We first discovered Deep Freeze after doing some web searches and from it being recommended by other libraries for the purpose of locking down a computer. Now we use Deep Freeze on all of our public access computers at our libraries, as well as on selected laptops that access the Internet but are not connected to our domain and patch and anti-virus servers. Prior to Deep Freeze we had many instances of computers becoming corrupted. The resulting downtime ranged from an hour to an entire day. Problems like these were only resolved when a technician visited the computer, and often times it required them to reload the entire system. Having Deep Freeze on our computers has solved the problem of 'tinkerers of the world' changing settings and files on our public computers.Downloaded programs, malware and pop-ups are virtually a thing of the past. Anytime there is a computer problem we have the library staff reboot the machine to see if returning it to the baseline configuration helps. For the most part, it does. We still have to visit library branches, but I am sure we have been able to cut our visits to less than ÂĽ of our previous trips.
— Mike Pace, Information Systems Davis County Government, Davis County, UT