版(2024 年 6 月 22 日)
- 核心隔离支持:增强了与 Windows 10 和 11 的兼容性。Deep Freeze 冰点现支持默认启用核心隔离功能的计算机,确保客户可使用这一重要的 Windows 安全功能。
- 大众用户登录:使用从企业版控制台远程登录客户端的新功能,简化管理任务。无需与每台机器进行实地交互。
- 工作站搜索:增强了企业版控制台所有列的搜索功能。使用工作站网格的新搜索框快速查找所需内容。
- 按 OS 内部版本号筛选:改进了排序功能。管理员现可在操作系统栏和用户定义组中使用 OS 内部版本号对系统进行筛选和排序,以便更好地进行组织和管理。
- DF 本地事件日志:在 Windows 本地事件日志中记录信息事件。日志包括 Deep Freeze 冰点状态(Thawed 解冻、Frozen 冻结、锁定、维护中)、本地更改状态的用户身份以及更改来源(控制台、用户、命令行),以便更好地进行监督、提高透明度。
46163 解决了高版本 Deep Freeze Enterprise 冰点企业版控制台无法激活旧版 8.63 客户端的问题。(CN# 502735)
31652 解决了在基于虚拟化的安全功能或内存完整性功能(在核心隔离设置中)启用时,Deep Freeze 冰点工作站出现启动错误的问题。(案例编号:KGE-734-30441、AGS-503-14300)
24222 解决了 Deep Freeze 冰点控制台中的 OS 栏无法按 Windows 10 OS 内部版本号进行筛选的问题。(案例编号:ZNT-428-53234)
11387 NTFS Storage Space(NTFS 存储空间)不受支持。配有单个或多个 NTFS Storage Space(NTFS 存储空间)的 Windows 8 及更高版本系统的计算机重启时发生蓝屏死机 (BSOD)。(案例编号:EGF-242-16878)
12344 Deep Freeze 冰点控制台不能对 IP 地址栏正确分类。(案例编号:TRV-310-98644)
12491 通过 LogMeIn 或 RDP 会话远程连接时,Deep Freeze 冰点控制台中的栏可能显示错误状态或控制台可能显示错误信息。重启控制台以解决问题。(案例编号:ZME-498-42392、NES-367-79748、XQL-319-44460、YAE-971-22805)
18513 如果用户的登录名称包含双字节字符,将导致 Deep Freeze 冰点工作站安装失败。(案例编号:OWZ-638-83495)
19676 企业版控制台中工作站的栏宽可能在移动后发生归零。(案例编号:SVY-817-92683)
20074 在某些情况下,在工作站上安装 Deep Freeze 冰点会导致 Frozen 冻结状态下登录缓慢。(案例编号:VBL-745-23572、STU-985-82769、VGT-978-35363、ELK-520-80502、UJG-539-53162…)
20439 在 Frozen 冻结状态下,无法挂载 Encase 软件的虚拟磁盘。(案例编号:VIZ-411-82001)
21171 安装 Deep Freeze 冰点后,无法从 Windows App Store(Windows 应用商店)安装应用程序。启用 Windows 更新服务作为解决方法。(案例编号:ADD-325-21916)
21568 安装 Deep Freeze 冰点后,Dell 全磁盘加密软件出错。知识库。(案例编号:ARY-947-73520、VNO-419-59600)
22504 Deep Freeze 冰点将不会在 Hyper-V Gen 2 上冻结系统。(案例编号:OKY-847-65054)
22765 某些情况下在部分升级之后,工作站在控制台中显示离线状态。(案例编号:XZN-809-34880)
25020 在 Frozen 冻结模式下,使用 Arsenal Image Mounter 软件加载虚拟磁盘映像时,系统会崩溃。(案例编号:ELF-471-54366)
25585 Deep Freeze 冰点工作站在 Intel Compute Stick 设备上无法 Thawed 解冻。(案例编号:JGX-581-64326)
26892 安装 Deep Freeze 后,系统运行 VIAware 时出错。(案例编号 GUG-407-78542)
27702 工作站中的栏从 Deep Freeze Enterprise 冰点企业版控制台的视图中消失。(案例编号:EUW-250-81829)
27756 在数据分区之后分配系统分区时,Deep Freeze 冰点驱动程序无法正常运行。(案例编号:UQY-750-68354)
27914 Deep Freeze 冰点控制台在 Anti-Virus 防病毒策略未更改的情况下重新应用该策略。(案例编号:FDM-221-57586)
28177 当 Deep Freeze 冰点升级至最新版本 (v8.6) 时,Faronics Anti-Virus 防病毒的订阅许可证密钥将无法继续使用。
28202 Deep Freeze 锁定键盘和鼠标时,远程桌面会话将与工作站断开连接。(案例编号:WJL-510-71190、FCV-449-24759、FBD-471-75003)
28494 当运行最新版 Deep Freeze 的虚拟硬盘 (VHD) 处于 Frozen 冻结状态时,无法在重启后还原数据。(案例编号:OGZ-156-74801)
28686 Deep Freeze 锁定键盘和鼠标时,Synaptics 触摸板驱动程序发生蓝屏死机 (BSOD)。(案例编号:GYI-525-58287)
28713 当计算机上的用户配置文件位于或重定向到 ThawSpace 解冻空间时,无法更新 Windows 10。(案例编号:BHN-830-35926, KPE-990-78407)
28944 Windows 10:系统处于 Frozen 冻结状态时,计算机加载缓慢。(案例编号:PHH-637-76241、KBA-751-40608、OSW-251-37007、AWB-641-62005、MVO-952-88290)
29310 未启用 TLS 1.0 时,Deep Freeze Enterprise LDAP 连接器返回”无法从 LDAP 服务器提取数据”的错误消息。(案例编号:TUW-924-35940、DNG-125-80864、QWG-359-68636、HGY-442-25699)
29932 用户定义的群组无法在 Deep Freeze 控制台和云控制台之间正确同步。(案例编号:LZQ-473-83874)
30308 在 Deep Freeze 维护期间安装功能版后,显示用户设置界面。(案例编号:DPS-576-19538)
31689 工作站上的 Deep Freeze 冰点状态屏幕不能随”高分辨率”调整大小。(案例编号:LWM-776-78457)
31781 闲置时间任务在没有物理键盘和鼠标的触屏设备上不会触发。(案例编号:WAQ-822-88425)
36241 当计算机进入睡眠状态时,工作站栏从控制台消失。(案例编号:PWT-290-57810、YVM-665-39262)
36310 无法在 Windows 10 企业版多会话版本(由 Azure 托管)上安装 Deep Freeze。(案例编号:KCV-628-85430)
36627 安装 Deep Freeze 后的音频设备问题。(案例编号:ZFJ-523-11474)
36814 在控制台中出现太多的计算机工作组时,Deep Freeze Enterprise 控制台反应缓慢。(案例编号:FFD-257-82802)
39439 Deep Freeze 和微软系统中心配置管理器 (SCCM) 软件计量功能之间的不兼容问题。(案例编号:SYJ-950-69155)
39653 Dell Precision 笔记本电脑触摸板驱动程序在重启 Thawed and Locked 解冻并锁定时被禁用。(案例编号:NQJ-277-49552)
40205 Deep Freeze 冰点安装程序认为虚拟 Google Drive 是可以 Frozen 冻结的卷。(案例编号:EGK-724-68412)
40746 将种子从 8.63 升级到 8.64 后,DFServ 未获得签名。
42980 在 Deep Freeze 冰点控制台的左窗格中上拉“排程”栏,会导致下拉“排程”栏后“网络和组”为空。(案例编号:HNQ-361-60490)
43092 在尝试利用 Windows 更新缓存时,某些 KB 的 Windows 更新失败。(案例编号:YUO-599-78441、OLU-439-16665)
43183 无法在禁用 TLS 1.0 时从 LDAP 服务器提取数据。(案例编号:XJM-738-77659)
43228 调度程序 XML 数据丢失。(案例编号:LOF-336-72624)
43505 FAT32 文件系统数据分区上的数据被损坏。
44077 安装 Deep Freeze 冰点时,Iron Key USB 设备不能正确检测磁盘可用空间。(CN #22824)。
44170 在 Frozen 冻结状态下重新启动计算机时,会弹出蓝色欢迎设置屏幕。(案例编号:VDE-575-57649)
44401 在特定情况下,Deep Freeze 冰点在安装时启用了“管理虚拟内存”选项,并且系统驱动器上的可用空间低于 10%。
44429 在特定情况下,即使启用了“管理虚拟内存”选项并且 Deep Freeze 冰点设置了页面文件,Deep Freeze 冰点仍停止监控页面文件设置。
44473 在没有更高权限的情况下使用 Deep Freeze Cloud 实用程序应用 .rdx 配置文件时,无法启用“管理虚拟内存”选项。
44670 启用 UEFI 且磁盘为动态磁盘时,Deep Freeze Cloud 冰点云功能无法工作。
44707 即使主驱动器没有足够的空间,“管理虚拟内存”选项仍处于启用状态。
45212 使用 NVDA 屏幕阅读器时,某些 Deep Freeze 冰点功能无法访问。(CN# 404928、404988)
45574 Frozen 冻结模式下,删除 Thawed 解冻状态下的 LAPS 注册表将创建值为 ‘0’ 的注册表。
45820 DFInstall.log 未记录日语和中文的通知消息。
45884 使用 VPN 时,工作站不向 Deep Freeze 冰点控制台报告。(CN# 498141)
46466 在 Windows 8.1 和旧版本工作站上:在某些情况下,从控制台/DFC 执行启动 Frozen 冻结命令后,Windows 应用程序事件日志不会记录“Frozen 冻结”状态事件。
46535 对选定组节点执行搜索时,即使取消搜索,组节点也会临时显示整个网络节点工作站。
46536 (DFS):当 Cloud Agent 云代理启动重启 Frozen 冻结/Thawed 解冻任务时,事件日志会显示不正确的事件。
46627 在进行搜索时,清除搜索字段会使工作站列表为空。
46638 获得搜索结果后,单击同一节点,无法刷新或重新填充工作站列表。
46730 Deep Freeze 冰点种子在许可证状态下显示“30 天试用”信息。(CN# 515354)
46758 Deep Freeze Enterprise 冰点企业版 8.71 警告通知有误。(CN# 516085)
46804 尝试搜索 Anti-Virus 防病毒选项卡中 Anti-Virus 防病毒列的特定数据时,结果为空。
46896 如果控制台调度程序自动触发“登录用户”命令,该命令可能不会向工作站发送按键。 版(2023 年 11 月 29 日)
- 新式待机和休眠兼容性 – Deep Freeze 冰点工作站现已支持新式待机、休眠和快速启动电源选项,可节能并延长电池寿命。需要兼容的系统。
- 无中断维护 – Deep Freeze 冰点工作站现已实现开机状态下执行工作站任务,系统在此期间不会进入省电模式。
- 本地唤醒升级 – Deep Freeze 冰点现可确保已为工作站任务勾选“尝试本地唤醒”选项时,Windows 电源选项下的本地唤醒计时器处于启用状态。
- 兼容 LAPS – Deep Freeze 冰点现与 Windows 本地管理员密码解决方案 (LAPS) 兼容,能够避免计算机处于 Frozen 冻结状态时出现域控制器同步问题。
- Deep Freeze 冰点日志文件 – 客户端将自动备份 Deep Freeze 冰点日志,确保最佳性能。
- 管理虚拟内存 – 在“高级”选项下选择此选项,即可让 Deep Freeze 冰点管理分页文件大小,从而在 RAM 有限的工作站上实现更好的处理性能。
3745 解决了 Windows 更新任务期间工作站进入睡眠模式的问题。
27722 解决了远程桌面连接期间从系统托盘还原时,Deep Freeze Enterprise 冰点企业版上显示错误消息“无法聚焦已禁用的或不可见的窗口”的问题。(案例编号:SZR-389-33085、QCB-157-88427)
28006 解决了在 Frozen 冻结状态下系统可能随机挂起的问题。建议始终启用新的“管理虚拟内存”复选框,以允许 Deep Freeze 冰点管理分页文件大小,提高效率。(案例编号:KBK-301-15788、HFG-902-80256、TXW-714-46790、DCK-357-11563、VVQ-945-75978)
28183 解决了 Windows Defender 阻止 Deep Freeze 冰点可执行文件的问题。(案例编号:LYC-936-29805)
28590 解决了 Deep Freeze Server Enterprise 服务器企业版显示错误操作系统信息的问题。(案例编号:OAF-550-47539)
28689 解决了用户界面中出现的法语翻译错误。(案例编号:WIN-719-77573)
36341 解决了 Deep Freeze 冰点控制台中由于调整列大小而永久隐藏列的问题。(案例编号:UUI-187-46693)
36506 解决了子任务跨过午夜后组合任务无法正常工作的问题。(案例编号:GFB-313-88651)
38240 解决了解锁工作站后意外禁用触摸屏的问题。(案例编号:MGV-509-90169、VLZ-244-83797、EOW-424-34769)
40436 解决了计算机进入新式待机模式后,笔记本电脑耗电速度变快的问题。(案例编号:RLB-437-39845)
42541 解决了后台运行的服务意外触发并安装 Windows 更新的问题。(案例编号:CGX-669-80714)
42861 解决了 Deep Freeze 冰点 Windows 更新任务没有将某些临时文件从 Windows 更新缓存位置删除的问题。(案例编号:KNR-107-43428)
44096 解决了 Windows 10 和 11(版本 22H2)计算机在控制台上显示错误的问题。(案例编号:TVQ-923-36063)
43848 解决了使用西班牙语版 Deep Freeze Enterprise 冰点企业版时无法添加其他已排程任务的问题。(案例编号:LPV-635-34685)
43933 解决了触摸屏功能夜间被禁用且设备管理器显示错误代码 22 的问题。(案例编号:TVQ-923-36063)
43598 解决了工作站随机挂起且无可识别模式的问题。(案例编号:WPD-530-71307) 版(2021 年 7 月 28 日)
注意:Deep Freeze 冰点 8.63 支持的 Windows 11(此版本已经过广泛测试,未检测到任何已知问题)。
31618 解决了从 RDP 将 Deep Freeze 重启为 Frozen 冻结状态导致 Deep Freeze 重启为 Frozen & Locked 冻结并锁定状态的问题。(案例编号:UFN-737-75949)
31754 解决了联想 Touchpad 笔记本无法锁定鼠标/键盘的问题。(案例编号:TWX-508-88232)
33350 解决了在卸载 Deep Freeze Cloud Agent 冰点云代理后无法安装内部部署的 Deep Freeze Enterprise 的问题,反之亦然。(案例编号:UZN-971-68888、UCK-583-96692-1)
34781 解决了当 Windows 更新系统历史记录中存在 Staged 暂存状态的永久条目时,Deep Freeze 工作站无法启动 Frozen 冻结的问题。(案例编号:ESK-568-54530、MMR-516-77876)
36010 解决了更新到最新的 Deep Freeze Enterprise 版本后,工作站从主控台和远程控制台上随机消失的问题。(案例编号:KBP-466-59587) 版(2020 年 12 月 8 日)
注意:Deep Freeze 冰点 8.62 支持的 Windows 10 最高版本为 21H1(此版本已经过广泛测试,未检测到任何已知问题)。
34699 当 Windows 更新系统历史记录中有状态为”正在进行”的永久条目时,Deep Freeze 冰点工作站安装程序会阻止安装。(案例编号:CGO-193-91377)
33606 当 Windows 更新系统历史记录中有状态为”正在进行”的永久条目时,Deep Freeze 冰点工作站无法实现”启动后 Frozen 冻结”。(案例编号:POZ-194-76529)
33571 解决了 Deep Freeze Enterprise 冰点企业版控制台针对 Windows 10/Server 版本显示不正确操作系统信息的问题。(案例编号:IYS-681-67600)
33288 解决了 Deep Freeze Enterprise 冰点企业版控制台发生性能滞后的问题。(案例编号:ENU-938-71943)
31488 解决了在新安装了 Windows 7(64 位)的计算机上安装最新版 Deep Freeze Enterprise 冰点企业版 8.61 时导致循环启动的问题。(案例编号:IOG-911-81868) 版(2020 年 6 月 26 日)
- 功能更新
在”Windows 更新”选项卡中添加了一个新选项,当从 Microsoft Windows 更新网站检索更新时,可安装”关键、安全和功能更新”。同时解决了无法顺利安装”功能更新”的问题。 - 更新 WSUS 服务器
推出了可在 Windows 更新任务执行期间将 Windows 更新状态强制更新至 WSUS 服务器的机制。 - 支持最新版 Boot Camp
Deep Freeze 支持 v6.1.7748 及以上版本的 Boot Camp。 - 云连接器安全性增强
TLS 1.1 和 TSL 1.2 现已用于将 Enterprise console 连接至 deepfreeze.com
30244 解决了 Deep Freeze Windows 更新任务无法安装 Windows 10 功能更新的问题(案例编号:MEU-255-95916、MLE-626-95801)
30033 解决了 Deep Freeze 工作站无法将 Windows 更新状态更新至 WSUS 的问题。
30011 解决了 Deep Freeze 无法冻结安装在虚拟机上的系统的问题。(案例编号:OKE-281-16420、WFW-730-29196、ZQT-583-96442、MPD-903-69440、XIX-289-66884、JXE-230-35147、WML-590-15039、BXC-114-94358、QHX-323-14369)
29950 解决了编辑可用配置并尝试切换 Windows 更新选项时,”确定”按钮始终灰显的问题。
29248 解决了端口号超过 4 位数字时,无法将 Deep Freeze 控制台连接至云端的问题。
28999 解决了计算机处于 Frozen 冻结状态时,仍然执行 Windows 更新的问题。(案例编号:URD-581-61432)
28997 解决了云控制台无法更新连接至 Enterprise console 的 Frozen 冻结/Thawed 解冻计算机的状态的问题(案例编号:KUC-906-85270)
28939 解决了 Deep Freeze 每周工作站任务在午夜过后出现意外中断的问题。(案例编号:BAY-634-50844、YXA-414-64185、ODQ-313-60579、HJC-988-91014、QXW-830-37060)
28916 解决了使用 FSLogix 配置文件容器时,Frozen 冻结计算机发生崩溃的问题。(案例编号:OHB-259-10454)
28687 解决了 Deep Freeze 驱动程序和可执行文件出现冗余 SHA-1 签名的问题。(案例编号:WUF-812-94110)
28458 解决了安装 Deep Freeze Surface Pro X 时,发生蓝屏死机 (BSOD) 的问题。(案例编号:KBX-769-82870)
27940 解决了 OWC ThunderBlade 驱动器连接到运行 Deep Freeze 的系统时,工作站发生蓝屏死机 (BSOD) 的问题。(案例编号:IZR-806-26623)
27715 解决了 Deep Freeze Server Enterprise 安装程序在进度指示框中显示 “Deep Freeze Enterprise” 的问题。(案例编号:IZP-241-12241)
26627 解决了 Deep Freeze Enterprise Console 无法将新版本的 Cloud Agent 云代理推送至 Deep Freeze 工作站的问题。(案例编号:QAH-521-14216、PPS-515-49614)
26325 解决了 Deep Freeze 安装程序在挂载事件日志文件夹失败时,显示错误通知的问题。(案例编号:KOX-815-70072) 版(2019 年 10 月 25 日)
注:在升级期间,您将需要新的 v8.6 许可证密钥。
- 自动扩充 ThawSpace 解冻空间
勾选此选项,即可让 ThawSpace 解冻空间在被占用 75% 时,自动扩充至指定的最大大小。 - 解冻以便多次重启
在企业版控制台中设置 Thawed 解冻重启的次数。该选项可用于执行”重启 Thawed 解冻”或”重启 Thawed 解冻锁定”操作。 - 暂停计划任务
在企业版控制台中选择此选项可暂停或恢复计划任务。右键单击计划任务即可暂停或恢复任务。 - 安装所有 Windows 更新
选择此选项,可在从 Microsoft 下载 Windows 更新时,安装所有类型的更新,其中包括安全更新、关键更新和功能更新(与 WSUS 相比)。 - 启动批处理、VB、PowerShell 脚本
除了启动 .exe 和 .msi 类型的文件之外,您目前在企业版控制台中还可以通过”远程启动”和”推送并启动”操作,来启动 .cmd、.bat、.vbs 和 .ps1 类型的文件。 - 为远程启动指定 URL 或 FTP
现在,您可以为远程启动指定 Web URL 或 FTP 位置,而非指定现有文件路径。文件将从指定位置自动下载并在工作站上启动。 - 控制台日志改进
确定 Deep Freeze 冰点状态发生了什么样的变化。示例:确定 Deep Freeze 冰点是在控制台中、本地客户端上还是通过命令行处于 Thawed 解冻状态。 - 设置安装程序的默认位置
企业版控制台现在可以记住您希望用于保存新创建的工作站安装程序和配置文件的位置。您可在将文件保存到所需位置时设置默认位置。 - Windows Server 2003 支持终止
为了确保 Deep Freeze 冰点继续利用最新技术,Faronics 在该版 Deep Freeze 冰点中正式结束了对 XP 和 Server 2003 的支持。Microsoft 分别于 2014 年 4 月 8 日和 2015 年 7 月 14 日正式终止了对 Windows XP 和 Server 2003 的支持。
4438 解决了用户无法从 Frozen 冻结状态启动到”高级启动选项”的问题。(案例编号:BES-706-81851、YHL-467-37473、PXW-694-49668、KJX-247-38795、VCL-337-59421)
23710 解决了 Deep Freeze Enterprise 冰点企业版控制台中”查看发行说明并下载”超链接不起作用的问题。
25400 解决了在 Deep Freeze 冰点工作站上安装了某一特定软件(例如 PUBG、Fortnite、Easy Anti-Cheat、BattlEye)时,系统会崩溃的问题。(案例编号:FJM-423-95146、IXF-940-78041、ELV-682-66939、MTA-529-99421)
25716 解决了在配置 New Japanese Era 后,系统无法运行 Deep Freeze Enterprise 冰点企业版控制台的问题。(案例编号:CYS-819-38990)
25984 Deep Freeze 冰点锁定键盘和鼠标时,SMART Board 设备触摸功能无法正常工作。(案例编号:SLO-583-99238)
26714 解决了 Windows 计算机在安装种子后关机(而非重启)的问题。(案例编号:ZQI-145-22099、PPJ-382-23951)
26731 解决了在客户端计算机上安装 Deep Freeze 冰点后,用户无法登录的问题。(案例编号:OBL-315-41640)
23687 解决了当尝试从更新提醒通知升级时,Deep Freeze Server Enterprise 冰点服务器企业版控制台下载非服务器版本的问题。
27714 解决了 Deep Freeze Server Enterprise 冰点服务器企业版无法升级至 Deep Freeze Enterprise 冰点企业版的问题。(案例编号:BXV-106-36841)
27721 解决了 Deep Freeze Server Enterprise 冰点服务器企业版无法显示用于连接到 Deep Freeze Cloud 冰点云的选项的问题。(案例编号:XYB-166-77774) 版(2019 年 5 月 6 日)
26282 解决了 Windows 更新任务期间 Windows 更新未安装 WSUS 认可的所有更新的问题。(案例编号:NWC-473-23257) 版(2019 年 3 月 20 日)
- Windows Server:Windows 更新缓存驱动器盘符
通过为缓存文件夹分配一个驱动器盘符,解决了 Windows 10 上的 Deep Freeze 冰点 Windows 更新缓存问题。Deep Freeze 冰点工作站升级将自动为缓存文件夹分配驱动器盘符 B:\,该盘符可在 Deep Freeze 冰点配置中更新。该缓存盘符将在 Windows 资源管理器中隐藏。 - Windows Server:功能更新支持
现在,Windows 更新任务支持安装功能更新,因此客户可以轻松实现升级,例如从版本 1709 升级到版本 1809。Deep Freeze 冰点将应用 Windows 更新高级选项,它们可以推迟此类更新。 - 恢复改进
针对 Windows 更新未正确标记这一情况,改进了 Deep Freeze 冰点维护恢复过程,从而减少 Thawed 解冻重启的次数和持续时间,以便计算机返回到 Frozen 冻结状态。 - 将系统驱动器排除在 Deep Freeze 冰点保护之外
客户现在可以选择将系统驱动器配置为”Thawed 解冻”。 - 全面支持 NVMe 驱动器
Deep Freeze 冰点现在兼容采用高级格式 (4K) 技术的 NVMe 驱动器(通常用于现代 Mac 计算机)。 - 支持 iSCSI 驱动器
Deep Freeze 冰点现在兼容 iSCSI 驱动器
14289 解决了在配有 NVMe 驱动器(采用高级格式 (4K) 技术)的计算机上安装 Deep Freeze 冰点工作站之后,系统无法启动的问题。(此类驱动器主要用于现代 Mac 计算机。)(案例编号:WZO-787-28402、TXF-901-23028、RNT-781-75265、OFF-204-88841、UKW-410-49368、VAX-697-27714、UUM-608-63483、DWW-823-13577、IWL-914-59873、BFH-281-40319、HAR-528-31695、IYT-443-31430、EAC-132-14941、EPU-732-62414、YGZ-595-25016、VAS-893-64477、RZM-809-97482、LZV-882-12751、YXZ-530-89015、LBS-708-14472、WVG-493-15181、VFY-155-31231、CBK-673-63317)
20567 解决了在最新版本的 Windows 10 上,当在 Deep Freeze 冰点中启用了”缓存 Windows 更新”选项时 Windows 更新无法下载的问题。(案例编号:TVW-834-44465)
21075 解决了在使用 Windows 远程桌面连接远程连接到计算机之后,Deep Freeze 冰点控制台节点会崩溃的问题。(案例编号:NQT-733-92350、QTS-243-79896)
22238 解决了当连接 Imation 设备时,Windows 操作系统无法启动的问题。(案例编号:MEQ-143-10262)
22254 解决了由于某些系统设置被第三方软件还原,或者在升级 Windows 之后,Deep Freeze 冰点工作站启动进入恢复屏幕的问题。(ZPO-620-77452、HBP-156-15706、MTK-296-19494、EMO-786-68958、QDS-114-83260、LBG-498-60820)
23893 解决了由于 Windows 10 功能更新无法安装,Deep Freeze 冰点无法完成 Windows 更新的问题。(案例编号:SHW-308-32156、VPO-428-85709、WZA-837-86304、KJJ-203-63620、BNA-931-26907、RXL-684-47162)
23938 解决了当键盘和鼠标被锁定时,Deep Freeze 冰点工作站偶尔无法退出 Deep Freeze 冰点任务的问题。(案例编号:KZH-397-82588、DEV-371-75754、DYM-226-41474、EHI-414-72325、UYR-501-91650、UUW-771-82762、PYK-405-36256、LPZ-483-54567、BKR-168-45756)
25630 解决了在安装了 Deep Freeze 冰点工作站的情况下连接到 iSCSI 目标的相关问题。(案例编号:KQH-777-87287) 版(2018 年 11 月 13 日)
25167 解决了多个工作站在线激活失败的问题。(案例编号:HKR-635-39152、GGG-498-87799、VWZ-512-97026、JNX-520-73584、GOZ-988-87655、DQI-132-73516、SCR-595-15811、NZP-965-35443、CWG-465-92183) 版(2018 年 11 月 1 日)
22177 解决了执行来自 Deep Freeze 控制台的更新命令后,Deep Freeze 种子停止报告的问题。(案例编号:NPW-677-51642、BMB-386-47608)
23236 解决了任务通知消息过长时工作站任务意外退出的问题。(案例编号 DZD-532-61853)
23667 解决了在某些情况下重启时显示错误 (DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL) 的问题。(案例编号 JBQ-785-64557)
23910 解决了 Deep Freeze 工作站在已经激活的电脑上显示激活宽限期过期消息的问题。(案例编号 HYD-498-33175、LXQ-822-28317、SAQ-278-22918、TDT-959-41306、JYB-909-83889、MBP-325-20193、DCK-902-64279、FON-911-78262、WMS-196-57594、BEB-541-30566、JNF-799-56468、FWJ-454-28413、BDD-417-43150)
24292 Windows 10 版本 1803:解决了 Deep Freeze 工作站在”核心隔离”设置中启用”内存完整性”之后不启动的问题。(案例编号 FXX-297-69839)
24675 解决了工作站任务的计划结束时间可能在配置管理器中不正确显示的问题。(案例编号 GNB-855-95190)
25067 解决了 set clone flag 命令显示不正确 Deep Freeze 状态的问题。(案例编号 HAO-292-16321) 版(2017 年 9 月 25 日)
- 快速添加 ThawSpace(解冻空间)
重新安装 Deep Freeze 不再需要添加新的 ThawSpace(解冻空间)。ThawSpace(解冻空间)可以在下次解冻重启后随时进行配置 - 删除 ThawSpace(解冻空间)
Console 工具栏中新增 Delete ThawSpace(删除解冻空间)操作(还可以 Format ThawSpace(格式化解冻空间))。此外,还添加了 DFC 开关/deletethawspace。 - 解冻提醒
您现在可以指定解冻后的工作站多长时间变成红色。新增 Thawed For(解冻时长)一栏,可以用来显示工作站解冻过程的时长。 - 联合调度器任务
管理员经常连续执行预定的控制台任务,如 (1) Wake-on-LAN(远端唤醒)、(2) Send Message(发送消息)、(3) Run Windows Update(运行 Windows 更新)和 (4) Shutdown(关机)。Combination Task(联合任务)可以让您创建单个调度器任务,将其与最多 5 个调度器任务联合,这样,即便发生意外您也不必更改多个任务。 - 客户端更新及更多调度器任务
管理员现在可以设定升级 Deep Freeze 客户端的时间,便于客户第一时间使用新版本。控制台调度器中还添加了其他任务(包括 Format ThawSpace(格式化解冻空间)、Push & Launch(推送并启动)和 Remote Launch(远程启动)),管理员可以更灵活的选用。 - 保存 Windows 事件日志
在 Advanced(高级)选项卡下新增了一个复选框,勾选后即可保存 Windows Event(Windows 事件)日志。Deep Freeze 将分配 100MB 以保存 Application(应用程序)、System(系统)、Security(安全性)及 Hardware(硬件)事件日志。 - 尝试本地唤醒
在工作站任务中勾选新增的”Attempt to wake-up locally(尝试本地唤醒)”复选框,在预定的工作站任务开始前自动尝试从待机状态本地唤醒工作站。需要兼容硬件以从待机状态中唤醒。 - 空闲任务改善
Deep Freeze 现在可以关闭空闲电脑,无需等待键盘和鼠标的第一次活动,不然,电脑可能全天保持开机。Idle Time Restart(空闲时间重启)需要执行一次键盘和鼠标活动,才能防止电脑在无任务执行时不停重启。 - 配置工作流增强
单击 OK(确定)后,您不再需要自己进行 Deep Freeze 配置。只需在界面底部指定 Configuration Name(配置名称)即可。管理员还可以将配置导出成安装程序或种子,这样初次使用的用户也可以了解后续步骤。 - 新增控制台栏
除了”Thawed For(解冻时长)”栏,我们还增加了”ThawSpace Free(自由解冻空间)”栏,以显示可用的解冻空间及自由解冻空间的大小。操作系统版本号现在显示在操作系统栏。 - 记住文本输入
Enterprise Console 现在显示最近的 10 个输入记录,可用于发送信息、推送并启动、远程启动,这样管理员就无需重复输入相同信息或命令。 - 升级通知
接下来,Deep Freeze v8.5 之后的版本将可以接受控制台内发出的新版本升级通知。回顾本发行说明,下载最新安装程序并自动更新您的控制台。 - 新增 DFC 开关
/shutdown parameter,以执行 /endtask 命令 - 扩大 Windows 更新缓存
无需重新安装,Windows 更新缓存自动增加至 10GB。 - Console 支持弃用
该版本弃用了 Enterprise Console 对 Windows XP 和 Server 2003 的支持。
20060 Windows 8.1(64 位系统):解决了安装 WINSelect 后执行 Lock Keyboard and Mouse(锁定键盘和鼠标)操作时工作站上显示无效错误信息的问题。(案例编号:PKI-492-42183)
20010 解决了配置为 RAID 0 工作站安装 Deep Freeze 8.37 出现蓝屏的问题。(案例编号:AXZ-261-43388)
20601 Windows 10 Creators Update:解决了从用户会话启动时 Deep Freeze 工作站安装程序无法挂载 SoftwareDistribution 文件夹的问题。
20696 解决了电脑因磁盘或系统文件损坏发生崩溃的问题。 (案例编号:ALT-616-417497、VUF-172-46840、KJI-659-28909、HDE-666-74734)
20128 解决了 Deep Freeze 工作站重新启动时随机显示 Windows Repair 界面的问题。(案例编号:ACV-436-60212、PZS-913-49640、PBS-748-50759、OTM-352-41446)
13827 解决了 Deep Freeze 未能完成 Windows Update 配置在某些情况下陷入重启循环的问题。
21004 Windows 10 Creators Update:解决了 Deep Freeze 工作站频繁编辑/应用可用的配置时发生密码被删的问题。
21002 Windows 10 Creators Update:解决了编辑某可用的配置时,该配置不能自动应用于工作站的问题。
20383 解决了工作站升级后无法更新配置的问题。(案例编号:UFO-972-83443)
22001 解决了 Deep Freeze 运行 Windows Update Task(Windows 更新任务)之后无法恢复用户的特定 Windows Update 策略的问题。
21317 解决了重新启动冻结时如果在解冻状态下手动安装 Windows 积累更新发生电脑意外关闭的问题。
20613 解决了 Deep Freeze 尝试挂载 Windows Update 缓存失败时留下孤立 .dsk 文件的问题。
17711 Windows 10 年度升级版:解决了冻结状态下尝试创建新存储池时不会受阻的问题。
14865 解决了从 Deep Freeze 工作站界面执行重启操作出现随机延迟的问题。(案例编号:GYW-854-91721, XPM-282-49498)
15270 解决了使用”CTRL+Alt+Del”锁定屏幕时在 Deep Freeze Console 不同界面出现删除提示的问题。(案例编号:JTK-884-47760)
14039 解决了 Deep Freeze 在安装 4TB 及更高版本系统上引起蓝屏死机的问题。(案例编号:YAF-375-97861)
11483 尝试在已安装种子的工作站上安装种子时报错信息不正确。(案例编号:HZE-688-20303) 版(2017 年 3 月 29 日)
Deep Freeze 企业版(可选的 Faronics Anti-Virus 增强版)
- 为保持行业领导者地位,Faronics Anti-Virus 防病毒现将由新引擎提供支持,该引擎在防病毒行业内持续名列前茅。Faronics Anti-Virus 的现有客户需要在 2017 年 6 月 30 日之前迁移至全新 Anti-Virus 4.0。
- 卸载旧版 Anti-Virus 防病毒。
- 配置新版 Anti-Virus 4.0 防病毒策略。
- 安装新版 Anti-Virus 4.0。
注:Email Protection(电子邮件保护)和 Web Filtering(Web 过滤)功能已被弃用,以节省产品空间并优化性能。
19991 解决了打开 Faronics 联系我们页面时发生脚本错误的问题。
17582 解决了 Deep Freeze 工作站允许设置空白密码的问题。(案例编号:FLF-678-79381/WDU-927-72406/CRL-259-30182) 版(2017 年 2 月 21 日)
- 支持 Windows Server 2016
17880 解决了工作站不退出维护周期的问题。问题的发生具有随机性,且每次发生情形都不同。
18458 解决了工作站在某些情况下显示 CPU 使用率异常的问题。
19111 解决了从 Deep Freeze Console 发出请求式(未预订的)Windows 更新任务后 Deep Freeze 工作站配置发生崩溃的问题。(案例编号:AFC-728-36239)
Version (October 26, 2016)
New Enhancements
- Support for Windows 10 Anniversary Update.
- Improved Console performance.
- Enhancements to prevent longer system startup on Advanced Format (AF) 4k sector hard drives (up to 2X faster boot time).
- Allow fully qualified Proxy Server Name in Deep Freeze console settings.
- Windows Update Enhancements
To address changes in the way Anniversary Update handles automatic Windows Updates, Deep Freeze will take extra measures to ensure that the Windows Updates will not be triggered outside of the scheduled Windows Update Task on Windows 10 machines. This is achieved by disabling the Windows Update service.
Fixes for Windows 10 Anniversary Edition
17579 Resolved issues with random BSOD. The Windows 10 Anniversary Update introduced additional drivers into the system that interfered with the ability of our drivers to properly respond to some requests to our StorageSpace or ThawSpaces.
14956 Resolved issues with recovery screen on system startup.
18199 Resolved issues where system shutdowns were prevented.
17893 Resolved issues where Windows Updates failed for some cumulative update which may require more space and a larger caching space than the 5GB that Deep Freeze allocated. Version 8.35 will allocate a 10GB cache to address this situation. To increase the size, disable the Cache Window update option in the configuration, restart, and re-enable the option.
Other Fixes
14961 Resolved issues with Incorrect German translations in some of the confirmation dialogs when saving configuration file in Configuration Administrator (Case No: HSU-493-66609)
9868 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze caused performance issues and resulted in slow boot. (Case No: YFD-286-49939, SBD-399-96597, QVG-187-15034, WII-538-57096)
14956 Resolved an issue where the Startup Recovery process starts on Windows 8.1 systems after a restart. (Case No: KSV-531-33912, OTA-665-89816)
16470 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze Clients randomly lost their Activation status and showed as Pending Activation. (Case No: KGV-296-44501, MOE-872-61066, JEC-971-36370)
16672 Resolved an issue where the Proxy feature did not work with Fully Qualified Domain Names. (Case No: KNN-741-30377)
17268 Resolved performance issues in Deep Freeze Console. (Case No: ZAR-286-75039, MGP-128-27227, YHP-979-36018, MFT-347-58906)
17503 Resolved an issue with Windows Update that showed Access Violation message when Deep Freeze was installed. (Case No: AQK-988-79352, EYB-819-89372, GGH-600-27901, QUU-689-69833)
17522 Resolved an issue where a specific type of Flash Drive was not mounting properly when Deep Freeze was installed. (Case No: IRS-476-30866)
17558 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze was not allowing Windows to boot. (Case No: QHJ-805-27395)
17564 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze Service was crashing with Accession Violation message when the Activation Server sent a bad activation response. (Case No: LSG-576-93996)
17579 Resolved an issue of BSOD with Windows 10 Anniversary Update. (Case No: ZNB-325-70969, NCW-613-26183, ZOL-717-56507, BJF-591-31684)
17687 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze fails to correctly detect pending Windows Update for Windows 10 Anniversary Edition.
17867 Resolved an issue where Windows Update Service gets disabled during Windows Update Task on Windows 8.1.
17983 Resolved an issue where it was not possible to apply cumulative Windows Update due to lack of storage space.
15577 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze Console’s Server Service does not switch to reduced frequency of auto-activation if all workstations report as Failed Activation.
15641 Resolved an issue where Windows Update Service was disabled on installing Deep Freeze thereby preventing maintenance. (Case No: HFT-480-31203, EGM-113-20565, WHF-979-33081, YFC-589-73576)
17479 Resolved an issue where License Key was shown as invalid until the entire key was entered. (Case No: BBE-155-83729)
17757 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze Windows Update Workstation Task does not prevent users to run native Windows Update in Frozen or during Maintenance Period for Windows Update Task.
18199 Resolved an issue where Windows 10 1607 Upgrade enables fast startup on Deep Freeze workstations. (Case no: FPX-324-70121)
Version (June 24, 2016)
12428 Resolved an issue on Windows 8 where the Live tiles on Metro UI were not working after user profile was redirected to a ThawSpace. (Case No: OCS-785-12175)
14760 On Windows 10: Resolved an issue where Start Menu is not accessible after user profile was redirected to a ThawSpace.
14977 Resolved an issue where Windows 10 App & Features screen was hanging. (Case No: CJZ-576-49466)
16714 Resolved an issue where some workstations kept activating the license key due to a slow network connection. (Case No: ORT-565-95136)
16744 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze 8.32 Console was occasionally not launching but the process was running. (Case No: FFI-246-96623)
17224 Resolved an issue where the workstation did not perform Deep Freeze specific commands initiated from Core Console or Cloud Console until the workstation connects to the Deep Freeze Enterprise Console.
17225 Resolved an issue where upgrading Deep Freeze Workstations from Faronics Core Console failed. This issue has been resolved for Deep Freeze 8.33 and above. However, users upgrading from 8.32 to 8.33 may still experience this issue. Contact Technical Support for workaround.
Version 8.32.270. 5109 (May 02, 2016)
New Features
- Configure Proxy Server Connection
If you are using a proxy server to connect to the Internet, you can now specify the credentials in Deep Freeze Console. Configuring the proxy server in the Deep Freeze Console ensures that Check for Updates, Announcements and Licence Activation features work. The Deep Freeze workstation also connects to the Internet for License Activation via the Proxy Server if it is configured in the operating system. Learn more. - Secure LDAP
support If you are importing groups from Active Directory, you can now use the Deep Freeze Console to retrieve groups from your Secure LDAP setup. Microsoft KB.
14858 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze was not exiting Maintenance Mode correctly that sometimes left computers in a Thawed state or caused Deep Freeze Service to crash. (Case No: KYJ-317-83835)
11741 Resolved an issue where the Windows Update workstation task gets stuck till specified end time even when performing End Task action.
13974 Resolved an issue where Windows Update task with defined end time does not quit when ending the task during the process of installing Windows Updates.
14022 Resolved an issue where Workstation task with Shutdown flag reboots workstation instead of shutting down at the end of the task.
15009 Resolved an issue where the Deep Freeze Console crashes, when providing XML file instead of CSV file in the Configuration Generator.
15320 Resolved issues with workstations running Windows 10 not reporting to the Deep Freeze Console. (Case No: ZTD-831-39650)
15634 Resolved an issue where it was not possible to activate online when the Internet was accessed via a proxy server. (Case No: CKN-285-48443, BCF-951-75987, BCF-951-75987)
15599 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze Console does not verify license if it launches on the computer where invalid license key remained in registry.
15698 Resolved an issue where an error shown when replacing %d with %s in message show in a maintenance event. (Case No: NYS-986-78728)
15834 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze Command Line utility crashed while using space after /update in syntax.
16086 Resolved an issue where the workstations loses communication with the console after 24 hours if no internet access is available. (Case No: LIG-586-21422)
16106 Resolved issues with Deep Freeze Enterprise Console and Active Directory integration with Secure LDAP. (Case No: ANK-900-68876)
16184 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze Console was not able to connect to LDAP Tree with more than 32 characters. (Case No: CHN-811-73676)
16299 Resolved an issue with Deep Freeze Enterprise upgrade where the groups were automatically pushed to the Cloud.
Version (December 31, 2015)
9043 Resolved an issue where updating clients through the Custom Console removed license information. (Case No: YNN-670-71193/BIR-212-51470)
14271 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze could not be installed on computers with empty Windows Updates and a dialog with an error message ‘wcscpy_s abnormal program termination’ appears. (Case No: VER-497-56960/ QIP-133-21304/ ZCN-397-27504)
14464 Resolved an issue where Nessus Vulnerability Scanner flagged Deep Freeze as vulnerable. Deep Freeze is not vulnerable, it only flagged it as such. (Case No: HLF-929-94745/ SYT-301-98288)
14892 Secured One-Time Password functionality from potential vulnerability. (Case No: UDB-639-24568)
15003 Resolved an issue where the workstation did not shutdown after no updates were found in Windows Update task. (Case No: YQN-567-57232/ BGS-437-27053/ FQI-341-69666)
Version (September 21, 2015)
New Features
- Support for Windows 10 (Deep Freeze Administrator and Deep Freeze Console)
- Configuration Generator
Automatically generate multiple Deep Freeze Installation files (.exe) and Deep Freeze Configuration files (.rdx) using a CSV file (sample file provided). The Configuration Generator can be launched from Deep Freeze Administrator, Deep Freeze Console or from the Command Line. Learn more. - Improved error handling for Windows Update task.
14473 Resolved an issue where Windows enters into Recovery mode when rebooting between Frozen and Thawed states. (Case No: OXG-496-12097, GNG-588-69595, HPV-908-31011,ORO-812-59275, MLR-189-91303, FUT-854-73640, ART-669-25239, NPH-454-30027, KIY-984-18997, GCX-544-73846, HPV-908-31011, KQS-566-56234, RXI-350-76867)
14320 Resolved bootloops that occurred if Windows Updates were installed during a workstation task specifically after reboot notification appeared. (Case No: UBV-410-40892)
14745 Resolved an issue where Windows 10 reports as a Windows 8.1 client system in Deep Freeze. (Case No: OAR-171-44554)
14594 Resolved an issue where a one-time Windows Update task from Deep Freeze Console was repeating. (Case No: AEL-597-31181,UUN-533-11696 )
Version (June 12, 2015)
New Features
- Delay Frozen Reboot to Complete Windows Updates
A new option is available in Configuration Administrator (Advanced Option tab) that allows you to delay rebooting the computer into a Frozen state if configuration or installation for Windows Updates are pending. This option is selected by default. Learn more.
13472 Resolved an issue where the computers were disconnected from the domain after updating Deep Freeze. (Case No: VUB-615-43745, LDR-390-66208, QIA-774-79104, DDV-560-82460, UHG-288-70272, ZDF-467-71410)
11338 Resolved an issue where computers entered into a bootloop. (Case No: UKC-375-35031, FQJ-724-51038, TXW-698-36057, URZ-752-85830, FQJ-724-51038, MZU-556-89185, YKG-914-90594, ROE-988-11484)
14011 Resolved an issue where the Deep Freeze Console crashed if there were older Deep Freeze Clients in the Available Configuration node and the Deep Freeze configuration was modified. (Case No: SWE-156-11091, UOV-543-40317, ENS-128-37659)
Version (March 27, 2015)
12953 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze workstations were randomly displayed as offline when the service terminated unexpectedly. (Case No: ZWD-355-10541, LIZ-530-75015, ULR-948-83980, REF-404-42060, XUI-423-28067, JLO-312-53996, OHF-900-66148)
9390 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze Console gave wrong status of Anti-Virus when the computers were powered off. (Case No: XSG-186-34840)
Version (February 10, 2015)
11351 Resolved an issue where the computer hung when External USB 3.0 drive was plugged when Deep Freeze was installed. (Case No: SJO-295-89647, PPB-766-23628)
11755 Resolved an issue where computers lose connection to console due to Deep Freeze Service application crash. (Case No: HYA-731-34835)
11946 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze causes blue screen when Thawed on Windows Embedded.
10901 Resolved an issue where the Deep Freeze Console password got reset when upgrading to the next version.
Version (November 18, 2014)
New Features and Enhancements
- New Modern Look
View the Enterprise Console in a cooler, more modern look. Navigate to View > Modern Look in the top toolbar.
Dynamically Filtered Groups In addition to filtering by Workstation Name, filter with 10 more options like Version, Status, Login Name etc. Advanced users can even use regular expressions. - Remote Launch
Run existing applications on selected workstations using your Enterprise Console. Applications will run in the background (using a system account without user interaction). Optionally include command line parameters. - Push and Launch
Send and run applications on selected workstations using your Enterprise Console. Send up to a 50MB file (.exe or .msi) to workstations. Optionally include command line parameters. - Format ThawSpace
Format ThawSpace(s) on selected workstations with just one click from the Enterprise Console.
View Select Columns hide unwanted columns. Navigate to View > Columns in the top toolbar. - Select by Status
The console summary at the bottom left of the Enterprise Console is now clickable. Clicking each status will appropriately select workstations with that status in the current view. - Maintenance Countdown Timer
A countdown is displayed to the end-user prior to a Workstation Task if Show Message is selected in the settings. - Change Frozen Drive State
Update the Frozen Drive settings in the Deep Freeze configuration without requiring a reinstallation. Changes will take effect at next reboot. - Touchscreen Hotkey
Access the client interface by clicking CTRL-SHIFT-6 or press and hold the Deep Freeze icon in the system tray. - Hidden ThawSpace Enhancements
For users using GPOs to hide their drives, select ‘Honor Group Policy settings for Hidden Drives’ under the Drives tab to ensure the ThawSpaces (and other drives) are hidden as expected. - Scheduler Enhancements
Can now edit existing scheduled tasks and remove workstations from a scheduled task. - More Command Line Options
3 new commands added:
– /thawed will automatically reboot into a Thawed State after installation
– /endtaskwill forcibly cancel any ongoing Deep Freeze Tasks on the computer
– set /clonewill set the Clone Flag for imaging purposes. - New System Tray Icon
Look out for a bigger/clearer white bear in the system tray. - Console Log Improvements
Enhancements include:
– Log when a computer goes Offline
– Log more console commands like Run Windows Update and Format ThawSpace
– Export the log file to a .TXT and .CSV file formats
– Save logs for 7 days instead of 2 days
– Rearrangeable and resizable columns. - Announcements
New announcement bugel will appear in Enterprise Console to display Faronics alerts or notifications.
4185 Resolved an issue where Hidden ThawSpace were not always becoming visible after changing the status/setting. This happened due to racing conditions when user session starts up. (Case No: XLR-409-97951/GRL-679-53579/LGM-416-1589/ KSE-334-91711/OFK-686-43639/ KSE-334-91711/ SIO-732-20144)
9150 Resolved an issue where Unhandled Exception error messages displayed in Deep Freeze Enterprise Console. (Case No: WIX-445-79060/OHO-295-83895/VMU-412-76758/IDJ-652-92236/ OUI-574-33756/NMD-722-33180/ TQI-687-91826)
10423 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze workstations are not registered in History. Must close network connection to resolve. (Case No: EAD-646-71839/IEJ-665-54769/WPD-378-84061/PQV-591-94687/TFX-674-79466/ ZIQ-459-60491/ OUI-574-33756/ EGG-735-73463)
2482 Resolved an issue where there was no context menu option for deleting workstation from scheduler.
3029 Resolved an issue where DFC utility caused hard reboot, when boot Thawed/Frozen/Thawed & Locked.
3322 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze Console history log may show workstation status duplicating entries with almost same timestamp, when workstation reboots.
3346 Resolved an issue where the workstation tasks do not properly display in log file.
4360 Resolved an issue where the Launch and Logon into Deep Freeze on the workstation caused a few seconds delay if windows user is non-admin and UAC was enabled.
7134 Resolved an issue where Ctrl-A shortcut might not select all workstation in the list.
7135 Resolved an issue where switching to Details View mode to List View may show duplicating entries, which will be cleared when switch between nodes.
7860 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze Console log files do not contain active log history. (Case No: UIY-838-73993)
9109 Resolved an issue in the workstation task scheduler where there was an unclear description of when the task starts. (Case No: BYM-485-27171)
9171 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze Console may blank display when adding a big number of workstations to custom group in RDP session. (Case No: IDJ-652-92236)
9543 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze Console shows ‘List index out of bounds’ error when try to export workstation entries into CSV file.
9544 Resolved an issue where switching to ‘Icons’ or ‘List’ mode caused erratic behavior or Console crash in certain scenarios.
9602 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze Console may hang and needs to be restarted. (Case No: JUS-755-15551)
9858 Resolved an issue where Connect to Cloud button opens an English web page regardless of Console language.
10491 Resolved an issue where switching Console views may revert columns custom sort order to default. (Case No: QBB-390-13625)
10681 Resolved an issue where it was not possible to end a maintenance cycle using a configuration update via Deep Freeze Console. (Case No: TKU-147-48940)
10694 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze Console does not pass correct values of %%MAC%% and %%DFVERSION%% tokens via custom action scripts. (Case No: BOL-422-14087)
10695 Resolved an issue where column sorting works only by ‘Workstations’ column after connecting to locally opened Deep Freeze Console using RDP or vise versa.
10852 Resolved an issue where installing Deep Freeze with HP Drive Encryption software results in the computer not booting. (Case No: QYJ-250-63658/ VQZ-103-64186/ OAZ-765-14642)
10875 Resolved an issue where Idle task might randomly trigger on the system when going to sleep or having Intel Active management deployed. (Case No: ZPM-907-21670)
11125 Windows Update Task with pre-defined end time quits earlier then expected, if no any outstanding Windows Update detected. (Case No: BNG-902-39650/ ARY-763-96593)
11233 Resolved an issue of incorrect ‘Install’ icon in workstation’s context menus.
11318 Resolved an issue where Surface Pro 3 workstation hangs during upgrading to next version of Deep Freeze. (Case No: JWV-655-90973)
11328 Resolved an issue where an error message for launching Console installer while Console or Configuration Administrator are running.
11329 Some pop-up box titles do not reflect the command name in the Enterprise Console.
11337 Deep Freeze Web Relay service for Deep Freeze Cloud Connector may crash when a big number of workstations are reporting to the Console. (Case No: RJI-469-10545)
11405 Resolved an issue where workstations with ‘Shutdown’ status disappear from Schedules.
11459 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze scheduled tasks do not work against workstations in Shutdown state. (Case No: YUY-931-25632)
11540 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze Console log erratically sorts by time stamp column.
11663 Resolved an issue where Configuration Date column may randomly not update, if the Console time is not synchronized with workstation.
11793 For Deep Freeze Cloud, resolved an issue where old version of Cloud Agent is installed on Deep Freeze workstation even the new version of Cloud Agent is available.
11892 Resolved an issue where the sequence of columns in the Deep Freeze Console log is not saved.
11935 Resolved an issue where the Console Scheduled task properties incorrectly represent ‘&’ character in task name.
12068 Resolved an issue where RDX files in default path were not upgraded during Deep Freeze Enterprise Console upgrade.
Version (July 29, 2014)
New Features and Enhancements
- Deep Freeze Cloud Connector Current customers will see a new cloud button in the Enterprise Console toolbar once a registered license key is entered. Click this button to connect your console to deepfreeze.com. Deep Freeze Cloud Connector is a web-based, add-on subscription service for Deep Freeze Enterprise customers to evaluate and purchase. Learn More.
10387 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze Enterprise Console did not show the configuration date and file information for older version clients until they were upgraded to the matching version.
10393 Resolved an issue where List out of bounds error appeared in Deep Freeze Enterprise Console. (Case No: JNY-133-76069/ TII-100-57409/IMY-885-95041/LPT-105-59250/NYD-798-57348/VRO-300-89552/PYW-236-90301/ FRV-655-69674/PDC-565-68752/ZAN-509-59172/JIK-774-24680/ KBK-451-28330)
Version (June 24, 2014)
New Features and Enhancements
- Login Name Column
A new column showing the logged in user is now available in Deep Freeze Console. - Gracefully End Windows Update Task
Windows Update Tasks will now end more gracefully when executed from Deep Freeze Console. Any ongoing installation (of Service Pack or other files) will be finalized before the task will end. Any further installations will be aborted.
7936 Resolved a security issue that could result in the user accessing Deep Freeze without authorization.
2487 Resolved an issue where the Uninstall (Leave Seed) option does not remove DFC.exe utility from workstation.
2492 Resolved an issue where the Scheduled Tasks are still executed on the workstation, which has connected to another port.
2496 Resolved a usability issue where the Update Workstation Tasks dialog was not intuitive.
7075 Resolved an issue when attempting to create a remote port connection with an existing name.
8643 Resolved an issue preventing Deep Freeze from running third-party updates during Windows Update tasks where WSUS is configured. (Case No: KGQ-859-42788)
9076 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze Windows Update Workstation task entered a Windows Update loop (Case No: CDK-133-58151/ QAO-573-66969).
10115 Resolved an issue where the computer hangs when P2 PCIE Card reader is attached. (Case No: SGB-558-17710)
10274 Resolved an issue where the Configuration Administrator did not read RDX or EXE files created with an older version of Configuration Administrator.
10353 Resolved an issue where the Operating System column remains blank on the console until upgrading the client to the matched version.
10365 Resolved an issue where Update 1 (KB2919355) for Windows 8.1 was failing during Deep Freeze Windows Update Task with Windows Update Cache enabled.
10409 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze Server service prevents Windows 2003 Server from entering sleep mode. (Case No: HLF-705-81486)
10493 Resolved an issue where the Deep Freeze workstation frequently sends status to Faronics Core creating high CPU usage and problem with status update. (Case No: DYY-860-43932 / Case No: BHT-186-65946)
Version (March 31, 2014)
New Features and Enhancements
- Support for Windows 8.1
- Upgrade During Installation
Automatically upgrade the Enterprise Console, Configuration Administrator, and Deep Freeze install/configuration files (under the Install Programs folder) during installation. - Support for Brazilian Portuguese
8183 Resolved an issue where the Deep Freeze Console displayed wrong information in its columns when connecting through RDP. (Case No: DLI-247-49237)
8915 Resolved an issue where the console column width was not adjustable easily if column was hidden. (Case No: JUQ-109-22966)
9161 Resolved an issue where it was not possible to install Anti-Virus on the Enterprise Console computer in LAN mode. (Case No: NAM-281-30833)
9181 Resolved an issue where the Customized Deep Freeze Console became inaccessible when minimizing OTP password prompt at the Console startup. (Case No: KCF-637-66638)
9259 Resolved an issue where the Deep Freeze Enterprise Console did not update availability of contextual commands against selected workstation(s).
9304 Resolved an issue where the message ‘Please Wait’ was not translated for supported languages. (Case No: YVJ-535-73859)
9350 Downloading of Anti-Virus installer in Deep Freeze 7.72 displays ‘Downloading Faronics Anti-Virus’ twice.
9368 Resolved an issue where the Deep Freeze icon on the task bar is not removed when minimizing the console to the system tray. (Case No: KVE-437-86633)
9387 Resolved an issue where updating Deep Freeze Enterprise erased Anti-Virus license key in Enterprise Console. (Case No: WCQ-579-55490)
9479 Resolved an issue where if the exit option Minimize to System Tray option is used, the Deep Freeze icon appears in the Start Bar and System Tray.
9519 Resolved an issue where the Scheduler node shows items not applicable in its context menus right after adding a new task.
9522 Resolved an issue where upgrading to Deep Freeze 8 deletes Faronics Anti-Virus Files. (Case No: WGO-139-34038)
9672 Resolved an issue where full updates from the Enterprise Console caused the workstation to lock up.
9866 Resolved an issue on the Chinese system when installing Deep Freeze using available configuration, the Deep Freeze workstation UI is displayed in English.
9879 Resolved an issue on Windows XP Systems: Blank Message is displayed while uninstall Deep Freeze Console from Add/Remove programs by a non-admin user.
9885 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze Enterprise Console version 7.72 was unable to uninstall Anti-Virus 3.40 client from workstations.
Version (December 02, 2013)
3334 On 64-bit Windows Vista systems: Resolved an issue where the Deep Freeze Service crashed while uninstalling Deep Freeze Client through the Deep Freeze Console.
4443 Resolved an issue which caused boot loops when applying configuration changes on the workstations while the Windows Update task is running. (Case No: MOR-579-15196)
6950 On Windows XP systems: Resolved an issue where the remote Deep Freeze actions do not start if the Windows screensaver was active during logon. (Case No: IQA-512-62854/ TVC-394-45770)
8145 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze Enterprise did not report properly with Faronics Core Console. (Case No: VUT-404-65772)
8159 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze tasks timeout when run from Faronics Core Console. (Case No: TVA-263-36906)
8809 On Windows 8 systems: Resolved an issue where the upgrade from Windows 8 to 8.1 failed where Windows Update caching was enabled.
8810 On Windows 8 systems: Resolved an issue where installing Deep Freeze Client/Seed failed. (Case No: VPT-500-97477)
8831 On Windows 8 systems: Resolved an issue where AncillaryDev key disappears after upgrading Windows 8 to Windows 8.1, resulting in failed uninstallation process.
8832 On Windows 8.1 systems: Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze Service crashes while uninstalling Deep Freeze Client or Seed from the Deep Freeze Console.
8876 Resolved an issue where the touch screen did not re-enable after finishing workstation task on Microsoft Surface device. (Case No: BXA-872-11048)
8914 Resolved an issue where the error message that appears when applying a old RDX File was incorrect. (Case No: JUQ-109-22966)
8915 Resolved an issue where the Console column width was not adjustable easily if column was hidden. (Case No: JUQ-109-22966)
8916 Resolved an issue where the titles of the dialogs during Console uninstall did not match the product name. (Case No: BGO-781-22063)
9020 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze Enterprise Console 7.1 did not honor Regional Settings for dates. (Case No: FEZ-782-59268)
9040 Resolved a cosmetic issue on Windows Update on demand dialog. (Case No: QYY-995-46109)
9095 Resolved a cosmetic issue in Configuration Administrator (in French version). (Case No: YVJ-535-73859)
9110 On Windows 8.1 RTM: Resolved an issue where the Fast Startup option failed to turn off while installing Deep Freeze.
9180 On Windows 8 and 8.1 systems: Resolved an issue where the Operating System column does not differentiate Windows 8 and 8.1 operating systems.
9242 Deep Freeze workstations do not appear under Deep Freeze Configuration node, if the Deep Freeze configuration was created before Console upgrade.
Version (October 2013)
New Features
- Deep Freeze notification messages are now displayed on all active user sessions on Remote Desktop Server (Windows Terminal Server) and Windows Multipoint Server. This feature is not supported on Windows Server 2012 and Windows Multipoint Server 2012. Learn more about Deep Freeze behavior when installed on Remote Desktop Server.
7500 Resolved an issue where sysprep assigns a drive letter to Deep Freeze Mounted folders (for example, StorageSpace, SoftwareDistribution, and FAVEData).
7766 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze installed incorrectly on Session 0.
7795 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze service reported an invalid current state 0 in the Windows Event Log. (Case No: YOC-456-50071)
7818 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze Configuration Administrator or Deep Freeze Client allowed setting the port to 0.
7907 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze Administrator failed to launch on 64-bit systems with SQL Server installed.
8143 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze server service disconnected or crashed. (Case No: DOU-628-50853)
8375 Resolved an issue where the network traffic running very high in LAN mode when workstation attempted to connect to the server service. (Case No: GAH-226-25558)
8600 Resolved an issue where ThawSpace created with Deep Freeze 6.2 and below disappears when upgrading to a version 7.5 or higher. (Case No: FYH-634-60552)
Version (July 2013)
New Features and Enhancements
- Manage Faronics-Anti-Virus from Deep Freeze Console
Enable Faronics Anti-Virus inside the console by clicking on Evaluate Faronics Anti-Virus or enter the appropriate license key. Faronics Anti-Virus includes:
– Deploy to any workstations with the Deep Freeze seed or client.
– Update configurations and virus definitions when Deep Freeze is in a Frozen state.
– Intrusion Detection & HIPS (Host-Based Intrusion Prevention System).
– Embedded Firewall, Web Filtering & Email protection.
– Schedule Quick Scan, Deep Scan, and Enable/Disable Active Protection.
Note: Learn more about using the Deep Freeze Console and Faronics Core to manage Faronics Anti-Virus. - Manage Deep Freeze Configuration from Deep Freeze Console
Create and apply new Deep Freeze and Antivirus configurations from the Deep Freeze Console without using the Configuration Administrator. - Automatically Apply Configuration Changes
Configuration changes are automatically applied to appropriate workstations. - New Deep Freeze Configuration Column
View which Deep Freeze configuration or RDX file was last applied to each workstation. - Last Configuration Update Column
New Last Configuration Update column displays when the last workstation configuration update was made. - Schedule Windows Updates from Deep Freeze Console
Schedule Windows updates from the Scheduled Task Wizard in the Deep Freeze Console. Windows Updates will be performed on the selected workstation(s) based on settings provided under the Windows Update tab in Deep Freeze configuration. - New Operating System Column
View operating system of each workstation. - Detect Touch Screen Activity
Detect touch screen activity to ensure Idle Time restart/shutdown countdown does not begin if a user is actively using the computer. - Lock Touch Screen Activity
Lock touch screen activity when ‘lock keyboard and mouse’ option is selected from the console or during a maintenance period. - Larger Windows Update Cache
The Windows Update cache allocated by Deep Freeze has been changed from 2GB to 4GB to compensate for the larger Windows 8 updates.
7603 Resolved an issue with Wake-on-LAN feature on custom subnets. (Case: XJW-719-16358)
7457 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze Wake-on-LAN task was causing a packet flood. (Case No: YLD-157-22104)
7311 Resolved an issue where the DFDiskLow drive caused BSOD on Windows XP systems with a FAT32 system partition. (Case No: RLM-498-27897, YKA-210-55431)
7540 Resolved an issue where the Save button was not re-enabled in the Configuration Administrator when changes were made to some settings. (Case No: XBU-433-29971)
7599 Resolved an issue where Japanese characters do not appear correctly when the message is sent from the console. (Case No: OEJ-758-69017)
7053 Resolved an issue where data on Thawed partitions larger than 1TB was inaccessible with IO error due to large data sets. (Case No: MQD-872-12018)
Version (March 2013)
7155 Resolved an issue where the Password field was skipped when entering login information in the Batch File tab of Deep Freeze Administrator. (Case No: VTY-124-81866)
7156 Resolved an issue on XP systems where the error ‘Not enough server storage available’ was displayed on Deep Freeze workstations with certain third party software that utilizes IRPStack system resource. (Case No: JVU-655-36949)
7240 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze caused a deadlock on system startup if there was a zip drive present. (Case No: XBI-364-81148)
7307 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze 7.6 caused Blue Screen on computers with Microsoft BitLocker enabled on the system drive. (Case No: ZIH-859-63089)
7327 Resolved random Blue Screen issues on systems with a many disk devices . (Case No: TIW-271-41633/SUT-748-38530)
Version (December 2012)
- Servers are supported on Windows Server 2012
- Enterprise Console is supported on Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012
- Windows Server 2012 Start Screen Enhancements
Display Deep Freeze notifications for shutdown, restart, maintenance etc. on top of Start Screen. Display Deep Freeze Administrator and Enterprise Console tiles. - Support for Windows To Go
Deep Freeze can be installed on Windows To Go to boot and run from mass storage devices such as USB flash drives and external hard disk drives. - Disable System Refresh and Reset
Disable Windows 2012 System Refresh and Reset when Frozen. Learn more about the difference between Deep Freeze and Microsoft System Refresh and Reset. - Support for BitLocker ‘Used Disk Space’ Encryption
Deep Freeze is compatible with ‘Used Disk Space Only’ encryption in BitLocker on Windows 2012. Learn more. - License Key Activation
This version will include the ability to activate the license key. Activation is simple and painless and does not require the user to input any personal or authentication information. Learn more.
5713 Enterprise Console may display nested, repeating groups. (Case No: OSK-352-44278)
6074 DFWUlogfile.log is malformed after Deep Freeze upgrade from 7.30 to 7.50. (BXR-449-70108)
6143 Enterprise Console hangs when RDPing into the console workstation while the Enterprise Console is running. (XPT-246-31060)
6297 For deployments over 500 workstations, when running Deep Freeze Tasks from the Enterprise Console, workstations tasks are slow to complete. This issue was introduced in v7.5 and an upgrade of the clients to v7.6 is recommended to resolve it. (LKH-533-91318) Learn more.
6300 Enterprise Console hangs when trying to remove workstations from user defined group. (AWD-418-82273)
6501 Cannot change Windows Update settings on workstation after using ‘Run Windows Update’ from Enterprise Console. (TTW-580-31610)
6762 Workstation Blue Screen when ejecting ESATA devices. (XCN-236-87261)
Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 Specific Fixes
5473 Blue Screen at Windows 8 login screen when DF attempts to mount cache folder for Windows Updates.
5511 When remotely accessing Windows 8 workstations while Thawed and Locked, keyboard and mouse remain locked and black screen shows.
5512 Remotely accessing a Windows 8 workstation in a Frozen or Locked state and then Locking it will cause the target workstation to reboot unexpectedly.
5537 Workstation will Blue Screen when DF is installed with Windows 8 Storage Spaces.
6085 Workstations Blue Screen when creating ThawSpace on ReFS.
6085 On Windows Server 2012: ThawSpace hosted on ReFS partition is not accessible.
6104 Windows Server 2012 will Blue Screen while performing a backup
6234 On Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012: The workstation Blue Screen when installing ThawSpaces on Windows Storage Spaces.
6265 On Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012: Deep Freeze workstation does not show pop up messages on Windows Start screen.
6306 On Windows Server 2012: Deadlock on startup, when boot into Frozen state on the system with Storage Spaces hosted on physical disk
6338 Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012: Storage Space drive remains Frozen when configured as Thawed.
6713 On Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012: Sent Message is not displayed on the target workstation which is automatically logged in.
6735 Windows 8: Cannot manually shutdown Deep Freeze workstation with ‘Fast Start up’ option enabled. Learn more.
6819 Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012: Notifications with a Cancel button consumes 100% CPU even after clicking on it.
Accepted Behavior for Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012
6147 Windows 8: If there are any ThawSpace existing, recimg.exe fails to create backup image. Learn more.
6151 When backing up the workstation in a Frozen state, both the backup application and the system hangs. Do not backup when workstation is Frozen.
6332 Status of Dynamic StorageSpace drives on Windows 8 workstations are reported as ‘Healthy (At Risk)’ in Disk Manager. Learn more.
6811 Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012: When the Notification displays on the logon screen it does not stay on top of the Start screen.
6821 Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012: A new Notification window does not popup if another Notification window is running in another user session.
Version (September 2012)
New Features
- On-demand Windows Update from Console
Select workstation(s) in Deep Freeze Console and choose to Run Windows Update. Windows Updates will be performed on the selected workstation(s) based on settings provided under the Windows Update tab in Configuration Administrator. - Windows Update Command Line Control
Use ‘DFC password /WU’ syntax to download and install Windows Updates locally on the workstation. Optionally, enable keyboard and mouse [/UNLOCK], suppress warning message [/NOMSG], and return the machine to Thawed State after completing Windows Update [/THAW]. - Windows Update option in Console Customizer
Create customized console that provides the ability to enable or disable the ability to Run Windows Update. The Console Customizer can be launched from Tools > Console Customizer in the Deep Freeze Console.
5770 Resolved an issue where the DFC utility rebooted the system when trying to boot in the mode the workstation was already in (CME-185-15094).
4155 On BootCamp systems, improved performance of Faronics Storage Spaces which resolves some issues for Faronics Core products. (Case No: IXY-437-26246). See KB for more detail.
5471 Resolved issues related to insufficient space on system drives when installing or upgrading Deep Freeze workstation. (Case No: YBK-318-94672)
5659 Resolved an issue where the same Batch file is re-executed if the workstation was rebooted manually during Batch File task.
5645 Deep Freeze Loadin (Faronics Core plug-in) Resolved an issue where it was not possible to install Deep Freeze Loadin using the Bootstrapper installer on Server 2008 R2 or Windows 7 64-bit.
Version (July 2012)
New Features
- Cache Windows Update
Windows Updates can now be cached on the workstation even when it is in a Frozen state. Updates will be applied when the computer is in Thawed state. Experience significantly faster execution of Windows Update Task because updates are already downloaded. Learn more. - Detect when Windows Updates are finished and automatically end the Windows Update Task. Setting an end time for Windows Update Task is now optional.
- Protect Master Boot Record (MBR)
Deep Freeze prevents a virus from injecting into MBR.
Support for Hard Drives larger than 2 TB - WSUS Restrictions Removed
All updates downloaded from your WSUS will now be installed on the workstation. The previous limitation of only downloading and applying critical and security updates is now limited to updates downloaded directly from the Microsoft Update Website. - Port Exceptions for Deep Freeze Enterprise Console
Communication ports for Deep Freeze no longer need to be manually configured. - New and improved Deep Freeze Workstation and Console Service with Logging
Enables our Tech Support to help with any corner cases. - New and improved User Interface for the Deep Freeze Configuration Administrator
Usability improvements for Workstation Tasks (Maintenance Schedule). Dedicated Windows Update User Interface. - New and improved Graphics for the Deep Freeze Enterprise Console
User guides are linked online, reducing the size of the installer by half - New Utility – Deep Freeze MSI Packager
This utility is included in your download and allows you to convert the Deep Freeze Workstation Install Program (DFWks.exe) executable file into a Windows Installer (.MSI) file format.
2504 Resolved an issue where there was a random deadlock on startup while installing/uninstalling Deep Freeze or creating/deleting ThawSpaces.
2997 Resolved an issue where the Configuration Administrator was displayed when the user declined to change the customization code.
2998 Resolved an issue where errors were displayed when the Deep Freeze Console was open and the customization code was modified.
3079 Resolved an issue where Reboot Thawed and Locked task was allowed to be executed on a workstation that was already Thawed and Locked.
3625 Resolved an issue where the idle task message did not change when the behavior settings of the task changed.
3764 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze Windows Update did not log the actual name or the IP address of the server.
3026 Resolved an issue where a ghost Enterprise Console process is left running on closing the console.
4037 Resolved Blue Screen issue with certain keyboard and mouse drivers. (Case No: ZYP-187-69083, DCK-331-46840, OLV-592-70831)
4255 Resolved Blue Screen issue when Express Cache is installed. (Case No: HMT-966-41631)
3572 Resolved an issue where the task failed with License Expired error when trying to reboot workstations with expired license into Thawed mode.
3900 Resolved several translation issues. (Case No: OTU-350-44687)
Version (July 2012)
This is a beta version of Deep Freeze to conduct usability testing and refine features to be widely available in v7.5. If you wish to participate in the Deep Freeze beta program, please email us at deepfreezebeta@faronics.com along with your contact details and why you would like to participate.
Version (March 2012)
New Features
Deep Freeze Enterprise
- Improved Deep Freeze performance on RAID controllers.
- Improved Deep Freeze functionality with Anti-Executable. Anti-Executable will not disrupt Deep Freeze actions.
- License key expiry notification displayed.
Deep Freeze Loadin (for Faronics Core)
- Improvements in Deep Freeze Client. Deep Freeze Client reports to Faronics Core faster.
- Customization Code in Deep Freeze Loadin increased to 255 characters.
- Improvements in Deep Freeze WMI Classes to ensure uninterrupted communication with Faronics Core.
- Deep Freeze Loadin actions are now synchronous. Workstation tasks are fully completed before reporting as ‘successful’ to Faronics Core.
- Deep Freeze Loadin tasks now conform to the Faronics Core task behaviour criteria. The task returns as ‘successful’ if the workstation is already in the desired state.
- Action Behaviors in Faronics Core provides ‘Reboot Thawed and Locked’ to specify default task behavior.
- Multiple Deep Freeze tasks can now be queued via Faronics Core.
- Improved error messages when Deep Freeze Loadin tasks fail.
- The Deep Freeze installer file cached at the Core Server is removed once the install/upgrade task is performed and removed from History.
- Improved Deep Freeze performance related to Terminal Services and Roaming Profiles.
FB111 On Windows Server 2003 64 bit: Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze status is not updated on Faronics Core, when Deep Freeze Client is Installed or Uninstalled from Faronics Core.
FB1922 Resolved a Blue Screen at login on Frozen computers after updating from Deep Freeze 6.22 to 7.21. (Case No: TTR-416-23714)
FB2538 Resolved an issue where workstations were not updating status in Faronics Core. (Case No: FFM-597-40856)
FB2553 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze workstations were not reporting status updates to Faronics Core. (Case No: CQH-179-71521)
FB2557 Resolved an issue on systems with custom Windows folder: Secure Channel Password was not being managed when Deep Freeze was in a Thawed state (Case No: DGV-558-22897)
FB817 Resolved an issue where status was not accurate for some period of time for workstations managed by Deep Freeze Loadin.
TT2254 Resolved an issue where, after uninstalling Deep Freeze on the workstation, Deep Freeze entry is not removed from Faronics Product under WMI.
TT2356 Resolved an issue on Deep Freeze Server Enterprise: Under certain conditions, Terminal Server remote user logs on with Roaming profile instead of Terminal Service profile. (Case No: BGZ-581-89204)
TT2620 Resolved a Blue Screen on Dell computer with RAID hardware controller (PERC card) (Case No: RYF-134-76780)
TT2621 Resolved a Blue Screen. (Case No: OYK-134-64403)
TT2627 Resolved an unexpected shutdown error on a computer with hardware RAID controller. (Case No: IIA-307-84690)
TT2693 Resolved an issue where Reboot Frozen/ Reboot Thawed task failed with Invalid Timestamp on some computers when Faronics Core Console was overloaded.
TT2695 Resolved a Blue Screen issue after upgrading Deep Freeze. (Case No: MIS-143-20157)
TT2697 Resolved a cosmetic issue in the Status of Next Reboot option. (Case No: RLX-148-27814)
TT2774 Resolved an issue where the Windows Program Compatibility Assistant displayed a warning when Deep Freeze installation was cancelled.
TT2777 Resolved an issue where Faronics Core sometimes did not display the Deep Freeze workstation status after install. (Case No: PDG-899-28895)
TT2788 Resolved an issue where the Deep Freeze WMI provider prevented the local Faronics Core Agent uninstall or upgrade.
TT2792 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze Workstation sometimes did not report status to Faronics Core. (Case No: IDU-897-12223)
FB2414 Resolved a cosmetic issue in the title of Deep Freeze Loadin install wizard.
FB2432 Resolved an issue where after installing the Deep Freeze Seed, workstations were displayed only in Seed child node but not in Deep Freeze parent node.
FB2433 Resolved an issue where workstations were still displayed under Deep Freeze parent node on Faronics Core even after the Deep Freeze Client was uninstalled.
FB2435 Resolved an issue where DfShl.dll file has missing version properties.
FB2446 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze Loadin does not remove temporary installation files on the console computer.
FB2474 Resolved an issue where the incorrect string is displayed on Loadin setup interrupted dialog.
TT230 Resolved an issue where the incorrect icon size/resolution on Windows install/uninstall panel was displayed.
TT231 Resolved an issue where Faronics Core could not manage Deep Freeze (invalid Customization Code error on tasks).
TT237 Resolved an issue where all Deep Freeze actions show inaccurate failure reason in Task History while running workstations where Deep Freeze was uninstalled.
TT244 Resolved an issue where it was able to change Customization Code to a blank code in Deep Freeze Loadin properties from Faronics Core.
1902 Resolved issue where the keyboard shortcuts on the workstation did not work.
2245 Resolved a Blue Screen issue while logging off Windows 7. (Case: 130-33089)
2299 Resolved issue where the Embedded Events show inaccurate message time.
2323 Resolve a Blue Screen issue while logoff. (Case: 223-40305)
2326 Resolve a Blue Screen issue while logoff. (Case: 42-39496)
2328 Resolve a Blue Screen issue while logoff. (Case: 153-42051)
2325 Resolved issue where the number of Thawed restarts field was not wide enough to show two digits and was not limited to 9.
2339 Resolved issue where DFC crashed when launched from Windows folder.
2349 Resolved issue where Deep Freeze command line password was not limited to 63 characters.
2352 Resolved issue where D drive shows as Frozen even when it is Thawed and has a page file on it. (Case: 121-43697)
2354 Resolved issue with Deep Freeze and Ramdisk.
2363 Resolved issue where the Error Notification is not displayed when incorrect network settings are set via Deep Freeze.
2370 Resolved issue where the blank password dialog must expand and the scroll bar was not displayed.
2371 Resolved issue where the MaximumPasswordAge registry is not reverted back to 30 whenDeep Freeze is uninstalled from the workstation.
2372 Resolved issue where the Deep Freeze UI items disappear when Alt button is pressed.
L226 Resolved issue where Anti-Executable was partially installed when Faronics Core remotely installed Anti-Executable after Deep Freeze is remotely installed.
New Features
- Management of Secure Channel Passwords
Deep Freeze changes the value of the Group Policy Maximum machine account password age based on the Deep Freeze state (Frozen or Thawed). - Lock Keyboard and Mouse in Deep Freeze Loadin
Lock keyboard and mouse and Boot Thawed and Locked are now available in Deep Freeze Loadin. - License Management in Deep Freeze Loadin
Deep Freeze Enterprise and Deep Freeze Server Enterprise Licensing can now be managed via Deep Freeze Loadin.
2271 Resolved issue where Windows entered a boot loop when Deep Freeze was installed on an SSD supporting the ATA TRIM command. (Case# 76-37482)
2330 Resolved a password security issue.
2223 Resolved issue where adding a workstation on an existing Wake-on-LAN task crashed the task. (Case# 153-29637)
2238 Resolved issue where Deep Freeze was unstable after running Last Good Known Configuration. (Case # 153-29637)
2246 Resolved issue where the Deep Freeze Workstation Installer hanged when it failed to write to the registry (due to a registry protection software blocking system registry access).
2258 Resolved issue where DFent.exe/update command could not reapply the existing higher version license in the old Deep Freeze Console.
2262 On 64-bit workstations: Resolved issue where the ThawSpace driver was not updated when upgrading from 7.0 to higher versions.
1605 Resolved issue where the Scheduled Task Wizard always showed the current date in the message Deep Freeze will perform the task at …when a new weekly or monthly task is created and the first run date is not the current date.
2308 Resolved issue where Deep Freeze looped infinitely in the Please Wait dialog when double- clicking the Install button.
2336 Resolved issue where FrzState login is not protected against buffer overflow and crashes if a log password string is entered.
L193 Resolved issue where an improper message is displayed on Reboot Frozen and Lock/ Unlock Keyboard and mouse action on workstations that were running in Maintenance Mode.
L212 Resolved issue where Deep Freeze Standard could be pushed to any workstation from Faronics Core Console using Deep Freeze Loadin.
L213 Resolved issue when Deep Freeze Server is attempted to be installed on a non-server operating system and the task moves to History with a Successful status.
L216 On Windows 2003 Enterprise and Standard 64-bit systems: Resolved issue where the workstation restarts and does not install Deep Freeze Client through Faronics Core Console. Only after the push install is successful, the installer starts and the install process is launched.
2257 Resolved issue that could prevent roaming profiles from synchronizing correctly upon user log off.
New Features
- Compatible with the Deep Freeze Loadin for Faronics Core.
- Compatible with Faronics Anti-Virus.
- Enhanced security.
1904 Resolved issue that could cause the Retain ThawSpace setting to always be unchecked after updating a workstation from the Enterprise Console or DFC using a blank file.
2027 Resolved issue that could cause a drive set to be hidden with a local policy to be visible after installing Deep Freeze with a ThawSpace.
2131 Resolved unexpected behavior when applying Reboot Thawed / Reboot Thawed and Locked/ Reboot Frozen commands on a workstation while it is in Maintenance Mode.
2152 Resolved compatibility issue with WinMagic SecureDoc encryption software.
2167 Resolved unexpected behavior when applying Lock / Unlock commands on a workstation on which Deep Freeze had expired.
2169 Resolved issue that could cause a ThawSpace to be inaccessible on a dual boot Macintosh running Windows 7 and Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard.
2208 Resolved issue that could cause a partition or drive to be hidden after uninstalling DeepFreeze, if the drive letter had previously been assigned to a hidden ThawSpace.
New Features
- Compatible with the forthcoming Deep Freeze Loadin for Faronics Core. Contact betaprogram@faronics.com for more information.
- Officially supported on Windows Server 2008 R2.
- Maintenance Mode is now compatible with the Enable Deep Freeze Maintenance ModeCompatibility feature of Faronics Anti-Executable v3.4 (or later).
- Deep Freeze now employs the same licensing scheme as other Faronics products. Therefore, a valid License Key must be entered into the product in order to prevent it from expiring after a 30-day evaluation period.
- WOL can now be used across subnets on non-class C networks.
- Officially supported on Windows Server 2008 R2.
- The Embedded Events Scheduler now combines all possible Embedded Events onto a single configuration tab and allows for multiple events to be scheduled on a single day.
- Customizable warning messages can now be displayed at the workstation prior to Maintenance, Restart, Shutdown, or Idle Time events and a separate customized message can be displayed during a Maintenance event.
- The Embedded Events Scheduler now combines all possible Embedded Events onto a single configuration tab and allows for multiple events to be scheduled on a single day.
- Users can optionally be allowed to cancel any Embedded Event (Maintenance, Restart, Shutdown, or Idle Time) prior to execution from the workstation.- Windows Updates that are applied via Deep Freeze are now logged to a log file.- Multiple ThawSpaces (up to eight) can be created.- ThawSpace(s) can individually be specified as Visible or Hidden.- Integrated Console Customizer: Customized copies of the Enterprise Console with limited features can be created for distribution in your organization.
- Connect via Remote Desktop Connection (RDC): Administrators can take control of a remote computer through the Deep Freeze Enterprise Console via Microsoft’s Remote Desktop Protocol. RDC enables easy access, configuration, and control abilities on any networked computer.
- Remote Execute: Remotely execute an executable file on a computer. Administrators do not have to visit each workstation to install a program, and reliance on third party management solutions is reduced.
- Push and Install MSI: Push and install a .msi file on a computer. This allows administrators to use the Enterprise Console to install applications rather than scripting, GPOs, or using third party tools.
- Integrated Action Files: Action Files call an external program or script through the Enterprise Console to reduce the need for third party tools. Administrators can use any scripting language that can be called through command line.
- Visual indication of selected Remote Console.
- Simplified Chinese localization added.
Improved / Changed Features
- Rewritten and expanded user guide.
- Embedded Maintenance events now take priority over embedded restart/shutdown events if both have been scheduled as overlapping events.
- The Deep Freeze Windows Updates setting no longer modifies pre-existing registry keys.
- The ThawSpace file format can no longer be specified. NTFS format is used in all cases.
- Rewritten password security functionality to resolve a reported potential security vulnerability in which a malicious user may be able to bypass the Deep Freeze password dialog when running as a Windows administrator user.
469 Resolved an issue that could cause the incorrect task icon to appear on the scheduler in a Console connected to a Remote Console or a Server Service Manager after the task is executed.
652 Windows Server 2008 only: Resolved issue where Deep Freeze files did not have proper large and extra large icons.
942 Resolved issue that could allow a non-administrator user to kill Deep Freeze processes resulting in the icon not being displayed in the system tray and loss of communication with the Enterprise Console (the machine would remain Frozen)
1153 Resolved issue that could cause the Deep Freeze icon to not appear in the System Tray, resulting in an inability to access the Deep Freeze login menu.
1158 Resolved issue that could cause the Deep Freeze Enterprise Console log file to retain records that are more than 48 hours old.
1167 Resolved issue that could cause an abnormal program termination error to appear on a workstation after using the Unlock command in the Enterprise Console if a VNC session had previously been used to clear the lock message on the workstation.
1177 Resolved issue that could prevent the Deep Freeze Enterprise Console from opening and reports a blank error dialog if the Console Log File is extremely large (over 400MB).
1179 Resolved issue that could cause the Deep Freeze password dialog to become non-responsive due to a compatibility issue with Novell’s login dll (NWGina.dll).
1561 Changing settings Boot Control settings results in a single (formerly multiple) confirmation dialogs.
1668 Resolved an issue that could allow the left-hand pane of the Enterprise Console to be resized all the way to the left until it was no longer visible and could not be moved back without a restart of the Enterprise Console.
1802 Resolved issue that could result in a failed installation of Deep Freeze in very rare circumstances.
1848 Resolved issue that could result in Windows errors occurring during boot while Frozen in very rare circumstances.
1880 Resolved issue where the Type field of the Passwords tab in the Configuration Administrator was user editable; if Type was modified, the specified password would not be accepted on a client computer.
1883 Corrected the tab order on the Drives tab in the Configuration Administrator.
1884 Corrected the tab order on the Maintenance tab in the Configuration Administrator.
1886 Resolved cosmetic issues on the One Time Password Generation dialog.
1888 Resolved an issue in the One Time Password Generator that caused incorrect keystrokes to be displayed when non-hex characters were entered.
1890 Resolved an issue in which the mouse focus had to be manually set to an existing group before a new user defined group could be added as a sub-group via the right-click menu.
1891 Resolved an issue in which the status fields at the bottom left corner of the Enterprise Console were user selectable.
1908 Resolved issue that would prematurely update a workstation’s status in the Enterprise Console after performing a DFC /thawlocknextboot command.
1911 Resolved an issue that could cause an existing .rdx file to be unexpectedly deleted in a specific circumstance: If it was opened for editing in the Configuration Administrator and some disallowed settings are specified (such as an empty password), then a Save As command is issued with the existing name; the original file was deleted, but the new file fails to save because of the error in the configuration.
1914 Resolved incorrect message that was displayed on a workstation that was in a Thawed Locked state.
1938 Resolved issue that could cause a Blue Screen with PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA error when ThawSpace was used in certain rare circumstances.
1961 Resolved issue that could cause an Access Violation error to appear in the Enterprise Console in specific circumstances.
1963 Resolved issue that could result in the keyboard and mouse being unresponsive after uninstalling Deep Freeze from the Enterprise Console while the workstation’s keyboard and mouse were Locked.
2058 Resolved issue that could allow the Windows Update log file on a workstation to grow indefinitely.
2059 Resolved cosmetic issue in the Enterprise Console where incorrect icons were displayed to represent Thawed workstations.
2072 Japanese localization only: Resolved minor localization issue.
2075 Resolved issue that could result in a workstation remaining in Maintenance Mode past the scheduled end time.
2076 Resolved issue that could prevent a user from controlling Deep Freeze locally on a workstation.
2083 Japanese localization only: Localized the About menu.
2084 French localization only: Resolved minor cosmetic issue.
2085 Non-English localizations only: Resolved an issue that caused some strings related to the License to remain in English after applying a License Key in English and then switching to a different language.
2086 Resolved incorrect message when importing a configuration file from Deep Freeze v6.3 or earlier that caused a Restart event to be referred to as a Shutdown event.
2087 Resolved issue that could cause a Deep Freeze workstation installation to terminate and fail if a raw partition existed on the disk.
2092 Resolved issue that could prevent the DFC /Bootfrozen command from restarting the system on Macintosh computers running Windows in Boot Camp.
2084 French localization only: Resolved minor cosmetic issue.
New Features
- Windows Server 2008 support
- Deep Freeze Console Customizer compatibility; Enterprise Consoles can now be customized with limited features using the separate Console Customizer utility
- User Defined Groups can now be imported from a Novell LDAP server
- Workstations can now be dragged from User Defined Groups, network list, or history to schedule a task directly in the network and groups panel
- Deep Freeze Action Files capability; XML Action Files can be used to extend the Console’s functionality without upgrading the Console
- Ability to execute a scheduled task immediately
- Ability to schedule a Send Message task
- Flexible scheduling options (same as Windows scheduler)
- Ability to run schedules when the Console is closed
- Restart on Logoff option
- Enhanced Novell compatibility; Run batch file with feature compatible with Novell environments
- Console opens to the size, position, and view it was at the last time it was closed
- Console provides the user with the ability to select the order in which columns will be displayed
- Console shows the name of the Deep Freeze configuration file used to install Deep Freeze on each client in a column
- Console provides an option to clear all history
- Console contents can be exported to CSV
- Console shows clients available for WOL
- SSM integrated into Console. Allows multiple ports and ability for Console to ‘run’ as a service when it is closed.
- OTP Token Generator is accessible from within the Console
- Improved Active Directory import; individual groups can now be imported
- Ability to lock keyboard and mouse on demand
- Ability to override ongoing maintenance periods
- DFC included in workstation/Seed installs
- DFC commands are now verbose
- DFC.EXE syntax returned when DFC.EXE is called without parameters
- /Lock and /Unlock commands added to DFC; disables or enables keyboard/mouse on machine
- The Boot Control window provides the ability to Reboot Now
- System tray icon no longer flashes when machine is Thawed
- Allow User to Change Clock can be selected even if a Maintenance Schedule is set
- Resolved issue that could cause a Blue Screen in very specific circumstances: a non-functional place-holder SD card was inserted into a card reader slot on a machine with some versions of the Ricoh hardware driver installed.
- Resolved issue that could prevent a machine from restarting correctly after installation ofDeep Freeze
- Resolved issue that could cause the Deep Freeze Enterprise Console to crash when pushing out more than 15 simultaneous configuration updates
- Resolved issue that could cause the Windows login window to fail to appear on certain computers that had Deep Freeze installed
- Resolved compatibility issue with nForce RAID systems
- Resolved an issue that could cause a client installation to fail on computers that are not logged in (after the machine was restored from a Sysprep image)
- Resolved an issue that could result in very slow installation from the Console in certain circumstances
- If ALT+C is used to extend the Create menu in the Configuration Administrator, keyboard input is now correctly accepted without needing to press ALT once more
- Resolved issue that could result in a Deep Freeze client warning dialog in not displaying text correctly if the user is logged in with a non-admin account
- Resolved issues that could prevent the Deep Freeze icon from being displayed in the System Tray on any machines, resulting in the computer being unable to be booted into the Thawed state
- Resolved compatibility issue with SafeGuard
- Resolved issue in the Enterprise Console that could prevent a task from being executed with Wake-on-LAN
- Resolved issue where some buttons were not localized on non-English systems
- Resolved compatibility issue with Daemon Tools that could prevent USB drives from mounting on first use
- Resolved issue on Spanish and French localized systems where an incorrect title displayed in the One Time Password page
- Resolved issue that could occur if Maintenance was scheduled to take place on a Saturday and the end time crossed over midnight
- Resolved a compatibility issue with Tor Privoxy
- Resolved time display issue in the Schedule Task Wizard; specific to the German localized version
- Resolved issue that could cause One time only tasks to not be processed when the user edits another task while the task is being processed for execution.
- Resolved issue where an Access Violation error is sometimes shown in the console when creating a new task while connected to a Remote Console.
- Resolved issue where the Console will crash if, while trying to reconnect to a Remote Console, the reconnect button is clicked rapidly and repeatedly.
- Resolved issue where having two Consoles open at the same time and then closing one of them could result in empty drop-down menus and no task names
- Resolved issue where a Seed uninstalled via the Console and then reinstalled manually could result in the Seed uninstalling itself and the machine rebooting
New Features
- Windows Server 2003 64 bit support
- Localization to English, French, German, Spanish, and Japanese languages
- Deep Freeze Enterprise Console compatibility with Deep Freeze Server Enterprise
Improved Features
- Improved Enterprise Console performance and scalability
- Improved ThawSpace resiliency
- Resolved a compatibility issue that causes Blue Screen when booting into the Frozen state
- Resolved a compatibility issue with nVidia Nforce IDE drivers
- Resolved an issue that caused the Enterprise Console to crash when it is closed
- All Enterprise Console buttons show hints when hovering over them with the pointer
- Resolved an issue that caused the abnormal termination of the process that allows the user to change the Deep Freeze state locally
- Resolved an issue that prevented WOL calls from propagating across multiple networks