Faronics News

Faronics Insight and Palmdale High School

Leonard Moreno, Information Technology Instructor at California’s Palmdale High School, was frustrated with how many problems the school’s classroom computer management software was creating. “It was supposed to simplify classroom computing for the teachers and not complicate it,” says Leonard. He knew the benefits were tangible and achievable, but the quality of the software solutions he tried were just not up to the task. It was then that he came to learn about Faronics Insight. “We already use and trust Faronics’ products. Once I saw Faronics had a classroom management solution called Insight, I knew it was something I had to try because it was going to work.”

Read this case study to discover the benefits that Faronics Insight gave to Palmdale High School. Competitive pricing, ease-of-use, and a powerful feature set all combined to give Leonard Moreno and the rest of the teaching staff the software solution they needed to turn their standard computer labs into collaborative learning environments.

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