Student Workstations Keeping You Up At Night? They Don’t Have To….
by Maryam Mahjoub – 04/20/11
Paul Glenn, Student Lab System Administrator at University of Kentucky, faced numerous problems in his day-to-day operations. Student workstations were constantly going down due to user activity—both innocent and malicious. “Our students love to tinker with computers, especially our computer science students,” says Mr. Glenn. “In addition to having to repair corrupted computers, we were getting reports of computers being infected with keyloggers.”
Paul recalls that because so many machines would regularly become unusable, IT was not able to repair all the student workstations immediately.
“I first heard about Deep Freeze from a security officer on campus,” says Mr. Glenn. “I immediately downloaded and tested Deep Freeze, and loved it.” Faronics Deep Freeze helps eliminate workstation damage and downtime by making computer configurations indestructible, even when users have full access to system software and settings. Once Deep Freeze was installed on the student workstations, any changes made to the computer—regardless of whether they are accidental or malicious— were never permanent.
“Ever since we installed Deep Freeze, our trouble calls have dropped by 90%,” says Paul.
Paul and his team can finally rest assured that their student workstations are always up, running, and available for use.
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