Grab A Coffee, Get A Present!

It’s only Tuesday. You survived Monday but now you’re already overloaded with reducing IT support tickets and getting Mrs. Jensen’s mouse to stop doing that ‘clicky thing’ she’s been complaining about.

You need a break. Go grab a coffee! If you hit Starbucks you’ll also get a present—a free iPhone app!

The “Pick of the Week” program has been in use since April 2008, but now instead of free music each week, it’s iPhone apps!

I’m serious. Go to your nearest caffeine giant and look for the free “Pick of the Week” cards at the register while you’re paying for your venti quad-shot vanilla Americano. There’s a code on the back of it. Enter that code into iTunes or the App Store on your iPhone and voila, the featured app is yours—free of charge! That’s definitely got to put a smile on an IT support tech’s face (or anyone else’s for that matter).

The first app offered is Shazam Encore. I personally love this app as you can use it to find out the name of practically any song you get it to analyze. The Encore edition retails $5.99 US and has a lot more music-identifying features than its free counterpart.

Now when you’re on the job tackling IT support tickets, or hear a great song on Mrs. Jensen’s  speakers while fixing her mouse, use your new app to find out all of the song’s details. You can even buy it directly from iTunes right through the app!

You’re welcome.

About The Author

Scott Cornell

When he’s not knee deep in blogging and all things tech, Scott spends his free time playing ultimate Frisbee and watching foreign films. An expert in emerging tech trends, Scott always has his ear to ground for breaking news related to IT security.

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