Although computers in schools have the power to enhance the classroom experience for both students and teachers, the benefits can easily be lost to distractive elements such as games, instant messaging, and web surfing.
For Josh Kolka, Technology Administrator for Bangor Township Schools, helping teachers battle these distractive elements was becoming a priority.
“Some of our labs have computers assembled into pods,” says Josh. “It’s great when it comes to fostering collaboration and teamwork between students, but it does make it very difficult for a teacher to monitor what students are doing at all times. Teachers would walk around the classroom to monitor activities, but once they walked to another pod a student could easily visit a game website and stop doing their work.”
As a result, Josh was receiving requests from lab teachers for a solution that enabled them to view and control student workstations from their own workstation. Although Josh wanted to help these teachers, he was not sure if Bangor Township Schools could implement such a solution due to the potential cost and time commitment required for planning and implementation.
Read the Case Study to learn how Faronics Insight helped Bangor Township Schools gain total control over classroom technology and student attention.