Are your employees brilliant, passionate professionals who define their office by where their laptop is at the moment?Â
Do they work from various locations, yet still are unified by a single strategy and business vision?Â
Does your flexibility come from keeping your business as lean as possible? Are controlling costs and minimizing overhead critical?
If you answered yes, congratulations; you are one of the numerous businesses adapting to changing times. You are also most probably on top of the following trends:
1. Your long distance provider of choice is Skype. You jump on the video call or chat with co-workers across the globe free.
2. You use software as a service or open source for most of your applications: CRM, email, storage and back up, Google docs – you name it – it needs to be online.
3. You can’t allow any downtime on your laptop. If network gets infected with malware, you restore it to original state upon restart.
4. You hold weekly team meetings at local Starbucks.
5. You use Social Media as your platform of choice. Every employee is your brand ambassador and responds to Twitter with the same urgency they pick up the phone.
Is this your business? If yes, what else do you do to drive down the cost while driving you business to the top?