Cloud Sync
Cloud Sync
Deep Freeze supports Dropbox, Google Drive, and OneDrive
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Deep Freeze supports Dropbox, Google Drive, and OneDrive.
ThawSpace in the cloud to automatically sync critical user data.
Critical user data is retained and synced to the cloud while your computer stays protected.

Deep Freeze supports popular cloud storage services
Deep Freeze supports popular cloud storage services
  • ThawSpace in the Cloud: User data is now synced to the cloud.
  • Multiple users using the same computer cannot access each other's Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive data.
Users save their work directly on their preferred cloud drive
Users save their work directly on their preferred cloud drive
  • Increase security by no longer needing to save sensitive data on vulnerable USB drives.
  • Data remains available on the cloud and can be accessed by the user from any computer.
No need to manage files servers and expensive network storage
No need to manage files servers and expensive network storage
  • No need to provide network shared folders to users.
  • No need to create ThawSpaces to retain user data.
  • No need to backup user data.
Prevent data theft on mobile computers
Prevent data theft on mobile computers
  • The data is automatically synced to the cloud.
  • Synced files are automatically deleted to prevent data theft.

How it works
How it works
  • Cloud Sync data is visible to the user and are shown in Windows Explorer. However, it is not downloaded unless the user modifies the file. Once the file is saved, it is synced to the cloud and the local copy is deleted.
  • User data continues to be synced to the respective cloud account even after they logoff or reboot the computer.
  • The cloud data is not downloaded unless a file is accessed by the user.
  • Files can be synced automatically from default Windows folders like the Desktop, Documents, or Downloads.
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