Deep Freeze Mac Feature History

Version (October 5, 2023)

  • Support for macOS Sonoma 14.
  • ARD tasks set to run as root by default.
  • On macOS 13 (Ventura) or higher: Deep Freeze Mac application and command line tool will notify the user if the daemon has been disabled in System Settings > General > Login Items.
  • On systems running macOS Monterey 12 and higher: Deep Freeze will not perform major macOS updates when installing system updates during maintenance schedule.

Version (October 28, 2022)

  • Support for macOS Ventura 13 (on Apple Silicon and Intel architectures).

Version 7.4 (November 2021)

  • Support for macOS Monterey 12 (on Apple Silicon and Intel architectures).

Version 7.3 (November 2020)

  • Support for macOS Big Sur 11 (on Apple Silicon and Intel architectures).
  • New option for ‘Status’ command to return Frozen/Thawed status.

Version 7.2 (October 2019)

  • Support for macOS Catalina (10.15)
  • Maintenance Schedules
    Create maintenance schedules where you can perform Apple software updates, run a script or any other maintenance required. Optionally warn users prior to a maintenance period, lock the keyboard and mouse and shut down the computer after the maintenance period.
  • Restart on Log Out
    When enabled, the computer will restart when the user logs out (or when the last user logs out if fast user switching is enabled).
  • ARD Info Field
    Set ARD Info Field 1, 2, 3 or 4 to display the Deep Freeze global status.
  • Apple Remote Desktop Tasks
    Install pre-configured actions to manage Deep Freeze via ARD.

    Version 7.1 (May 2019)

    • Support for Cloud Console (Cloud Agent 3.00)
    • StorageSpace
      – Store Deep Freeze and Cloud Agent data so that configurations can be changed while the computer is Frozen.
    • Supports global Freeze/Thaw actions

    Version 7.0 (November 2018)

    • Supports APFS file system:
      – macOS Mojave (10.14)
      – macOS High Sierra (10.13.5)

    Version 6.2 (September 2017)

    • Support for macOS High Sierra (10.13)

    Version 6.1 (September 2016)

    • Support for macOS Sierra (10.12)

    Version 6.0 (September 2015)

    • Support for El Capitan (OS X 10.11)

    Version 5.93 (May 2015)

    • Support for NVMe SSD – Deep Freeze Mac now supports MacBook and MacBook Air systems that come with the new NVMe SSD drives attached through a PCIe interface.
    • Handling Core Storage volumes after an upgrade – Upgrading OS X systems resulted in the startup volume converted to CoreStorage resulting in incompatibility with Deep Freeze Mac. Users can now revert the CoreStorage volume before rebooting into a Frozen state. Learn More.

    Version 5.92 (February 2015)

    • Support for Support for Simplified Chinese and Portuguese

    Version 5.90 (October 2014)

    • Support for Yosemite (OS X 10.10)

    Version 5.80 (November 2013)

    • Support for Mavericks (OS X 10.9)
    • Support for Apple Remote Desktop 3.7

    Version 5.70 (July 2013)

    • Redesigned Maintenance view with a summary of scheduled tasks.
    • Allow repeating schedule to run on multiple days.
    • Execute a desired script during Maintenance Period.
    • Run Apple Software Updates and the script in the same schedule.
    • Prevent conflicting maintenance periods from being scheduled.
    • Show countdown warning message before maintenance starts.

    Version 5.60 (November 2012)

    • Thaw for Several Restarts via Deep Freeze Remote: Option to send a Thaw command to a computer so that it remains Thawed for a specified number of reboots.
    • Update License Key option via Deep Freeze Remote.
    • Retain ThawSpaces: ThawSpaces are automatically retained during a major upgrade or reinstall. The retained ThawSpaces location has changed from “/Volumes” to “/Library/Application Support/Faronics/Deep Freeze/ThawSpaces” so it is more accessible to the user during an upgrade or uninstall.
    • Deep Freeze Remote has been updated and version number will match with product version number for subsequent releases.
    • Usability Improvements:
      – Deep Freeze status icon displayed in the Boot Control tab for visual of the Deep Freeze status.
      – Deep Freeze menu bar status icon has been changed.
      – Added descriptions to each tab for clarity.
      – Added a confirmation dialog when there are unsaved changes in the ThawSpace and Mapping tab.
      – “Tag User ThawSpace with Icon” option has been moved to the “Add ThawSpace” dialogue.
      – Added a reminder to disable Fast User Switching for “Restart instead of Log Out” feature.

    Version 5.50 (July 2012)

    • Support for OS X Mountain Lion.
    • Support for OS X Server.
    • Updated Deep Freeze Remote (Build No:1.01.2200.0028)

    Version 5.10 (June 2012)

    • Support for TRIM on Mac OS X 10.6.8.
    • Unified Installer Deep Freeze Assistant and the Deep Freeze Installer have been merged to create a Unified Installer to Install Deep Freeze, Create an Installer, and Install Deep Freeze Remote/ARD Tasks.
    • Deep Freeze Remote Deep Freeze Remote is a new application that provides a user-friendly interface to manage Deep Freeze computers.

    Version 5

    • Support for Mac OS X 10.7 Lion.
    • Support for TRIM enabled SSD systems on Mac OS X 10.7 Lion.
    • Support for Subscription License Keys.

    Version 4.64.2200.0405

    • Support for Subscription License Keys.

    Version 4.63

    • Installation is prevented on systems with a TRIM enabled SSD on Mac OS X 10.6.x. (This is due to an incompatibility between all versions of Deep Freeze Mac and TRIM under Mac OS X 10.6.x.)

    Version 4.62

    • Deep Freeze Mac now supports drives larger than 2.2 TB.

    Version 4.60

    • ThawSpaces can be resized.
    • Only ThawSpace owners can access their own User ThawSpace. Other users will not be able to access it. (On Mac OS X 10.4, other users’ ThawSpaces will not be shown on the Desktop. On Mac OS X 10.5 and 10.6, when a user logs in, other users’ ThawSpaces will be shown on the Desktop as a folder with no access.)
    • When Deep Freeze is uninstalled and ThawSpaces are retained, only ThawSpace owners can mount their own User ThawSpace. Other users will not able to mount or access it.
    • Additional CLI commands.
    • Replace ThawSpace feature has been removed (no longer required because a ThawSpace can now be resized).
    • Add ThawSpace only lists users who do not already have a ThawSpace assigned.
    • When deleting a ThawSpace that has had a Mapping operation done to it, the administrator will receive a warning.
    • The Status command now includes the ARD Info Field and also now requires a username/password.
    • Usability improvements during installation when entering a License Key.

    Version 4.50

    • Licensing: Deep Freeze Mac now employs the same licensing scheme as other Faronics products. Therefore, a valid License Key must be entered into the product in order to prevent it from expiring after a 30-day evaluation period.
    • Compatible with Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard.
    • No longer supported on, or compatible with, Mac OS X 10.3 Panther.

    Version 4.20

    • Security enhancements (resolved three reported security vulnerabilities).
    • Introduced a new, more secure, command line syntax, deepfreeze, to address a reported security vulnerability. Refer to the user guide for more information. The former, CLI, command line options are still available for backward compatibility and transition purposes, but have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Both sets of commands are installed in ARD via the Deep Freeze Assistant.

    Version 4.10

    • Improved French, German, Japanese, and Spanish localizations.
    • Security enhancements (resolved three reported security vulnerabilities).
    • Able to write Deep Freeze status (Frozen or Thawed) for each workstation in Apple Remote Desktop Computer Info Field 1-4. This is useful for viewing and sorting workstations in ARD by Deep Freeze status.

    Version 4.00

    • Integrated Mapping to retain user data across restarts. Deep Freeze Assistant allows Mapping by user type (specific accounts don’t need to be configured); allowed types are Admin, Standard, or Mobile. DFX Control allows Mapping by specific user (all or parts of a user account can be mapped to a second partition or ThawSpace.
    • Multiple Maintenance Schedules can be configured
    • Compatible with Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard

    Version 3.20

    • Individual ThawSpaces can be tagged with the user’s icon
    • Creating a ThawSpace now shows a progress bar to indicate creation status
    • Deep Freeze Assistant enhancement. Designate (by name) from the Assistant if you want any volumes/partitions Thawed upon install of Deep Freeze
    • Enhanced “Check for Update” feature.Check for new versions of Deep Freeze from either the workstation or via the Apple Remote Desktop (ARD) console
    • Additional, installable ARD tasks to tag individual ThawSpaces, specify Thawed /Frozen partitions and check for Deep Freeze updates

    Version 3.10

    • ThawSpace enhancement: Global and Individual ThawSpaces can be added or deleted from within the ThawSpace tab in the Deep Freeze Controller
    • All ThawSpaces can be sized in either MB or GB and can range from 1 MB to 120 GB
    • Manageability of Deep Freeze Mac through the LANDesk console for those running the LANDesk Management Suite
    • Apple Software Update status: when installing software updates with the user locked out, Deep Freeze Mac now shows updates from Apple as they are installed
    • Ability for the program to check if a newer version is available
    • New path name for the command line interface tool used by Apple Remote Desktop (ARD)
    • Additional installable ARD tasks to manage Deep Freeze users and ThawSpaces

    Version 3.00

    • ThawSpace capability; users can designate both a Global ThawSpace (for all users to access) or a user-based Thawspace (usable by only an individual local user). ThawSpaces can be retained upon uninstall.
    • Maintenance scheduling capability; users can schedule a maintenance period to automatically pull down Apple Software Updates and perform other updates if required.Other available options include: the ability to lock out a user, to warn a user that a maintenance period is about to occur, and to shut down the computer at the conclusion of the maintenance period.
    • Enhanced Deep Freeze Assistant; users can create custom install packages to preset all options available through the Deep Freeze Controller before deploying the packages to multiple workstations.
    • Additional installable Apple Remote Desktop (ARD) tasks
    • Compatible with ARD 3
    • Single install file for PPC and Intel-based Macs
    • Single Deep Freeze Assistant file for PPC and Intel-based Macs
    • Enhanced program performance

    Version 2.03

    • First release version of Deep Freeze Mac ARD for Intel-based Macs (note that this is a separate installation file and version number for the Intel platform; a Universal Binary will be available in the near future)

    Version 2.00

    • First shipping release of version 2.0.