My Smartphone: My BFF

My Smartphone: My BFF

recent survey that I came across states that 13% of cell owners pretend to be using their phone to avoid interacting with people. Admittedly I was actually reading this survey when I was out with friends and trying to avoid talking about the finer points of Lady Gaga’s latest wardrobe. Tune friends out, tune cell phone in. Who needs friends when I have my phone?

Cell phones are great for more than just tuning out the world. They’re also great for blocking it out too! Feeling awkward in the elevator? Pull out your phone—there’s an important text to respond to! Waiting for your friends to show up? Pull out your phone—the ringer was just on silent, I just have to take this call.

Thanks to the smartphone there’s no more awkwardness anymore. You’re occupied! No one is going to try and talk to you now.

Cell phones are no longer basic enough to simply store numbers and feature games like snake. Today’s smartphones let us do everything! You can text, email, surf the net, play games—you want it, it’s there and there’s an App for it.

Our cell phone becomes the best friend we’ve ever had. It won’t argue with you, steal your crush, or laugh at you. It’ll be with you through the good times and bad, and for those foggy moments in between it can be used to help you jog your memory with photos and videos (or at the very least give you a complete recount of dialed calls and sent text messages from the night before).  It may show a little attitude every now and then by freezing up but nothing’s perfect.

The important thing to remember here is —oh, sorry. I just have to take this call.

Or do I?

About The Author

Scott Cornell

When he’s not knee deep in blogging and all things tech, Scott spends his free time playing ultimate Frisbee and watching foreign films. An expert in emerging tech trends, Scott always has his ear to ground for breaking news related to IT security.

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