Deep Freeze Mac Release Notes

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Version (October 15, 2024)

New Features

  • Support for macOS Sequoia 15.


Known Issues

Disk Utility can be accessed by Admin or Standard users to add/delete/erase/mount/unmount APFS volumes.

36887 On macOS Big Sur 11 (Intel Architecture): Deep Freeze Mac does not exit scheduled Maintenance Period when complete, or does not restart the computer.

33583 Software update to Catalina 10.15.7 may fail to mount StorageSpace.

32020 On dual-boot macOS with Catalina startup volume: ‘Big Sur -Data’ volume is not showing in the Deep Freeze Volumes tab.

24261 Unable to set Thawed volume to Frozen if there is not enough disk space left on volume.

24290 System kernel panics when performing OS update while the startup disk is Frozen.

24332 Frozen volume encrypted using FileVault doesn’t get reverted after computer restart. When enabling FileVault, ensure that the computer is in Thawed mode and do not set it to Frozen mode until the encryption has been completed.

24447 Windows OS can be installed/uninstalled using BootCamp On Frozen macOS 10.14 and changes are not reverted after reboot.

24540 Unable to add ThawSpace for user if volume with the same name already exists (add ThawSpace action fails).

24527 Unable to delete ThawSpace entry from ThawSpaces list after deleting/renaming it from Disk Utility.

26598 On macOS High Sierra 13: The dialog box ‘This package will run a program…’ is displayed two times while installing Deep Freeze Mac.

26610 After upgrading Deep Freeze Mac 7.0 or 7.01 to the latest version, user needs to logoff and re-login to see the Deep Freeze icon displayed on the menu bar.


Version (October 5, 2023)

New Features

  • Support for macOS Sonoma 14.
  • ARD tasks set to run as root by default.
  • On macOS 13 (Ventura) or higher: Deep Freeze Mac application and command line tool will notify the user if the daemon has been disabled in System Settings > General > Login Items.
  • On systems running macOS Monterey 12 and higher: Deep Freeze will not perform major macOS updates when installing system updates during maintenance schedule.



45847 Resolved an issue with being unable to create Thawspaces in certain conditions. (CN# 502737)


Version (October 28, 2022)

New Features

  • Support for macOS Ventura 13.


Version (November 1, 2021)

New Features

  • Support for macOS Monterey 12.

Notes (starting from macOS Big Sur):

  • The Apple Software Update option in the maintenance schedule has been disabled on Apple Silicon Macs.
  • Command line installation of configuration profiles is no longer supported. Configuration profiles will need to be installed manually.
  • For Intel-based Macs, a 3-hour timeout has been introduced after the Maintenance modes where the computer will be forced to restart, should it fail to restart once the Apple Software updates are completed. Issue escalated to Apple.


35992 Resolved an issue where trying to install Deep Freeze or Cloud Agent on Apple Silicon Macs that do not have Rosetta installed resulted in the system asking to install Rosetta.

36275 Resolved an issue with having an SD card inserted in the computer causing Freeze/Thaw/Uninstall operations not being permitted. (Case No. FOQ-231-37999, YWM-151-22798, GLU-567-80325)


Version (February 08, 2021)

New Features

  • Deep Freeze Mac 7.3 supports macOS Big Sur on Apple Silicon Macs, which has been extensively tested without any known issues detected.


Version (November 19, 2020)

New Features

  • Support for macOS Big Sur 11.
  • New option for ‘Status’ command to return Frozen/Thawed status.

Note: Deep Freeze 7.x no longer requires a restart to Freeze the computer so the computer will not need to restart at the end of the maintenance period.

Deep Freeze Mac 7.30 does not officially support Apple Silicon Mac. For more information, contact Technical Support at 1-800-943-6422 or 1-604-937-3333.


33430 Resolved an issue where the text on Steam Client for Mac opening windows did not appear with Deep Freeze for Mac installed. (Case No. KNQ-501-48715)

29592 Resolved an issue where Adobe Photoshop did not open .PSD files automatically. (Case No. JAZ-153-33237)

29590 Resolved an issue with BBEdit 12/13 displaying text after installing Deep Freeze Mac. (Case No. YJO-246-61316)

28706 Resolved an issue where Adobe After Effects did not run with Deep Freeze Mac 7.20 on macOS 10.15 (Catalina). (Case No. GRP-962-68279, DRP-275-40209, YPR-667-32435, WYS-789-30421, XNM-881-69314, EWV-999-48019, REF-913-61179, TTI-459-29188, HUS-880-10796, NSU-980-58934)

28531 Resolved an issue where StorageSpace not mounted error (-60005) was displayed for Deep Freeze Mac 7.20 with Adobe Cloud Installed. (Case No. QVH-461-39192)

27935 Resolved an issue where the error message ‘Unable to thaw the computer..’ was not localized for all supported languages.

27726 Resolved an issue where the tooltip for Add/Edit Schedule incomplete was not localized in some languages.

27895 Resolved an issue where the ‘Downloading [update]’ notification shown in Deep Freeze lockout maintenance window was not localized for all supported languages.

25393 Resolved an issue where the menu bar status icon did not update live after the machine was set to Frozen or Thawed using the command line. (Case No. EJV-244-77740)

25062 Resolved an issue where the expiry reminder window always showed ‘evaluation’ instead of ‘subscription’.


Version (October 10, 2019)

New Features

  • Support for macOS Catalina 10.15
  • Maintenance Schedules
    Create maintenance schedules where you can perform Apple software updates, run a script or any other maintenance required. Optionally warn users prior to a maintenance period, lock the keyboard and mouse and shut down the computer after the maintenance period.
  • Restart on Log Out
    When enabled, the computer will restart when the user logs out (or when the last user logs out if fast user switching is enabled).
  • ARD Info Field
    Set ARD Info Field 1, 2, 3 or 4 to display the Deep Freeze global status.
  • Apple Remote Desktop Tasks
    Install pre-configured actions to manage Deep Freeze via ARD.

Note: Deep Freeze 7.x no longer requires a restart to Freeze the computer so the computer will not need to restart at the end of the maintenance period.


Version (July 2, 2019)


Resolved an issue with Deep Freeze Mac daemon crashing on latest Mojave version.


Version (May 30 2019)


  • Specify the license key during installation to prevent Deep Freeze Mac from expiring after a 30-day evaluation period.


26133 Resolved an issue with automatic software updates on Mojave computers causing the machines not booting by preventing them from running. (Case No. SAL-510-41008)


Version APFS (December 21 2018)

New Feature

  • Command line support for freezing and thawing volumes, configuring ThawSpaces, Deep Freeze passwords, and uninstalling Deep Freeze


Deep Freeze Mac 7.0 was rebuilt from the ground up to support the new APFS file system that Apple introduced in October 2018 (with the release of macOS High Sierra and onwards).

Version APFS (November 02, 2018)

New Features

  • Support for macOS 10.13.5 or higher.
  • Support for FileVault.
  • Support for Fusion Drives.
  • Deep Freeze no longer requires a computer restart to set volumes to Frozen mode. Restart only required to set the volumes to Thawed mode.
  • A user with an administrator account can manage Deep Freeze. Optionally, Deep Freeze passwords can be enabled.
  • ThawSpaces grow automatically as they are APFS volumes that do not require an administrator to allocate a specific amount of space.

Note: Users should be set up as Standard users to avoid getting around Deep Freeze protection.


Version (April 18, 2018)

Note: This version does not yet support installation on APFS formatted volumes. macOS High Sierra requires user consent in order to load kernel extensions like Deep Freeze.


23370 Resolved an issue where installing point releases of macOS 10.11 or greater on a system running Deep Freeze would cause the system to fail upon booting.

Known Issues

11397 Two error dialog boxes are displayed when « Boot Thawed on Next » option is blank and on clicking the Apply button.

7501 ThawSpaces are not created when a Custom Install Package is run which specifies the ThawSpaces. (Case No: HEH-328-27445)

7582 Drive Icon in the dock does not show the Deep Freeze Mac Frozen badge. (Case No: DMJ-644-74392)


Version (September 27, 2017)

New Features

  • Support for macOS High Sierra 10.13


Version (December 02, 2016)


15157 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze installer does not show default file name when creating custom installers.

18019 Resolved an issue where an Internal Error occurs when clicking on the resize button under ThawSpaces node where the respective Mac user is removed from the system.

18752 Resolved an issue where DeepFreeze Remote version was not sending commands to Apple Remote Desktop 3.8 on macOS Sierra 10.12.1. (Case No: ZDI-992-97231)

18766 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze Remote terminated unexpectedly when trying to launch Deep Freeze Remote preferences second time.


Version (September 20, 2016)

New Features

  • Support for macOS Sierra 10.12
  • Expanded support for creating custom installers with AppleScript


17857 Resolved an issue where Thawed partitions were shown as Frozen.

14855 Resolved an issue where Expansion tool tips are not shown in tables.

15157 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze installer does not show default file name when creating custom installers.

17502 Resolved an issue where AppleScript was not properly creating a custom installer.

17982 Resolved an issue where DFXControl would crash if a user with a ThawSpace was deleted.


Version  (September 25, 2015)

New Features

  • Support for El Capitan (OS X 10.11)


10691 Resolved an issue where, when a warning message was displayed before maintenance started got truncated if message was more than 3 lines.


Version (May 19, 2015)

New Features

  • Support for NVMe SSD – Deep Freeze Mac now supports MacBook and MacBook Air systems that come with the new NVMe SSD drives attached through a PCIe interface.
  • Handling Core Storage volumes after an upgrade – Upgrading OS X systems resulted in the startup volume converted to CoreStorage resulting in incompatibility with Deep Freeze Mac. Users can now revert the CoreStorage volume before rebooting into a Frozen state. Learn More.


  • Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze is disabled during an upgrade when the startup volume converted to CoreStorage. Users can now revert the CoreStorage volume without uninstalling Deep Freeze. Learn More.


Version (February 10, 2015)

New Features 

  • Support for Simplified Chinese and Portuguese


11367 On OS X 10.10: Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze is in Maintenance dialog does not appear when selecting ‘lock out user’ under maintenance mode.

11913 Resolved an issue on OS X Yosemite Mac Mini systems  where lock message for Maintenance does not appear on the screen as expected.

11990 Resolved an issue where Mac Cloud Agent was not responding to Cloud Console. (Case No: WDU-182-84850)

13050 Resolved an issue where Maintenance Lock message is displayed while Deep Freeze Status is Thawed.

13055 Resolved an issue where Cloud Agent is not able to switch Deep Freeze Mac perpetual in Thawed mode to upgrade Cloud Agent or Deep Freeze needs to be upgraded to Deep Freeze Cloud.


Version (December 29, 2014)


11163 Resolved an issue where OSX computers running Deep Freeze Mac do not remain connected to a domain.


Version (October 27, 2014)

New Features 

  • Support for Yosemite (OS X 10.10)


Version 5.81.2200.0824  (April 2014)


9621  Resolved an issue where partitions on the non-startup drive were randomly Frozen and displayed as Thawed in Deep Freeze Mac. This occurred on Macs with two or more physical drives. (Case No: GXV-160-62147)


Version 5.80.2200.0820  (November 2013)

New Features 

  • Support for Mavericks (OS X 10.9)
  • Support for Apple Remote Desktop 3.7


8327 Resolved a cosmetic issue of truncated text in German version.

8328 Resolved a cosmetic issue of alignment in German version.


Version 5.70.2200.0758 (July 2013)

New Features and Enhancements

  • Redesigned Maintenance view with a summary of scheduled tasks.
  • Allow repeating schedule to run on multiple days.
  • Execute a desired script during Maintenance Period.
  • Run Apple Software Updates and the script in the same schedule.
  • Prevent conflicting maintenance periods from being scheduled.
  • Show countdown warning message before maintenance starts.


5575 Resolved an issue where the Name field in Deep Freeze Remote allowed the user to enter a Deep Freeze user name with a special characters.

5588 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze Remote did not save the last selected computer list and always opened the default All Computers computer list.

7276 Resolved an issue where an invalid schedule preference file with missing keys could be imported in Deep Freeze Remote.

7341 Resolved an issue with sending schedules with long names that contained special characters.

7351 Resolved an issue on OSX 10.8.0 where Deep Freeze Remote was not granted access to the Key Chain.

7516 Resolved an issue of memory leak in Schedule Summary.

7592 Resolved a broken automation functionality in Deep Freeze installer. (Case No: UWU-821-40697)

7609 Resolved an issue where Error 0xE00002c2 occurs when trying to create the Deep Freeze Mac login info or attempting to Freeze the system. (Case No: GJB-794-54927)


Version 5.60.2200.0703 (November 2012)

New Features

  • Thaw for Several Restarts via Deep Freeze Remote: Option to send a Thaw command to a computer so that it remains Thawed for a specified number of reboots.
  • Update License Key option via Deep Freeze Remote.
  • Retain ThawSpaces: ThawSpaces are automatically retained during a major upgrade or reinstall. The retained ThawSpaces location has changed from “/Volumes” to “/Library/Application Support/Faronics/Deep Freeze/ThawSpaces” so it is more accessible to the user during an upgrade or uninstall.
  • Deep Freeze Remote has been updated and version number will match with product version number for subsequent releases.

Usability Improvements:

  • Deep Freeze status icon displayed in the Boot Control tab for visual of the Deep Freeze status.
  • Deep Freeze menu bar status icon has been changed.
  • Added descriptions to each tab for clarity.
  • Added a confirmation dialog when there are unsaved changes in the ThawSpace and Mapping tab.
  • “Tag User ThawSpace with Icon” option has been moved to the “Add ThawSpace” dialogue.
  • Added a reminder to disable Fast User Switching for “Restart instead of Log Out” feature.


FB5559 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze Remote did not save the user’s last used maintenance settings.

FB6057 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze Remote’s Shut Down Immediately option restarted the workstation instead of shutting them down.

FB6669 Resolved a cosmetic issue in the translated UI.


Version 5.50.2200.0658 (for Snow Leopard – Mountain Lion) and Version 4.66.2200.0410 (for Tiger – Leopard) (July 2012)

New Features

  • Support for OS X Mountain Lion.
  • Support for OS X Server.
  • Updated Deep Freeze Remote (Build No:1.01.2200.0028)


FB2037 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze login window re-launches on OS X Lion at startup of the Deep Freeze administrator’s computer user account, when the Restart button in DFXControl is used.

FB4716 Resolved a cosmetic issue in the Japanese version.

FB5551 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze Mac Installer creates an Install Package with a username which is not accepted by DFXControl. (Case No: QFX-889-76543)


Version 5.10.2200.0614 (for Snow Leopard – Lion) and Version 4.66.2200.0410 (for Tiger – Leopard) (June 2012)

New Features

  • Support for TRIM on Mac OS X 10.6.8.
  • Unified Installer Deep Freeze Assistant and the Deep Freeze Installer have been merged to create a Unified Installer to Install Deep Freeze, Create an Installer, and Install Deep Freeze Remote/ARD Tasks.
  • Deep Freeze Remote Deep Freeze Remote is a new application that provides a user-friendly interface to manage Deep Freeze computers.


FB1149 Resolved an issue where users who are mapped to a new location, were be re-mapped to the old location set in Deep Freeze Assistant when user logged into Deep Freeze.

FB1152 Resolved a cosmetic issue in the German version.

FB1153 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze does not always display the whole name of the software update that is being installed during Maintenance.

FB1154 Resolved an issue where some software updates are not installed during Maintenance although the lockout dialog displays Installing.

FB4182 Resolved an issue in OS X 10.7: Automatic system login causes a timing issue where the Restart instead of Logout option does not work reliably.


Version 5.01.2200.0520 (for Lion) and Version 4.65.2200.0407 (for Tiger – Snow Leopard) (January 2012)


1969 Resolved an issue where the targets for the Deep Freeze Mac Drives were being set to Frozen. (Case No: GVR-423-68674)


Version 5.00.2200.0507

New Features

  • Support for Mac OS X 10.7 Lion.
  • Support for TRIM enabled SSD systems on Mac OS X 10.7 Lion.
  • Support for Subscription License Keys.


956 Resolved issue that could allow a user to gain access to a system during Maintenance with the keyboard and mouse locked under certain specific circumstances.

1025 Resolved issue that could cause the status command to return an incorrect result.

1026 Resolved issue that caused the removeAllSchedules command to fail if only one single schedule existed.

1027 Resolved an issue that caused the green “success” icon to incorrectly appear in Apple Remote Desktop even if the removeAllSchedules command had failed.

1043 Resolved issue that could prevent a Global ThawSpace from being created if every user account already had a User ThawSpace created and assigned.


Version 4.64.2200.0405

New Features

  • Support for Subscription License Keys.


1025 Resolved issue that could cause the status command to return an incorrect result.


Version 4.63.2200.0403

New Features

  • Installation is prevented on systems with a TRIM enabled SSD on Mac OS X 10.6.x. (This is due to an incompatibility between all versions of Deep Freeze Mac and TRIM under Mac OS X 10.6.x.)


Version 4.62.2200.0399

New Features

  • Deep Freeze Mac now supports drives larger than 2.2 TB.


Version 4.61.2200.0398


842 Resolved issue that could cause a reboot loop during Maintenance while attempting to apply a corrupted or otherwise invalid Apple software update.

914 Resolved issue that would incorrectly cause a computer to enter Maintenance if it was started in a Thawed state after a scheduled Maintenance period’s start time (but prior to the end time).

1022 Resolved significant negative performance impact when installed on a system using an Advanced Format hard disk.


Version 4.60.2200.0394

New and Improved Features

  • ThawSpaces can be resized.
  • Only ThawSpace owners can access their own User ThawSpace. Other users will not be able to access it. (On Mac OS X 10.4, other users’ ThawSpaces will not be shown on the Desktop. On Mac OS X 10.5 and 10.6, when a user logs in, other users’ ThawSpaces will be shown on the Desktop as a folder with no access.)
  • When Deep Freeze is uninstalled and ThawSpaces are retained, only ThawSpace owners can mount their own User ThawSpace. Other users will not able to mount or access it.
  • Additional CLI commands.
  • Replace ThawSpace feature has been removed (no longer required because a ThawSpace can now be resized).
  • Add ThawSpace only lists users who do not already have a ThawSpace assigned.
  • When deleting a ThawSpace that has had a Mapping operation done to it, the administrator will receive a warning.
  • The Status command now includes the ARD Info Field and also now requires a username/ password.
  • Usability improvements during installation when entering a License Key.



503 Resolved an issue that could cause a kernel panic or failure to boot when Deep Freeze is installed on a system with a physical hard drive formatted with GPT, APM, and MBR or with a RAID disk.

733 Resolved an issue that could prevent ThawSpaces from being mounted correctly for multiple users on eMac machines.

764 Resolved an issue that could cause the normal OS X Shut Down command to restart the computer if Restart on Logoff has been configured in Deep Freeze.

893 Resolved an issue that could prevent some partitions from being listed in the Mapping tab in specific circumstances.

912 Resolved an issue that could prevent User ThawSpaces from being created for Mobile users whose name included a space.

917 Resolved compatibility issue with eSATA drives.

920 Resolved an issue with the Status command that could prevent the data from being output in XML format when using the -x flag.

932 Resolved issue that would prevent a standard user from retrieving the License Type and Expiry Date information when using the getLicenseInfo command.

934 Japanese Localization only: Resolved minor cosmetic issue in the About dialog.

936 Resolved an issue that could result in a password being invalid if a number was added to the end of an existing password.

940 Japanese Localization only: Resolved minor cosmetic issue in the Boot Control tab.

942 Resolved an issue that would cause ThawSpaces to remain mounted until a restart if they had been removed via the CLI.

950 Japanese Localization only: Resolved minor cosmetic issue.

1013 Resolved an issue that would prevent ThawSpaces from being removed as a Mapping destination until Deep Freeze was restarted.

1014 Resolved usability issue when creating a ThawSpace and Mapping data at the same time.

1017 The status command now requires an adminstrator user name and password.


Version 4.51.2200.0365


913 Resolved an issue that could allow unauthorized users to set and view the License Key by using the setLicenseKey and getLicenseInfo commands.

916 The License Key is now partially obscured in all locations of the UI.

919 Resolved an issue that could prevent a user from being able to access the registration screen during installation, if non-standard characters were entered on the registration screen, the user clicked Go Back, and then clicked Continue.

921 Resolved an issue that could allow unauthorized users to view the License Key by using the status -x command.

927 Resolved an issue that would prevent License Keys from being correctly applied if they had been entered in lower case.


Version 4.50.2200.0364

New Features

  • Licensing: Deep Freeze Mac now employs the same licensing scheme as other Faronics products. Therefore, a valid License Key must be entered into the product in order to prevent it from expiring after a 30-day evaluation period.
  • Compatible with Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard.
  • No longer supported on, or compatible with, Mac OS X 10.3 Panther.


817 Resolved issue that would cause only one partition to be badged with a Deep Freeze icon if two partitions with identical names existed.

819 Resolved issue that resulted in the deleteUser command returning incorrect output if it was executed with a non-existing user name as the argument.

821 Resolved issue that resulted in the display of a green icon with a check mark instead of a red icon when an invalid deactivateSchedule command was executed.

827 Resolved issue that could cause DFXControl to cancel a restart and not quit properly after attemping to create a ThawSpace that is bigger than the available volume space.

830 Resolved issue that could return a bus error if /Library/Application\ Support/Faronics/Deep\ Freeze/deepfreeze was executed with no command.

832 Resolved issue that would prevent /Library/Application Support/Faronics/deepfreeze from being removed if Deep Freeze was uninstalled using the deepfreeze uninstall command.

848 Resolved issue that would prevent Mapping from working if the user account short name did not match the user’s home folder name.

849 Resolved issue that prevented Deep Freeze from being able to handle drives bigger than 2.2 TB.

850 Resolved issue that prevented the shift + control + option + f6 key combination from working correctly on MacBook unibody computers.

852 Running issue that could cause a bus error when executing /Library/Application/Application\ Support/Faronics/Deep\ Freeze/CLI <username> <password>.

875 French localization only: The Use Information Field: field was not greyed out when the Show Status in Apple Remote Desktop checkbox is unchecked.

892 Resolved cause of an Uncaught exception error in the mapAllUsers deepfreeze command.




877 Resolved issue that could prevent a mid-2009 MacBook Pro with an internal SD card reader from mounting HFS+ SD media if Deep Freeze was installed (whether Frozen or Thawed).




855 Resolved issue that could prevent a mid-2009 MacBook Pro with an internal SD card reader from mounting SD media if Deep Freeze was installed (whether Frozen or Thawed). Note: this issue still occurs with SD media that is formatted as HFS+ and will be resolved in a future revision.



Private release for testing purposes.

855 Resolved issue that could prevent a mid-2009 MacBook Pro with an SD card reader from mounting SD media if Deep Freeze was installed (whether Frozen or Thawed). Note: this issue still occurs with SD media that is formatted as HFS+ and will be resolved in a future revision.




814 Resolved issue that could prevent the Deep Freeze icon from being displayed in the Menu Bar and cause associated errors after manually launching

818 Resolved issue that could potentially cause a kernel panic at startup.



New Features

  • Introduced a new, more secure, command line syntax, deepfreeze, to address a reported security vulnerability. Refer to the user guide for more information. The former, CLI, command line options are still available for backward compatibility and transition purposes, but have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Both sets of commands are installed in ARD via the Deep Freeze Assistant.
  • Security enhancements (resolved the following reported security vulnerabilities):
  • Passwords using Unicode characters and passwords over 11 characters long were truncated when hashed.
  • Stored, hashed, passwords may be reversible by a malicious user.
  • The kernel extension did not verify the password correctly before dumping the .dfxdata.dat file.
  • No current method to use the vulnerabilities to compromise a protected system have been documented, but the issues has been resolved.


763 Resolved issue that could cause the Frozen Deep Freeze icon to disappear from the menu bar when a custom message with %, #, or @ is displayed to a user.

772 Resolved issue that could cause DFXLogin to reject the first DF User’s credentials immediately after they have been configured in rare circumstances.

773 Resolved issue that could cause Deep Freeze Mac workstations connected to a domain to experience a domain trust failure after a period of time and thereafter be unable to authenticate against the domain.

790 Resolved an issue that prevented a Maintenance Schedule from being activated if its Day: and From: values are the same as a schedule located above it in the Maintenance Schedule list.

792 Resolved issue that could result in configuration changes not being saved if the DF Admin User was edited in the same session.

795 Resolved issue on the Maintenance screen of the Deep Freeze Assistant that could cause the Lock Out User checkbox to get checked when Warn User At: was checked.



New Features

  • Improved French, German, Japanese, and Spanish localizations.
  • Able to write Deep Freeze status (Frozen or Thawed) for each workstation in Apple Remote Desktop Computer Info Field 1-4. This is useful for viewing and sorting workstations in ARD by Deep Freeze status.
  • Security enhancements (resolved the following reported security vulnerabilities):During installation the security permissions on the .dfxdata.dat file were marked as world- readable. Although the file is encrypted, this could allow a local user to access the encrypted copy of the Deep Freeze Configuration. The permissions on all three files are now set to prevent access by anybody other than the root user.Data returned from the kernel extension may sometimes contain data from random locations in kernel memory due to a failure to clear allocated memory before returning it to the client. No current method to use the vulnerability to compromise a protected system has been documented, but the issue has been resolved.


86 Resolved issue that could prevent the Deep Freeze menu bar icon and Frozen drive badges from displaying correctly if Parental Controls were enabled.124 Resolved issue that could prevent Deep Freeze ARD commands from rebooting a system if no local user was logged in prior to sending the command.

178 Resolved issue that could result in a retained ThawSpace mounting after reinstallation of Deep Freeze in a Frozen state.

668 Resolved issue that could result in Maintenance schedules with overlapping execution times being deactivated in an unexpected manner.

672 Resolved issue that would allow the Deep Freeze command mapAllUsers to map the current logged in user (this would cause unexpected results).

729 Resolved issue that would prevent partitions from being sorted correctly by Frozen or Thawed status in the Drives list.

730 Resolved issue that could prevent Deep Freeze Controller from being accessed via the keyboard shortcut or the Login menu bar command in certain specific circumstances.

731 Resolved issue that would display Sharing Only accounts on the Mapping tab even though those account types cannot be mapped.

734 Resolved issue that could result in the Deep Freeze Assistant displaying a blank DF User Name and password if the information had previously been entered but the user then navigated back one screen and then forward again to the DF User screen.

735 Resolved issue that could result in a system not being set into the Frozen state correctly if the partition table on the system has an empty low level partition name.

736 Resolved issue that could allow the Deep Freeze menu bar commands to be accessible even if the menu bar icon was set to be hidden.

752 Resolved capitalization and grammatical errors in Deep Freeze Control.

759 Resolved issue that would prevent the Deep Freeze status command from correctly displayingthe value set for Warn User At.

760 Resolved cosmetic issue where the Add button was not greyed out if 10 Maintenance schedules were already created (Deep Freeze Mac allows a maximum of 10 Maintenance schedules to be set).




  • Resolved issue that would cause a machine with Deep Freeze installed to kernel panic on restart under two conditions:
  • The machine had a build of OS X newer than 10.5.2 9C31 (such as the February 2008 MacBook and MacBook Pros).
  • The machine had the Time Machine and AirPort Updates v1.0 Apple software update installed.




  • Resolved issue in installer that could erroneously return an error message indicating that Deep Freeze could not be installed on a machine running OS X 10.5.2.
  • Resolved issue that could cause a ThawSpace to behave like a Frozen volume in certain circumstances.
  • Resolved issue that could prevent Safari bookmarks from being saved after Mapping Safari bookmarks to a ThawSpace.
  • Changed Deep Freeze status information to write to ARD Info Field 3 instead of Info Field 1.




  • Resolved issue where ThawSpace(s) on Leopard may fail to mount on system restart.
  • Resolved issue where ThawSpace(s) on Leopard may fail to mount for users who are partially mapped to a ThawSpace.
  • Resolved issue on Leopard where permissions may be incorrectly set on a ThawSpace after Deep Freeze is uninstalled with ThawSpaces retained.
  • Resolved issue where ThawSpaces might not correctly appear in the list after performing an upgrade install from v3.22 to v4.0.
  • Resolved issue where drive settings on the Drives tab might not correctly appear after performing an upgrade install from v3.22 to v4.0.
  • Resolved various minor localization issues.
  • Resolved issue where permissions may be incorrectly set on a user’s Desktop folder after partially Mapping the user’s Desktop to a per-user ThawSpace and then uninstalling Deep Freeze with the ThawSpace retained.
  • Removed debugging information that had erroneously been left in the Deep Freeze Assistant .
  • Resolved issue that could result in a “question mark” icon in the menu bar instead of the expected Deep Freeze icon
  • Resolved an issue that could result in the inability to create a per-user ThawSpace in rare circumstances.



New Features

  • Integrated Mapping to retain user data across restarts. Deep Freeze Assistant allows Mapping by user type (specific accounts don’t need to be configured); allowed types are Admin, Standard, or Mobile. DFX Control allows Mapping by specific user (all or parts of a user account can be mapped to a second partition or ThawSpace.
  • Multiple Maintenance Schedules can be configured.
  • Compatible with Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard.


  • Resolved issue where FAT 32 partitions might not appear in the Drives tab.
  • Resolved issue that could result in long reboot times if many ThawSpaces were configured.
  • Resolved issue that could result in a user being unable to create Maintenance Schedules if Deep Freeze settings containing an empty Maintenance Schedule list had previously been imported.
  • Deep Freeze now prevents the machine’s hard disk from going to sleep during Scheduled Maintenance.
  • Resolved issue with the Check for Updates feature that could result in text in an incorrect language being returned on non-English systems.
  • Resolved issue that could cause an Invalid Password message to be displayed if the correct login credentials were provided but the OK button was clicked twice in the Deep Freeze Login window.
  • Resolved issue that could cause a drive to be omitted from the Drives tab if more than one drive with the identical low-level name existed on the system.




  • Resolved issue that could result in the incorrect application of a Maintenance period.




  • Resolved an issue where the system may not boot successfully (spinning wheel of death) when ThawSpace(s) present.
  • Resolved an issue where, in rare circumstances, systems may not boot successfully after a clean install of Deep Freeze Mac.



New Features

  • Individual ThawSpaces can be tagged with the user’s icon.
  • Creating a ThawSpace now shows a progress bar to indicate creation status.
  • Deep Freeze Assistant enhancement. Designate (by name) from the Assistant if you want any volumes/partitions Thawed upon install of Deep Freeze.
  • Enhanced “Check for Update” feature. Check for new versions of Deep Freeze from either the workstation or via the Apple Remote Desktop (ARD) console.
  • Additional, installable ARD tasks to tag individual ThawSpaces, specify Thawed /Frozen partitions and check for Deep Freeze updates


  • Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze would quit unexpectedly if data was imported and a “Save” was attempted.
  • Resolved an issue where, in rare circumstances, computers would shutdown after maintenance, even though this option was not chosen.
  • Resolved an issue where, in rare circumstances, the maintenance warning message would appear to the user after maintenance was completed.
  • Resolved an issue where PowerBook G4 computers would boot into single-user mode after Deep Freeze was installed.



New Features

  • ThawSpace enhancement: Global and Individual ThawSpaces can be added or deleted fromwithin the ThawSpace tab in the Deep Freeze Controller.
  • All ThawSpaces can be sized in either MB or GB and can range from 1 MB to 120 GB.
  • Manageability of Deep Freeze Mac through the LANDesk console for those running the LANDesk Management Suite.
  • Apple Software Update status: when installing software updates with the user locked out, Deep Freeze Mac now shows updates from Apple as they are installed.
  • Ability for the program to check if a newer version is available.
  • New path name for the command line interface tool used by Apple Remote Desktop (ARD).
  • Additional installable ARD tasks to manage Deep Freeze users and ThawSpaces


  • Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze continued software updates after the scheduled maintenance period had ended if the maintenance period had been set too short for all maintenance tasks to occur.
  • Resolved an issue where some machines would restart multiple times after Deep Freeze was installed through ARD.
  • Resolved an issue where the Frozen Drive badge would not appear if logged in as a limited user.
  • Resolved an issue where, under some circumstances, the Frozen Drive badge would appear when the machine was Thawed.
  • Resolved an issue where, if the Restart instead of Log out option was checked, the computer would restart if the user chose Shut Down from the Apple menu.
  • Resolved an issue where the message: One or more of the ThawSpaces you wish to create already exists… sometimes appeared when no ThawSpaces had been created.
  • Resolved an issue where the user was unable to create a ThawSpace if the Boot Control tab was set to Boot Frozen even when Deep Freeze was Thawed.
  • Resolved an issue where, in rare circumstances on G5 Power Macs, cooling fans would run at full speed during start-up.
  • Resolved an issue where, after using the Deep Freeze Assistant, a status report through ARD would indicate the existence of a Global ThawSpace when none existed.
  • Resolved an issue where, after uninstalling the program via ARD, a status report through ARD would not indicate the existence of a retained ThawSpace.
  • Resolved an issue where the maintenance user warning would not work properly unless the user first tabbed out of the changed field before applying the change.
  • Resolved an issue where, in rare circumstances, the Save reminder message would appear after the user had already clicked Apply to save changes.




  • Resolved an issue where, under some circumstances, machines imaged with Deep Freeze Mac would not boot up past the grey Apple screen.
  • Enhanced performance when utilizing ThawSpace functionality.
  • Shortened reboot time when using large ThawSpaces.




  • Resolved issue where, in certain circumstances, a Frozen computer running an administrator account would reboot instead of shutting down when Restart instead of Log Out had been checked in the Deep Freeze Controller’s Boot Control tab.



New Features

  • ThawSpace capability; users can designate both a Global ThawSpace (for all users to access) or a user-based Thawspace (usable by only an individual local user). ThawSpaces can be retained upon uninstall.
  • Maintenance scheduling capability; users can schedule a maintenance period to automatically pull down Apple Software Updates and perform other updates if required. Other available options include: the ability to lock out a user, to warn a user that a maintenance period is about to occur, and to shut down the computer at the conclusion of the maintenance period.
  • Enhanced Deep Freeze Assistant; users can create custom install packages to preset all options available through the Deep Freeze Controller before deploying the packages to multiple workstations.
  • Additional installable Apple Remote Desktop (ARD) tasks.
  • Compatible with ARD 3.
  • Single install file for PPC and Intel-based Macs.
  • Single Deep Freeze Assistant file for PPC and Intel-based Macs.
  • Enhanced program performance.



First release version of Deep Freeze Mac ARD for Intel-based Macs.




  • Resolved issue where, in certain rare circumstances, the driver may not load and a « skull & crossbones » icon would appear in the menu bar.




  • Resolved kernel panics and startup loops that could occur in certain situations.
  • Resolved bug in the Deep Freeze login window that could result in unauthorized access to the configuration settings.
  • Resolved issue where DFXControl could quit unexpectedly if a user was configured to have no password.