Apparently I’ve Angered The Internet

Apparently I’ve Angered The Internet

*click* ……waiting ……waiting ……waiting ……bored now.

I shouldn’t be surprised. It’s the weekend—even I’m running at about 70% speed. But seriously, I don’t have time to wait for pages to load or links to work once I click them. Do you?

The internet is supposed to be fast, but wasn’t always fast. Technology has come a long way in recent years and we tend to take it for granted when it doesn’t come through for us.

Think back 10 years ago when 56K modems were standard practice. Any click you made would have taken a minute to load its destination. Downloading a 3MB song actually took days. It wasn’t convenient but I didn’t complain. That’s just how things worked. That was then, this is now.

As technology advances, we advance with it—and there’s no turning back. I could never go back to using a phone that didn’t let me text, email, surf the web or run apps. I could never go back to using a small monitor—or less than 3 of them (don’t judge me). Each new software version comes out with new features – would you be able to downgrade?

Maybe we are too reliant on technology. Kids today would rather have fast Internet and networks than functional washrooms. I enjoy a good ‘unplugged’ weekend every now and then but would probably start twitching if I wasn’t able to plug back in come Monday morning.

Technology is only going to get better. Better software, better hardware. All aimed at making our lives easier and letting us accomplish tasks faster. The easier it makes our lives the more we can’t live without it. It seems as technology advances, we regress. I can’t even deal with slow ‘high-speed’ Internet.

Maybe if I click the links a bunch of times it’ll open faster. You know, the same way pushing the button at the elevator makes it come quicker. Wishful thinking?

About The Author

Scott Cornell

When he’s not knee deep in blogging and all things tech, Scott spends his free time playing ultimate Frisbee and watching foreign films. An expert in emerging tech trends, Scott always has his ear to ground for breaking news related to IT security.

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