Is your school district looking for some fresh ideas to save money? One way to save you some green is to go green—and adopt a PC power management solution. It’s the quickest way to lower your school district’s power bill, saving you money.
Done right, a PC power management strategy can deliver a full ROI in as little as four months — less if you qualify for a rebate. Depending on the number of PCs in your district, you can easily save hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. Why waste money by wasting energy? Stop being careless with your power usage. Here are 4 tips to start you off:
1. Figure Out Your Current PC Energy Usage
Find out how many computers you have and when they are on. This gives you a starting point and makes it easier to find out how much money you could be saving.
2. Understand the Myths
Responsible computer energy consumption doesn’t always mean buying new hardware. Software can actually save you more money than new ‘energy efficient’ hardware can. Modern solutions are also non-disruptive and allow for patch management.
3. Look Beyond Group Policy Options
Popular options like Group Policies may work but they are limiting and don’t report on savings. You also can’t centrally manage your computers with GPOs, meaning no dashboard ‘at-a-glance’ looks to see your ROI progressing.
4. Ask About Local Rebates
Power companies all over North America offer great rebates to companies and people that show initiative to use known power management to lower their energy use.