The state of technology is constantly shifting. As such, it can often be difficult to stay abreast of changes and new developments. One of the areas where enterprises are having trouble adapting is cybersecurity. There is a growing concern that CEOs are not as invested as they need to be in these critical aspects of business continuity.
"More companies face cyberattacks and potential data theft, with many C-level executives unsure how to combat these types of growing threats," wrote Tweak Town contributor Michael Hatamoto. "CEOs should be extremely proactive to try and prevent cyberattacks, which will help protect employee and customer data from theft."
Leaders, managers and decision makers alike need to understand that the threat landscape is constantly in motion. Cybersecurity is not so much of a goal as it is a journey. Because criminals are always finding new ways to circumvent common defenses, absolute protection is somewhat of a moving target. There has to be a greater push to implement the measures that will keep systems as protected as possible.
Faronics can provide assistance
Even in the face of constant danger, there are ways to prevent becoming a victim of malware, phishing and other criminal ploys. Part of what modern organizations need to understand is that there is no one defense that will allow for universal protection. Layered security is vital in order to achieve a secure network.
Some of this protection comes in the form of Faronics Anti-Virus and Anti-Executable. The first of these two programs prevents harmful software from finding its way into enterprise systems. The latter serves as a secondary line of protection that prevents unapproved software from running in the background.
As corporate responsibilities change along with the state of technology, Faronics will be there to provide digital security.