Anti Executable Web Dashboard

Anti-Executable Dashboard ScreenThe complimentary Faronics Anti-Executable dashboard adds great value to Anti-Executable Enterprise by visualizing the application control enforcement and violation information from across your entire organization in a web browser.

By making this information centrally available, IT professionals no longer need to provide dedicated access to IT systems for report generation to information consumers, who can now generate such reports on demand.

Anti-Executable dashboard has a set of configurable widgets that provide valuable insight into the various aspects of application control.

Information such as recent violations, top blocked programs, top violated computers, violations statistics and charts can now be viewed on a single page. Each widget can be clicked on to launch a detailed report that can be printed out or exported into excel, text and other formats.

Download the Anti-Executable Dashboard from here.

Detailed instructions on how to install and use the dashboard can be found in the dashboard manual.