Scheduling Tasks in Enterprise Console

Deep Freeze Enterprise helps manage various workstations connected over a network through a single console and ensures complete system recovery through its patented Reboot to Restore technology. After the deployment of Deep Freeze Enterprise over the network, users might feel the need to create an ad hoc task, or schedule a regular task to be performed over the systems.

This video provides step-by-step visual instructions on how tasks can be scheduled/automated using the Deep Freeze Enterprise console.

Creating task using Scheduler in Deep Freeze Enterprise

On the left hand side of the Enterprise Console, users will find ‘Scheduler’ option which helps in automating scheduled tasks. In order to schedule a task, users need to right click on the ‘Scheduler’ and select the ‘add task’ option. In a small pop up window, users will get seven different tasks to automate, which are ‘Restart’, ‘Shutdown’, ‘Wake-On-LAN’, ‘Reboot Frozen’, ‘Reboot Thawed’, ‘Reboot Thawed Locked’ and ‘Send Message’ respectively.

Users need to choose any one task and schedule it as per the requirement. Once the task has been created successfully, a summary of the task will appear on the screen. After reviewing the inputs, users need to click on the ‘Finish’ button and the task name will appear under the Scheduler.

How to activate a scheduled task

Users need to click on the workstation group on the left hand side, select the workstations that they need the task to be initiated on and drag and drop them on the task icon itself. By right clicking on the task icon, users will get various other task-specific options, such as executing the task immediately, viewing task properties or removing it as per requirement.