Deep Freeze Best Practice For Users

For IT Staff:
  1. Keep the port ‘7725’ open on the network for Deep Freeze client communications. (On both, TCP and UDP protocols)
  2. Documenting ‘Customisation code’ safely, in case of console machine crashing.
  3. Do not initiate ‘Windows updates’ while the machine is frozen.
  4. Do not interrupt maintenance mode of Deep Freeze.
  5. Always Keep keyboard and mouse locked during maintenance mode.
  6. Do not treat Deep Freeze as an Antivirus solution, it is always recommended to have an Antivirus installed alongside Deep Freeze on the workstation.
  7. It is not recommended to run any disk utilities like Disk Defragmentation, Disk Partition Magic etc.
For Student users:
  1. Always log in using your Student login ID on the workstation.
  2. Make sure to save your documents to the thawed partition/ Network Shared drive and/or personal storage devices.
  3. Do not disable and/or tamper any folders/files/registry keys/ services of Deep Freeze.
  4. Any changes made on the wallpaper, clock settings, downloaded data, or any changes made to the workstations will be reverted after the reboot.
  5. Do not press the power button is the machine screen displays that the workstation is in the ‘Maintenance Mode’.
For Public access workstations:
  1. Do not install any application or download any critical data on the workstation as it will be lost once the workstation restart.
  2. Please save all your documents or downloads to the thawed drive (X: drive) or on the external storage device or upload on your personal cloud storage account.
  3. Do not initiate any commands or press the power button if the workstation screen says that the workstation is in ‘Maintenance Mode’.
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