Faronics News

Managing Insider ThreatsEvent Date: Thursday, November 3rd at 10am PT / 1pm ET

Organizations are investing in IT security solutions to protect their networks. CIOs are creating organization-wide policies to protect workstations and company data alike. And within these policies lies a usage component for acceptable employee behaviors. It’s always a struggle to strike a balance between flexibility and security. But how are you enforcing employee policies?

Internal threats are hitting the top charts of IT security worries. We’re no longer talking about disgruntled employees with a vendetta, but human error. In light of the fact that employees spend 25% of their working hours online for non-work matters, how do you know those sites are safe? Anti-virus alone will not protect your business from poisoned links, malware laced downloads, and social media scams.

It’s all about the people. As sophisticated cybercriminals continue to shift their focus to target the human element, your organization’s traditional defense strategy is not enough.

Join us for this exclusive webinar where you will learn:

  • Human curiosity and Internet risks
  • Other risks posed by unsuspecting employees
  • The truth about anti-virus protection
  • What you can do to protect your organization
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