Over the past few years we have been working closely with early 1:1 adopters as they’ve implemented1:1 programs in their schools. The purpose of this technical paper is to help other schools implementing classroom management in their 1:1 programs learn the best practices being used at these schools.
America’s Digital Schools 2008 reported that 27% of their survey respondents were implementing 1:1 in at least one full grade in at least one school. They also reported that teacher preparedness and buy-in, along with appropriate support and differentiated training were critical factors in 1:1 programs. Without these critical factors many times students use technology for just taking notes and surfing the web.
In the schools that we’ve worked with, classroom management becomes an important part of the 1:1 learning solution. It is used to train teachers as well as students. Eventually the teachers move past the pure monitoring features and leverage the software to create an interactive, collaborative, differentiated 21st century learning environment.
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