COPYRIGHT © 1996 - 2025 Faronics Corporation.
Cloud Product Data & Privacy
When you use Faronics products, you entrust us with data regarding your system and your system’s users. We recognize that your privacy and security are valuable, and that in collecting and holding your data we have the responsibility to use it responsibly and keep it secure. To ensure your privacy, we use your data only to provide you with services and to improve those services. To ensure your data security, we ensure the data is stored on secure servers, and erase it when you no longer require our services. Below is an explanation of why we collect your data, how we use it, how long we keep your data, and what types of data we collect. If you have questions about what you see here, don’t hesitate to contact us at
Why the software collects data
Faronics’ products enables our customers to monitor and control user computers and mobile devices, and as part of this process, our software collects and analyzes data regarding hardware and software configuration, and user activities. The data collected by the software is essential to its operation and its continued improvement. Simply put, Faronics software requires a fair degree of knowledge of the current and intended states of target systems to safely execute commands on them, and requires knowledge of user actions to effectively monitor what target systems are doing. This data is also used to help inform decisions regarding future improvements to the software, including how to improve user experience, what new features to develop, and what issues require correction. Faronics does not use system configuration or user data to create targeted advertisements. Faronics software also collects data regarding our customers, which is used to maintain our relationships with those customers. Customer data is not used to create targeted advertisements.
Who analyzes and stores the data
Deep Freeze Cloud and its services are deployed using a cloud model, where software is deployed on a cloud and maintained by Faronics staff. While the customer has control over the configuration and actions of the software, Faronics acts as the data processor on the customer’s behalf. Data is collected, processed, and stored using our servers, and is subject to Faronics data security and privacy policies. That said, customers have access to the processed data and much of the raw data, and can export some data types to their own system if they choose.
Who is responsible for getting consent
Although Faronics software is used to collect data, Faronics itself does not interact directly with the end users, who are the customers of Faronics’ customers. Rather, the software is managed by Faronics at the customer’s behest. It is therefore the customer’s responsibility to ensure that they have consent to collect data from the end users
Faronics data retention policies
In addition to our regulated responsibilities, Faronics is committed to following best practices in privacy and data protection. Faronics retains a subset of the data it collects, and will retain your data for as long as necessary to provide our services to you. When the data is no longer required in order to deliver services, and after suitable notice to you, we will delete your data from our system. Generally, this is within 12 months to 2 years of you no longer using our services. This delay meant to provide you with ample time to safely remove the cloud clients from your environment, as the clients cannot be removed after we have erased your data. Note that you may request that Faronics remove your data sooner if you choose. For more details, please see our Terms of Service
UserVoice data retention policies
UserVoice is third-party feedback collection tool that is incorporated into the Deep Freeze Cloud Console. It collects and retains data differently than the Faronics products it is a part of; UserVoice does not collect any data until the user enters feedback, at which point a UserVoice account is created for the user based on the personal information they enter. UserVoice accounts and associated data are erased when the user account is deleted, but Faronics can also delete the data at any time upon request.
Faronics privacy policies
Faronics respects your privacy; we will not use your data to target you with advertisements. For more details, please see our Privacy Policy
What data is collected
Faronics cloud products do not have the same data for all systems and users—what data we collect depends on which applications and services the customer has elected to use. In addition to identity, version, licensing, and configuration information of the Faronics products in use, our products have access to the following information according to each service:
Cloud Agent enables communication between the Cloud Console and the cloud services. This means that if a computer runs any cloud services, it must also run the Cloud Agent.
To perform its duties, the software requires the following data:
Anti-Bullying is an incident reporting and tracking utility which assists users to reduce bullying by cataloging issues and helping to recognize trends. To perform its duties, the software requires the following data:
Anti-Executable prevents unknown or undesirable programs from running on computers. To perform its duties, the software requires the following data:
Campus Affairs is a mobile app that aggregates campus news and information for students. To perform its duties, the software requires the following data:
CloudSync enables users to securely access and edit their cloud files even if Deep Freeze is installed on their computer. To perform its duties, the software requires the following data:
Data Igloo is companion software to Deep Freeze which allows select files to be updated and saved even when Deep Freeze is active. To perform its duties, the software requires the following data:
Deep Freeze “freezes” the computer configuration, returning it to the same state upon reboot regardless of what occurred in the meantime. To perform its duties, the software requires the following data:
Deep Freeze Cloud Console is the interface used by administrators to manage the deployment. To perform its duties, the software requires the following data:
Mobile Device Management (iOS) is an iOS app that enables the Cloud Console to communicate with, monitor, and control iOS devices. To perform its duties, the software requires the following data:
Mobile Device Management (Android) is an Android app that enables the Cloud Console to communicate with, monitor, and control Android devices. To perform its duties, the software requires the following data:
Power Save is energy management software that reduces power consumption by fine-tuning when and how computers power down. To perform its duties, the software requires the following data:
Software Updater automatically downloads and applies updates to software on the computer, even if Deep Freeze is installed. To perform its duties, the software requires the following data:
Usage Stats assists IT staff in determining how computers are utilized (or underutilized) by tracking and reporting computer usage. To perform its duties, the software requires the following data:
UserVoice is a user feedback utility incorporated into the Deep Freeze Cloud console. To perform its duties, the software requires the following information:
WINSelect applies restrictions to what operations can be performed within the Windows operating system. To perform its duties, the software requires the following data:
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