Faronics Supports Jeans Day

By Kelly Batke

Jeans Day 2011

Community involvement is a key philosophy of many businesses. – And Faronics couldn’t agree more.

Over $2200 was raised by Faronics at the 20th annual Jeans Day in support of the B.C. Children’s Hospital Foundation. The Vancouver based software company raised the money from employees through the sale of Jeans Day buttons and pins, and was able to match its employee contributions dollar for dollar.

Faronics proudly presented the cheque to the foundation on May 16th, during the 12th annual A World of Smiles Telethon. Faronics has been a strong supporter of the B.C. Children’s Hospital Foundation for many years.

Charitable donations are one way that companies, owners and employees give back while fundraising brings workers together in support of a common cause and helps raise a company’s community profile. Knowing what motivates people and businesses to make monetary donations helps you set your policy for charitable giving for the year.

About The Author

Kelly Batke

Kelly is the self-confessed technology laggard who works in technology. The good news is she is slowly reaching late adopter status. Kelly enjoys learning and writing about the psychology behind technology—as in why do we buy what we buy, and how does that impact our environment?

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