Secure Computers WITHOUT Anti-Virus?! It’s True.

Secure Computers WITHOUT Anti-Virus?! It’s True.

We often hear that relying solely on an anti-virus solution is no longer enough, but what about eliminating anti-virus altogether? Impossible? Before you click away in disbelief, I’m telling you it’s true. It happened for UK based Explore Learning.

As featured in SC magazine , Stuart Morgan, the IT Director of Explore Learning was looking for a solution that allowed users unrestricted access without compromising the network. The search led him to Faronics Deep Freeze. Deep Freeze restores workstation configurations with every reboot. It also prevents unwanted or unwelcome changes from sticking, ultimately reducing IT support and callout costs.

“You can reboot the machine so if something detrimental has been done to the machine, you can wipe it,” claimed Morgan. “There is a constant battle with policies and needs of security and users, but with Deep Freeze you set up profiles and with the sandboxing option there is not this problem.”

Morgan explained that three staff members are responsible for 2,000 desktops in 48 centers across the UK that are used by 13,000 people. In the past issues were resolved using re-imaging tools to restore PCs back to their original state. This was time consuming but with Deep Freeze it is a standard Windows start-up.

Deep Freeze has allowed Morgan to remove anti-virus software from the desktops that are running the client, so if a computer gets a virus, it is rebooted.

“We did not remove the anti-virus straightaway, and I would be cautious to recommend doing that but in terms of cost, Deep Freeze is lower per user than anti-virus,” said Morgan.

What are your thoughts on IT security without an anti-virus?

About The Author

Kelly Batke

Kelly is the self-confessed technology laggard who works in technology. The good news is she is slowly reaching late adopter status. Kelly enjoys learning and writing about the psychology behind technology—as in why do we buy what we buy, and how does that impact our environment?

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