802 Resolved issue that could result in a failed installation of Deep Freeze in very rare circumstances.

1848 Resolved issue that could result in Windows errors occurring during boot while Frozen in very rare circumstances.

1944 Resolved an issue that could prevent installation from occurring successfully if a workstation had been updated to v6.52 or higher, then downgraded to v6.50, then updated to v6.51.

2022 Resolved a potential security vulnerability that only affected Deep Freeze Standard installations.

2076 Resolved issue that could prevent a user from controlling Deep Freeze locally on a workstation.



New Features

  • Windows Server 2008 support.
  • The Boot Control window provides the ability to Reboot Now.
  • System tray icon no longer flashes when machine is Thawed.


  • Resolved issue that could cause a Blue Screen in very specific circumstances: a non-functional place-holder SD card was inserted into a card reader slot on a machine with some versions of the Ricoh hardware driver installed.
  • Resolved issue that could prevent a machine from restarting correctly after installation of Deep Freeze.
  • Resolved issue that could cause the Windows login window to fail to appear on certain computers that had Deep Freeze installed.
  • Resolved compatibility issue with nForce RAID systems.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause an installation to fail on computers that are not logged in (after the machine was restored from a Sysprep image).
  • Resolved issues that could prevent the Deep Freeze icon from being displayed in the System Tray on any machines, resulting in the computer being unable to be booted into the Thawed state.
  • Resolved compatibility issue with SafeGuard.
  • Resolved issue where some buttons were not localized on non-English systems.
  • Resolved compatibility issue with Daemon Tools that could prevent USB drives from mounting on first use.
  • Resolved a compatibility issue with Tor Privoxy.



New Features

  • Windows Server 2003 64 bit support.
  • Localization to English, French, German, Spanish, and Japanese languages.


  • Resolved a compatibility issue that causes Blue Screen when booting into the Frozen state.
  • Resolved a compatibility issue with nVidia Nforce IDE drivers.
  • Resolved an issue that caused the abnormal termination of the process that allows the user to change the Deep Freeze state locally.
  • Resolved an issue when installing Deep Freeze Server on compressed drives.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented accessing the Deep Freeze Server login window through the hotkey combination Ctrl-Alt-Shift-F6 if the password was changed and the confirmation message was closed automatically.