With so many social networking sites, are you finding it tough to manage your applications? Can you recite from memory exactly which applications you’ve granted permission to your accounts? Don’t worry. Most us can’t even remember half of them. But now there’s a handy solution to help you clean up your permissions in less than 2 minutes.
Mypermissions.org makes managing permissions a breeze. And the best part is you don’t have to hand over your account log-ins and passwords. Instead, MyPermissions is an easy to use bookmark that takes you directly to the permissions pages for Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, LinkedIn, Dropbox, Instagram, and Flickr.
Simply click on the social icon you use (i.e. Facebook) and it will take you directly to the app permissions page. Are you ready for a surprise? It’s shocking to see how many apps you’ve given permission and in many cases, you might find yourself wondering when you connected with that app in the first place. Not to worry. With one easy click, you can swiftly revoke any application’s access to your account. Whew.
And since we know that cleaning permissions should not be a once-a-year task, MyPermissions offers even more tools. To help you stay on top of your permissions as we move into 2012, MyPermissions offers you a monthly reminder to check your permissions. Keeping your social networks free from unwanted apps has never been easier.