Listening to prospects and customers is a huge source of innovation for Faronics! Many of our products actually originated from our customers’ ideas.
Our PC power management software Power Save was released in 2007, but the idea originated in 2004. In fact, there were three innovations that contributed to the growth of Power Save:
- A Deep Freeze customer asked us for a method to keep their system ‘fresh’ – we implemented a “Scheduled Restart” feature as well as an “Idle Time Restart” feature.
- A Deep Freeze prospect saw this exact feature and said that if we added a “Scheduled Shutdown” then the ROI would easily justify the purchase of Deep Freeze. Brilliant!
- That prospect, now a customer, referred us to BC Hydro, our utility company, and we started discussion about what the world’s best computer energy management product would look like and there you have it!– the concept of Power Save was born!
Don’t ever stop sending us your feedback! We wouldn’t be here without it!