Faronics Core Release Notes

Version 4.21.2100.4036 (October 15, 2024)

New Features:

  • Faronics Core support for Core Isolation


Known Issues

44746 When Windows Task update fails due to invalid WSUS server address or WSUS unreachable, correct reason for failure is not displayed.

44745 In certain conditions, recurring scheduled task fails to execute.

44447 Unable to remotely connect to workstation joined through domain if “Remote connect to workstation by name” is selected.

44461 Temporary copies of remote launch files are not deleted after Core Agent uninstallation.

44460 Remote launch task with PowerShell script is displayed as executed even if the script is actually not executed on computer.

44387 After editing scheduled tasks, the scheduled tasks get executed according to both old and new schedules.

44376 Error “The specified user doesn’t have sufficient privileges to execute the file” is displayed when trying to perform remote launch action even with Admin privileges.


Version 4.20.2100.4034 (April 3, 2023)

New Features:

  • Support for Windows 11
  • Support for TLS 1.2
  • Support for SQL 2019 and later

Note: Faronics Core will no longer support Windows XP or Windows Server 2003.


44633 Resolved an issue where Faronics Core remained in the initializing phase and was unable to connect to SQL instance. (CN28752)

36928 Resolved an issue with being unable to use Faronics Core after older versions of TLS were disabled. (Case No: AWQ-703-21334, VPX-560-12310, CQM-438-53420)

31655 Resolved an issue with being unable to install Faronics Core due to lack of SQL 2019 / Server 2019 support. (Case No. FKN-482-43844)


Version 4.11.2100.4008 (March 31, 2017)


19924 Resolved an issue where upgrading Core Agent to version 4.0 resulted in the service entry missing. (Case No: MHP-850-88950)

20160 Resolved an issue where Core Agent was missing on client computers after an upgrade. (Case No: DVI-207-92370)

20172 Resolved an issue where Faronics Core service was not starting after removing Faronics Anti-Virus 3.51 (Legacy Anti-Virus). (Case No: ZAO-466-51791)

19925  Resolved an issue of continous repair loop for Faronics Anti-Virus 3.51 (Legacy Anti-Virus). (Case No: BVV-748-46418)

19997 Resolved an issue where the user was unable to uninstall Legacy Anti-Virus after upgrading to Core Agent 4.10. (Case No: XPT-292-73646)

20008 Resolved an issue where missing Core Agent components resulted in Faronics Anti-Virus repair loop. (Case No: ZIE-803-81608)


Version 4.10.2100.3988 (February 10, 2017)

New Features

  • Support for Windows Server 2016
  • Support for the New Faronics Anti-Virus 4.0

Note: It is mandatory to upgrade to Faronics Core 4.10 before running Faronics Anti-Virus 4.0. For more information about Faronics Anti-Virus 4.0 go to Faronics Anti-Virus Release Notes


18003 Resolved an issue where scheduled wakeup task failed with the message “Task could not be run because console missed task’s scheduled execution time”. (Case No: LDR-337-10953)

11718 Resolved an issue where Faronics Core Agent on clients workstations stopped working. (Case No: BVS-224-21230)

15606 Resolved an issue where Core Agent was missing after update. (Case No: EQV-193-48403)

18049 Resolved an issue where Faronics Core Tasks were categorized as ‘Failed Tasks’ when workstation was off. (Case No: HKG-574-92349)


Version 4.0.2100.3970 (October 13, 2015)

New Features

  • Support for Windows 10


13828 Resolved an issue where Faronics Core Console did not show managed workstation information in LDAP view. (Case No: OHL-433-74518)

14507 Resolved an issue where savings from Power Save were increased after a native shut down.

14680 Resolved an issue where Faronics Core Console showed multiple workstations due to multiple network cards in the same computer.

14950 Resolved an issue of duplicate entries in Faronics Core Console.

14510  Resolved an issue where Wake-On-LAN was unsuccessful. (Case No: DDI-736-70492)

14508  Resolved an issue where different events were not sent to Faronics Core Console for native and console shutdown actions.


Version 3.90.2100.3960 (April 28, 2015)

New Features

  • Faronics Core Agent can now install on the same workstation as Deep Freeze Cloud Connector Agent – upgrading to this release will provide the ability for workstations managed by Faronics Core to report to Deep Freeze Cloud Connector Sites to aid with evaluating Cloud Services. Contact Faronics for more information.


Version 3.81.2100.3936 (June 2014)


7198  Resolved an issue where an incorrect message was displayed on trying to generate a report when “To date” was less than “From Date”.

7213  Resolved an issue where selecting Show System Tasks check box selected all workstation tasks unnecessarily.

7412  Resolved an issue where Faronics Anti-Virus 3.21 upgrade failed with a message “CannotCreateDestinationFile”. (Case No: LZD-512-17099)

7463 Resolved an issue where Faronics Core Agent local install displayed the message Failed to retrieve settings for AS6.warrenville.com since the Faronics Core and Faronics Anti-Virus was unavailable. (Case No: DRB-287-37443)

7586  Resolved an issue where Faronics Core Console was unable to receive correct workstation status information. (Case No: CTS-112-38575)

7896 Resolved an issue where computers were not updating the status information automatically. (Case No: XKH-569-38913)

9042 Resolved an issue where the Wake-On-LAN feature option was disabled automatically.

9503  Resolved an issue where an error message was not displayed on the Export Certificate Keys dialog when the Export Certificate path was invalid.

10091 Resolved an issue where it was not possible to run .bat, vbs or ps1 through Remote launch Task on a computer with Deep Freeze in Frozen mode. (Case No: DDJ-284-16279/ HYF-448-56000/ CRS-593-43148/ SFZ-133-89990/ AWI-973-26140)

10226 Resolved an issue where updating the Faronics Core Console can cause the cached login details for the Faronics Core Console to be ‘reset’. (Case No: QAZ-103-36967)

10289 Resolved an issue where Faronics Core Console was unable to perform certain WINSelect actions. (Case No: LAV-813-18537)

10364  Resolved an issue where Wake-On-LAN could not be enabled from Faronics Core. (Case No: JTH-280-80542)

10626  Resolved communication issues. (Case No: AAI-223-45732).


Version 3.80.2100.3929 (February 2014)

New Features

  • Support for Windows 8.1


7528   Resolved an issue where the upgrade of Faronics Core Agent failed. (Case No: SYH-565-42548)

7811   Resolved an issue where FaronicsCoreServices.exe showed 90% to 99% CPU usage. (Case No: WES-151-42507)

7854   Resolved an issue with Faronics Anti-Virus 3.30 and Faronics Core Agent 3.71 that resulted in  “CannotCreateDestinationFile”. (Case No: NLY-262-39639)

7864   Resolved an issue where Faronics Core Console not displaying correct status of workstations even after refresh. (Case No: NUA-223-75993)

8235   Resolved an issue where computers lock up during random full updates and are unusable. (Case No: IWO-890-35034)

8348   Resolved an issue where the user is able to show different nodes (such as ‘Deep Freeze’) but triggers MMC ‘fault’ when ‘Managed WKS’ is selected. (Case No: ZPF-927-91042-FC)

8517   Resolved an issue where the Core service crashes with an unhandled exception shortly after upgrading to 3.72. (Case No: NYV-821-41678)

8860   Resolved an issue where Core console will not start unless Faronics Core service is restarted. (Case No: GKL-741-54278)

9477   Resolved an issue of CPU Usage at maximum when Faronics Core is running. (Case No: TAD-727-85275)

9560   Resolved an issue where Core console is disconnecting from the Core Server. (Case No: MID-529-53642)

9598   Resolved an issue where Core Console will not connect to Core Server and Database, Database is initializing. (Case No: ANY-909-17226)


Version 3.72.2100.3918 (August 2013)


7043   Resolved an issue where the restart task was not executed when the screensaver was active.

7595   Resolved a BSOD issue due to farspace.sys. (Case No: LCH-464-82015)

7604   Resolved an issue where Data Igloo command line was not executed by Faronics Core Console Remote Launch on Windows 7 64-bit systems.  (Case No: DFR-557-68521)

7620   Resolved an issue where the workstation information did not refresh in Faronics Core. (Case No: CGC-654-63014)

7647   Resolved an issue where the Faronics Core Agent failed with the error ‘Windows Installer will use the built-in FilesInUse functionality. Error: 22’. (Case No: RZC-780-11031)

7598   Resolved an issue where upgrading Faronics Core Agent caused BSOD with the message ‘Unmountable_Boot_Volume’. (Case No: EYC-536-38638)

7553   Resolved an issue where Faronics Core Console was unable to apply the command Configure Anti-Executable after upgrade. (Case No: HBZ-971-34994)

7597   Resolved an issue where Faronics Core Console was reporting an active workstation task when there was not task active. (Case No: XTY-109-20203)

7565   Resolved an issue where Faronics Core Console was unable to connect to Faronics Core Server after uninstalling WINSelect Loadin.

7623   Resolved an issue where Faronics Core Console lost connection to a workstation due to a missing config.xml file.

7621   Resolve an issue where a workstation showed as offline due to corrupt configuration.  (Case No: ANO-159-51660)

7535   Resolved an issue where removing of the old workstation from the database failed and old name for the workstation and task history remained. (Case No: KXI-242-87795)

7663   Resolved a system format exception when trying to get status from the workstation with old version of the Faronics Core Agent which did not support this feature. (Case No: JPF-541-13393)

7615    Resolved an issue where Faronics Core Console was showing old name for a scheduled task. (Case No: RFS-556-69410)

7558    Resolved an issue where Faronics Core Console was unable to connect to Core Service after creating scheduled tasks. (Case No: IQC-693-91940)


Version 3.71.2100.3909 (April 2013)


7150   Resolved an issue where the task on Faronics Core failed with the error Console did not receive the expected status. (Case No: EGX-569-88524)

7152   Resolved an issue where Faronics Core did not reinitialize when using a virtualized NIC or Hyper-V guest. (Case No: UKS-243-84036)

7256   Resolved an issue of Faronics Core Dynamic Filter that quit. (Case No: EJP-209-15968)

7270   Resolved an issue with Dynamic Filters after upgrade. (Case No: RTX-990-87919)

7285   Resolved an issue where Faronics Core Agent could not be installed when the Windows Firewall was disabled.

7295   Resolved an issue where the Faronics Core Agent fails to install locally or remotely if the firewall service was in a disabled state. (Case No: GET-839-74882)

7301   Resolved an issue where the workstation task names revert to default after update. (Case No: AXJ-125-59129)

7304   Resolved an issue where an invalid error code was displayed when the task failed. (Case No: HNH-308-31668)

7305   Resolved an issue where it was not possible to run .bat, .vbs or .ps1 through Remote Launch on the computer with Deep Freeze in Frozen mode. (Case No: CLP-169-95076)

7318   Resolved an issue where it was unable to perform basic tasks against client systems after upgrading Faronics Core. (Case No: EBQ-432-60014)

7349   Resolved an issue where the Faronics Core Agent failed to report to the Faronics Core Server sample system. (Case No: HFY-441-37704)

7437   Resolved a cosmetic issue in the Spanish system.

7452   Resolved an issue where the Faronics Core Agent fails and the existing Faronics Core Agent is removed if Power Save 4.5 is installed.

7495   Resolved an issue where Faronics Core Agent Installation failed when the Firewall service was disabled. (Case No: HZM-578-75069)


Version 3.70.2100.3900 (November 2012)

New Features

  • Support for Windows 8.
  • Support for Windows Server 2012.
  • Important information alerts for Faronics products visible through the Core Console. Optionally, all alerts can be sent to any email address via SMTP.
  • Access to additional workstation information. IT Administrator can tell what Server operating system is on the workstation, the workstation type, what user id currently logged in and the workstation’s last login date.
  • New workstation window that displays history of tasks that ran and are being run on the workstation
  • Attach a custom note to a workstation for both searching purposes and displaying pertinent information
  • Administrators can now change Faronics Core Agent passwords on many workstations.
  • Remote Launch can now deliver Visual Basic and PowerShell scripts to workstations.
  • Remote Launch can now run scripting files (VBS, PS1 and BAT) on Frozen workstations.
  • Faronics Core is now available in Portuguese (Brazilian)


803 Resolved an issue where the workstation disappeared temporarily from the Managed Workstation List while upgrading the Faronics Core Agent.

1873 Resolved an issue where if a workstation is deleted from the database it usually takes in excess of 24 hours to reappear. (Case No: QXE-439-26995)

1877 Resolved an issue where wording was not appropriate in DebugView log for a normal Faronics Core Agent operation.

2019 Resolved an issue where failure message was not optimal when waking up computers and expected event was not received back.

2034 Resolved an issue where remotely installing/uninstalling Faronics Core Agent and Anti-Executable, left behind the data folder in Program Data.

2096 Resolved an issue where upgrading to Faronics Core 3.41 causes excessive Console slowness. (Case No: EVO-495-90217)

2466 Resolved an issue where the Schedule Task did not execute.

2784 Resolved an issue where after upgrading Faronics Core to version 3.43, Console is not able to Create Server Objects upon User Login. (Case No: KVA-726-39192)

2869 Resolved an issue where Faronics Core is unable to connect via LDAP (time out with big LDAP structure) (Case No: HHJ-346-94315)

3170 Resolved an issue where duplicate events were not discarded in non-English SQL Server systems.

3293 Resolved an issue where on creating a Deep Freeze ThawSpace under a non-C: drive, after upgrade Faronics Core Agent from 3.32, FarSpace driver does not work properly.

3431 Resolved a cosmetic issue in Online Help.

3538 Resolved an issue where an the error “Core Server version does not match the current version of the Core database…  upgrade” was displayed when the database was current.

3563 Resolved an issue where Faronics Core Setup page string says “Faronics Core will setup the following items on your system.” after making changes.

3571 Resolved a cosmetic issue in Faronics Core Console Properties dialog.

3915 “Active Task” is not translated on FCC (part of original #3900) (Case No: OTU-350-44687)

3918 Resolved an issue where installing Faronics Core Agent 3.50 failed. The DLL being called encountered a problem. (Case No: DVO-870-58842)

3924 Resolved an issue where the client was not able to upgrade Faronics Core 3.35 to Faronics Core 3.50. (Case No: JST-357-42347)

3990 Resolved an issue where pushing update of Windows without WSUS to a workstation having WSUS settings, the workstation will still use the WSUS for Windows Update.

4047 Resolved an issue where Faronics Core Service is not stable and crashes with Out of Memory errors during Faronics Anti-Virus Full Update. (Case No: QHB-768-51471)

4052 Resolved an issue where adding LDAP connection caused Faronics Core to be unstable spiking CPU to 100%. (Case No: GKA-181-62936)

4248 Resolved an issue where Faronics Core Console crashed (CRF-985-53150)

4264 Duplicate entries created in FaronicsCoreReporting.tbl_Workstations table for the same workstation.

4311 Resolved an issue where Faronics Core Service crashed when AE.xml is empty. (Case No: YSS-699-93234)

4340 Resolved an issue where incorrect error message for Remote Launch task with user that does not have privilege to install.

4583 Resolved Novell LDAP issue: If an object’s name ends with a space character in Novell ConsoleOne, it needs to remove “\” to create LDAP node.

4643 Two entries appear under discovered workstation node after taking ownership of workstation.

4668 Resolved an issue where Faronics Core Server 3.35 when upgraded to 3.41 and 3.45, was slow and sluggish and not functional.  (Case No: YUG-371-56594 )

5646 Resolve cosmetic issue on French OS when Faronics Core Agent uninstall rolls back.

5723 Resolved an issue where browse LDAP window closes unexpectedly, if Active Directory server information is wrong and on clicking OK on Browse window.

5874 Resolved an issue on 64-bit OS: New FarSpace driver is replace with old one.

5916 Resolved cosmetic issue in “Unable to retrieve Faronics Core database version.”

5927 Resolved a cosmetic issue in ‘Connection Failed’ console error.

6330 Resolved an issue when Workstation goes into Hibernate, “About to Standby” event is sent to the console instead of “About to Hibernate”.

6535 Resolved an issue where user cannot get out of Core setup after selecting No to user privilege elevation window.

6700 The Faronics Core Service is not functional after being initialized for a week. (Case No: HOC-600-94487)


Version 3.60.2100.3626 (June 2012)

New Features

  • Remote Connect to a single computer via RDC – By right-clicking on workstation in the Core Console an IT Administrator can quickly connect to a computer for troubleshooting.
  • Faronics Core can now update the Windows operating system via the local update agent or by WSUS.  This allows for quick and easy updates and can be used with or apart from the Deep Freeze Loadin.
  • Enhanced Task Management.
  • Easily reuse existing Security Certificates during installation.
  • Support for MS SQL 2012.
  • Easier Loadin update process eliminating version mismatch interaction.


228 Resolved an incorrect event processing status when events were sent in a batch.

410 Resolved an issue where the SQL components do not install silently.

517 Resolved an issue where a workstation with Core Agent uninstalled status is included in a Custom Workstation Group.

836 Resolved an issue where Remote Method Failed reason was not descriptive.

968 Resolved an issue where Remote database connection with Windows authentication did not proceed properly with SQL Server Full Edition.

1177 Resolved an issue where the workstation was not displayed under LDAP group if originally it was in a workgroup and the domain was switched after installing Faronics Core Agent.

1636 Resolved a cosmetic issue.

1915 Resolved a timeout exception issue on SQL Server Express when Faronics Core Console was open.

2119 Resolved cosmetic issues.

2292 Resolved an issue where the Loadin version is not updated in the FaronicsCoreReporting database when Faronics Core was upgraded.

2295 Resolved an issue of large number of incoming duplication warnings on SQL 2008 R2 Virtual Machine. (Case No: TOJ-251-45441)

2311 Resolved an issue where the restart task fails with “Invalid Error Code” if while task is executing and the workstation is removed from the database.

2339 Resolved an issue where queued but not actively executed tasks under Active Task node could not be cancelled.

3158 Resolved an issue where EwiConfig file disappeared after installing Deep Freeze on the workstation.

3265 Resolved an SQL Arithmetic Overflow error. (Case No:  ZHN-536-76169)

3278 Resolved an issue where an LDAP computer was not displayed in Discovered Workstations after Core Agent is uninstalled and removed from database. (Case No: UIC-919-43951)

3280 Resolved an issue where workstations disconnected from domain are displayed as empty folders under LDAP if show groups only with computers check box is unchecked.

3350 Resolved a UI issue in Wake-up process.

3352 Resolved an issue where the Action pane was disabled by default on installing Faronics Core.

3421 Resolved an issue where reinstalling Faronics Core and using Express Core Setup overwrote existing certificates.

3424 Resolved a navigation issue in Online Help.

3429 Resolved an alignment and cosmetic issue in French version.

3543 Resolved a NullReferenceException in MMC when populating a large LDAP structure.

3570 Resolved a cosmetic issue in Server Properties dialog.

3582 Resolved an issue where the Remote Execution on a workstation with a pervious version of Core Agent failed.

3689 Resolved an issue where the Faronics Core service took a very long time to shut down and had to be terminated manually.

3798 Resolved an issue where local database creation timed out where the SQL authentication account required privilege elevation.

3887 Resolved an issue where the illegal character check in Export Certificate was not complete.

3977 Resolved a cosmetic issue in Task Configuration dialog.

4179 Resolved a cosmetic issue in Remote Launch error message.


Version 3.50.2100.3518 (April 2012)

New Features

  • Remote Launch allows IT administrators to run .bat, .msi and executables on endpoint workstations. This adds new functionality specific to IT departments that assist in software deployments to one or many workstations remotely.
  • Numerous enhancements to the Core foundation that provides greater stability and usability enhancements.


767 Resolved a cosmetic issue in Database Upgrade dialog wording.

1216 Resolved an issue where Faronics Core Console could not connect to the Faronics Core Server. (Case No: TWV-260-48476/CLM-110-23183)

1399 Resolved an issue where Faronics Core Service stopped after installing Power Save 4.40 due to SQL Server user name ‘FaronicsCore…’ (Case No: PTJ-269-47144)

1613 Resolved an issue on Faronics Core Agent 3.30 or higher locally: Upgrade/Uninstall failed when a user performing action is using roaming or mandatory profile. (Case No: CSD-565-16540)

1632 Resolved an inconsistent title format when installing Faronics Core 3.

1802 Resolved an issue where there was a large number of (more than 4000) system tasks in the Faronics Core Console (Case No: BZR-827-43776)

2097 Resolved an issue where Faronics Core launched scheduled tasks after reboot that shutdown workstations. (Case No: HLR-706-68631)

2124 Resolved an issue where the Time description was truncated on Japanese system for Faronics Core Server Configure Active Tasks window.

2126 Resolved cosmetic issues in Faronics Core Online Help.

2134 Resolved an issue where Boolean values (True/False) for Configure Action Behavior in Faronics Core Server was still in English on non-English systems.

2142 Resolved an issue where Faronics Core Agent Service was consuming 99% of CPU. (Case No: OKU-655-68057)

2221 Resolved an issue where the workstation disappeared from the node when installing Faronics Core Agent on workstation from LDAP or Novell node.

2247 Resolved an issue during Beta test: In some cases when Faronics Core Server stopped unexpectedly, the Loadin settings were replaced with default settings on next Faronics Core Server restart.

2288 Resolved an issue where the Faronics Core Service stayed started for approximately 10 seconds and then stop (due to special characters in password used by SQL auth). (Case No: RSB-533-39267)

2290 Resolved an issue on Win XP: Faronics Core Server could not start up when it could not write event in Event Viewer (event log was full).

2297 Resolved an issue where shared database errors are logged in Event Viewer when WOL is turned off and wake up is attempted.

2401 Resolved an issue where, after enabling the WOL service for the first time, attempting to change the WOL settings using the OK button did not work.

2426 Resolved an issue where Faronics Core Agent 3.33 installed on same machine as the Faronics Core Server or Faronics Core Console could not be upgraded.

2466 Resolved an issue where the scheduled task was not executed.

2552 Resolved a spelling error on Import Certificate success screen.

2589 Resolved an inconsistent time format for recurrent scheduled task under Scheduled or Active node.

2822 Resolved an issue where duplicate System tasks were starting every 2 hours and running for longer than 24 hours. (Case No: NNU-793-39829)

3027 Resolved an issue where NRE in Faronics Core Service shutdown when stop the service before the task processor is initialized.

3170 Resolved an issue where duplicate events are not discarded in non-English SQL Server systems.

3238 Resolved an issue where the Event Receiver could not process multiple statuses from the same product in one message sent by Faronics Core Agent 3.35.

3296 Resolved an issue where the Tasks for the Faronics Core Console were not timing out or clearing. (Case No: WZR-107-79837)

3318 Resolved an issue where Faronics Core Console and Faronics Core Server 3.43 upgrade causes instability in Faronics Core Server. CLR20r3 FaronicsCoreService.exe spikes Memory and CPU.

3559 Under certain conditions Faronics Core accumulates an excessive number of tasks under the active tasks node. The issue can be resolved by restarting the Core Server. (Case No: IWV-637-19683)


Version 3.43.2100.3102 (February 2012)

New Features

  • Online/Offline status information is now displayed for all workstations. This also includes an ability to refresh the status for all workstations.
  • New Task Processing Engine improves performance and success rates of User and System Tasks.
  • Ability to keep user tasks active and waiting for a configurable duration so laptops can receive the task once they logon to the network.
  • User configurable tasks provide Wake-On-LAN capability to user-requested tasks.
  • Improved Core Agent handles status information over multiple workstation reboots and improves Faronics Core Console accuracy.


110 TT1401: Resolved an issue where if Faronics Core Agent crashes and is trying to start up again (using recovering option for service), Faronics Core Console logged errors in event viewer for each crash overloading EventViewer.

115 TT1775: Resolved an issue where if Faronics Core Agent is upgraded against workstation with Windows XP SP2, the task moved to the History with Succeeded status even no upgrade was performed on workstation.

504 TT1665: Resolved an issue where System Tasks older than 24 hours were not removed from History.

522 TT1904: Resolved an issue where the Mac workstation was not sending StatusFlag to Faronics Core Server, and was considered as a workstation with uninstalled Core Agent, therefore did appear under Managed Workstations list.

527 TT1912: Resolved an issue while trying to connect to the database created from previous version of Core, the Reporting database is partially created instead of error message for Faronics Core version difference.

808 Verification of SQL Server Native Client version.

835 Resolved an issue of inaccurate errors.

840 Resolved an issue of Executing another task failure.

1088 Resolved an issue in the Japanese Help file.

1104 Resolved an issue of incorrect message displayed when the Core Server service was starting up.

1362 Resolved an issue of double entry of unmanaged workstations appearing after upgrading of Faronics Core Console/Faronics Core Server and deleting the workstation from the database before refreshing the network workstations.

1399 Resolved an issue where Faronics Core Service stops after installing Power Save 4.40 due to SQL Server user name FaronicsCore…. (Case No: PTJ-269-47144)

1400 Resolved an issue where error entries are made for each workstation in the EventViewer after Faronics Core is uninstalled and FCC has dynamic filter with product status.

1405 Resolved a Faronics Core upgrade issue. (Case No: RAR-289-33966)

1414 Resolved an issue where upgrading Faronics Core Console and Faronics Core Server process goes through without any message when remote database is not reachable.

1415 Resolved an issue where upgrading the Faronics Core Server/Faronics Core Console when the local database was not running displays a Service not running message.

1637 Resolved button alignment of Faronics Core Agent installation screens.

1691 Resolved an issue where the begin time of a scheduled task should not be able to edit back to Now.

1721 Resolved an issue where the unique index in tbl_logEvents table in a newly created database was different than the index in an upgraded database.

1756 Resolved an issue where tasks are stuck under Active node even though they are completed if Faronics Core Server is restarted while the task is in progress.

1773 Resolved confusing messages like WARNING: Incoming duplicate event.

1802 Resolved an issue where there was a large amount (more than 4000) system tasks in the Faronics Core Console. (Case No: BZR-827-43776)

1844 Resolved an issue where newly reported workstations were not displayed under Managed Workstation node until the view was refreshed.

1906 Resolved an issue where the workstation from where Faronics Core Agent was uninstalled, disappeared from LDAP node and never reappeared again.

2114 Resolved an issue where FaronicsCoreNetEnum account is not always properly created when connected to the domain.

2303 Resolved an issue where Faronics Core Agent could not be upgraded on some machines from previous release to current one (upgrade rolls back).

2312 Resolved an issue for workstations in different subnet and broadcast support: Wake up task moves to History as fails even when workstation is up as expected.

2313 Resolved an issue where some scheduled tasks are executed on Core Server restart unexpectedly, queued under Active node and cannot be canceled.

2369 Resolved an issue where NullReferenceException exception that causes Faronics Core Server to crash.

2372 Resolved an issue where unhandled exceptions during group content evaluation or change notification may cause Faronics Core Server crash.

2373 Resolved an issue of deadlock while completing the final task in a workstations queue while at the same time executing another task.

2375 Resolved an issue where Faronics Core cannot create groups after removing a group with the same name. (Case No: GKF-392-50583)

2376 Resolved a spelling error on task configuration screen.

2379 Only on 64 bit systems: Resolved an issue where Faronics StorageSpace could not be mounted after upgrading Faronics Core Agent from 3.40 to 3.43.

2394 Resolved an issue where if an empty EwiStatusList file is left behind, Core Agent cannot stay running.

2427 Resolved an issue where scheduled task disappeared from both task queue and History.

2428 Incorrect translation under active task nodes in French systems.

2474 Only on machine with multiple NICs after upgrading Faronics Core Agent: Resolved an issue where duplicate workstations might appear under Product specific node.


Version 3.41.2100.2889 (November 2011)


1214 Resolved an issue where Faronics Core Console was disconnecting from the SQL Server. (Case No: YNK-611-82581)

1391 Resolved an issue where Faronics Core Server Service shut down intermittently. (Case No: WBJ-483-58986)

1416 Resolved FCC upgrade issues. (Case No: EBS-579-76271)

1419 Resolved an issue where empty row was created in tbl_LogExtaData table for every event from tbl_LogEvents table.

1420 Resolved an issue where a non-active task (for example, Shutdown) appears under Active node, in middle pane summary view Expiry and Remaining filled in.

1421 Resolved an issue of wrong alignment on Faronics Core installation page.

1467 Resolved an issue where no Power Save Information in Faronics Core Console. (Case No: IKX-905-29614)

1486 Resolved an SQL Deadlock issue. (Case No: KTL-434-17113 )

1620 Resolved an issue where Faronics Core Console lost connection to Faronics Core Database. The errors showed repeated .Net framework errors and SQL deadlocks. (Case No: USN-283-45180)

1706 Resolved an SQL deadlock issue and Faronics Anti-Virus update issues. (Case No: FJD-544-50130 )

1733 Resolved an issue where Workstation Clients were not showing up in Faronics Core Console after upgrade. (Case No: ISA-317-62878)

1741 Resolved an issue where try-catch for rollback-address cannot rollback deadlock protection.

1784 Resolved an issue where occasionally a Foreign Key exception appeared in Event Viewer when workstations report events to Faronics Core Server (using Workstation Simulator).

1785 Resolved an issue where occasionally a Primary Key exception appeared in Event Viewer when workstations report events to Faronics Core Server (using Workstation Simulator).


Version 3.40.2100.2868

New or Improved Features

  • The new workstation notification feature allows IT Administrators to send a message to one or many workstations.
  • Removes the need for a drive letter for Faronics StorageSpace by mounting a folder on the workstation and seamlessly migrates the existing data for all Faronics products.

Note: When performing new installations of multiple Faronics’ products (for example, Deep Freeze, Anti-Executable, Faronics Anti-Virus), it is highly recommended to install Deep Freeze beforehand, reboot the workstation Thawed and then perform all other workstation installations. After installing the workstation clients on all the workstations, reboot the workstations Frozen.

Note: Workstations with Deep Freeze and other Faronics products will continue to have a 800MB free disk space requirement on the workstations once Faronics Core Agent is upgraded to 3.40 or higher. This space is required for data used by Faronics products that need to survive a reboot on a Frozen computer.


1519 Resolved an issue where the Faronics Core Server Service required to be restarted to connect when the Faronics Core Server computer was restarted. This occurred when Faronics Core Server was installed on the same computer as the SQL Server.

1771 Resolved an issue where the registry setting to hide the old Faronics StorageSpace drive remained when Faronics Core Agent was upgraded.

1773 Resolved an issue where fardisk driver was not upgraded when Faronics Core Agent was upgraded to a higher version.

1789 Resolved an issue where the GetHiddenDrivesMask error message was created in the Event Viewer when installing Faronics Core Agent on the workstation.

1807 Resolved an issue where the Value cannot be null exception in tracing and queued events was not logged into the database if the XML has <productId isNull=”true”/>.

1833 Resolved an issue where it was not possible to uninstall the Faronics Core Agent when the registry entry for Faronics StorageSpace was left behind.

1857 Resolved an issue where the V: appears in Windows Explorer though it is not available for use.

1881 Resolved an issue of improper string on Faronics Core Setup page.

1886 Resolved an issue of duplicate local connection when Faronics Core was upgraded.

1892 Resolved an issue where installation of Deep Freeze with ThawSpace failed when the Faronics Core Agent was upgraded without a reboot.

1903 Resolved an issue where the status was not updated by Mac workstations if any of the properties in the status was empty.

1907 Resolved an issue of incorrect signature for StorageSpaces.dll,

StorageSpacesCustomActions.dll and FSSINstaller.exe.

FB127 Resolved an issue where Faronics Core Console was unable to communicate with Faronics Core Agent installed on Windows 2000.

FB393 Resolved an issue where migration from WF to MF on remote Deep Freeze install fails when Faronics Core Agent is upgraded without reboot.

FB394 Resolved an issue where installation of Deep Freeze with ThawSpace fails when Faronics Core Agent is upgraded without a reboot.

FB442 Resolved an issue of BSOD when Faronics Core Agent was upgraded without a reboot and the workstation is reboot Thawed after install.

FB510 Resolved an issue where Deep Freeze Enterprise workstation installation from Faronics Core Console fails with invalid input error when Deep Freeze installation is suspended while data migration is performed.

FB524 Resolved an issue where error message 2727 was displayed when installing Faronics Core Agent locally using msiexec with /L*v and Show Windows Install Log was selected.

FB688 Resolved an issue where the minimum active time for Active task was less than 3 minutes.

FB764 Resolved an issue where an error message was created in the Event viewer when Faronics Core Agent was uninstalled.

FB915 Resolved an issue where FCUserModeApp_32.exe was not versioned.

FB918 Resolved an issue where MigrationHelper_32.exe was not versioned.

FB980 Resolved an issue where the workstation did not connect to Faronics Core to cache local events.


Version 3.35.2100.2554

New or Improved Features

  • New Reporting Database


1166 Resolved issue where Private Key was wrongly translated in Japanese on Faronics Core Security page in Online Help.

1212 Resolved issue where after upgrading a Loadin or switching to Faronics Core Server with different Loadin version, the installed Loadin information does not appear on welcome page unless Faronics Core Console is restarted.

1245 Resolved issue where an error message is displayed when Faronics Core Agent in uninstalled and the workstation is rebooting. This occurred only if the System Restore option was enabled on Windows XP.

1515 Resolved issue where uninstalling Faronics Core Agent (with storage space in use) from Faronics Core Console is successful after upgrading to higher version of Faronics Core Agent with defer reboot.

1523 Resolved issue where the deadlock message appeared in Even Viewer when numerous workstations were trying to report back after all the workstations had been rebooted at the same time.

1635 Resolved issue where the workstation under Static Custom Workstation Group did not disappear from group when it was now being managed by another console.

1644 Resolved issue of MMC snap-in unavailable error when Actions allowed to run on Faronics Core Server is set to None and an attempt is made to push and install Faronics Core Agent on server via console.

1661 Resolved issue where the warning message (for example, Restart selected machines?) appears before Schedule window.

1670 Resolved issue where Install Faronics Core Agent appears on right, and on right-click dialogue of Managed Workstation node when there are no managed workstations.

1672 Resolved issue of MMC (FCC) snap-in unavailable error when trying to install Faronics Core Agent from Task History on workstation that was removed from database.

1673 Resolved formatting issues in Faronics Core licensing agreement.

1695 Resolved issue of MMC (FCC) snap-in unavailable error on trying to create Core Agent Installer with a ‘\’ in the msi name.

1696 Resolved issue where the user task count did not match the actual number of user tasks under Active tasks.

1699 Resolved issue where once and at were not localized in the Scheduled Task dialog.

1700 Resolved issue where, after finishing configuring Faronics Core Server the user is not prompted to create connection to the Faronics Core Server on using an existing database during a clean installation.

1702 Resolved issue where, if few tasks are scheduled to execute weekly at the same time, some of the tasks are executed twice.

1708 Resolved Core console error (SecureSoapCommProvider.SendFileInChunks(), SecureSoapCommProvider.InvokeRemoteMethod appears in Event Viewer). (Case No: ZFN-841-79725).

1731 Resolved issue where duplicate entries for the same workstation created in Core Database and displayed on Core Console When the workstation has several enabled network cards.

1732 Resolved issue where if the workstation IP address has been changed, its old IP was still be remembered by Core Server.

1742 Resolved issue where uninstalling Faronics Core Agent from target workstation did not remove the static workstations in Custom groups.

1751 Resolved issue where the Faronics folder remained on Workstation after Faronics Core Agent and Loadins were uninstalled.

1757 Resolve issue where the Faronics Core Agent installer folder is cached under programdata\faronics\faronicscore3\server\temp of Faronics Core Console computer when upgrading Faronics Core Agent through the console.

1762 Resolved issue where Faronics Core Agent did not start properly causing high CPU usage unexpected Power Save data migration occurred.

1764 Resolved issue where after uninstalling Faronics Core Agent with Deep Freeze remaining on workstation, fardisk.sys is left behind.

1766 Resolved cosmetic issues on Remote WOL Web Service Configuration page.

1768 On Windows Server 2008 R2: Resolved issue where an error message is displayed, if IIS is not installed before turning on WOL feature (ASP components must be added manually through Server roles and IIS must be restarted). (Case No: CXW-371-57634)

1772 Resolved issue where Changing the Faronics Core Server page is not displayed from Online Help on non-English systems.

1784 Deep Freeze 8.0 compatibility: GetStorageSpacePath returns TS instead of Faronics StorageSpace mounted folder path (Loadin data goes to TS folder) when DF 8 installed with TS.

1790 Resolved issue where Product Version value in database is not updated during Faronics Core or Loadin upgrade.

1808 Resolved issue where if XML has timestamp as 10/10/1601 ( possible battery on machine is down and BIOS has initial time) SQL server cannot handle it and displaying an exception.

1818 Resolved French translation error (Case No: GLC-558-84347).

1826 Resolved issue where the LDAP domain under LDAP connection was case sensitive.

1866 Resolved cosmetic issue in weekly scheduled tasks.

1914 Resolved issue where after installing Faronics Core Agent, namespace or classes disappear and Core Agent service cannot start up (error 2727 sometimes observed).


Version 3.33.2100.2384

New or Improved Features

  • Upgrading Faronics Core Agent 3.33 on Power Save installations will no longer require a drive letter for Faronics StorageSpace and 800MB free disk space on the workstation.
  • When performing new installations of multiple Faronics’ products (for example, Deep Freeze, Anti-Executable, Faronics Anti-Virus), it is highly recommended to install Deep Freeze beforehand, reboot the workstation Thawed and then perform all other workstation installations. This will remove the necessity for a drive letter on the workstation. Installing Deep Freeze last on the workstation will result in Frozen configurations for all Faronics’ products.
  • Workstations with Deep Freeze and other Faronics products (excluding Power Save) will continue to have a drive letter and 800MB free disk space requirements on the workstations once Faronics Core Agent is upgraded to 3.33. If a drive letter is not required, it is recommended to uninstall all workstation clients from the workstations, upgrade the Faronics Core Agent and reinstall all workstation clients beginning with Deep Freeze. This will result in an installation that does not require a drive letter.
  • Upgrades and installations of Faronics Core Agent 3.33 do not require rebooting the workstation.


1754 Resolved issue where the Faronics Core Agent uninstall process stalls and does not complete.


Version 3.32.2100.2288

New or Improved Features

  • Increased Automation
    Installation of Faronics Core Agent can be scheduled.
  • Improved Manageability
    Easily change the Faronics Core Server that workstations communicate with (for disaster recovery and load balancing purposes).
  • Improved Error Handling
  • Improved information on scheduled tasks for increased usability
  • Easy Import/Export of Security Certificates
  • Improved menu structures
  • Improved network performance of file transfers
  • Various Cosmetic Improvements
  • A workstation reboot is required for the Faronics Core Agent upgrade to complete. The reboot can be suppressed and the installation can continue after the workstation is manually rebooted (to avoid end-user disruption).


1240 Resolved issue where the LDAP connection is lost after upgrading Faronics Core.

1303 Resolved issue where Faronics Core could not connect to Windows Active Directory and create LDAP connection while using Anonymous user was credentials.

1378 On 32-bit Japanese systems: Resolved issue where Faronics Core installation stops after installing SQL 2008 R2 express on Windows 2008 Server.

1393 Resolved issue where Faronics Core displayed the error Connection to server localhost(rfoster) lost while applying settings. (Case No: 130-39136)

1413 Resolved issue where incorrect credentials (user name and password) could be used to install Faronics Core Agent on Faronics Core Server system.

1451 Resolved issue where the translation for Schedule One-time Task row while viewing a scheduled one-time task under the Scheduled node on non-English systems.

1485 Resolved issue where the Core Agent did not run. (Case No: 153-42077)

1489 Resolved issue where incorrect credentials were not cleared in SQL authentication after available database connections are refreshed.

1493 Resolved issue where the error message was not descriptive and Fatal Error during installation was displayed.

1509 Resolved issue where it was not possible to connect to SQL Server from Faronics Core Console.

1510 Resolved issue where Faronics Core Agent did not delete the NoDrives key in HKLM (registry) causing future drives using the same drive letter to be hidden.

1511 Resolved issue where an unexpected symbol was displayed in the Spanish Faronics Core Console Certificate dialog during Faronics Core Server setup.

1520 Resolved issue where one string from Japanese Online Help was missing.

1521 Resolved issue where the Scheduled Tasks were executed at startup. This occurred when the system was forced to shut down or if it was a Virtual Machine and it was resumed from Pause.

1524 Resolved issue where a Faronics Core Agent created with a long security certificate name could not be installed either remotely or locally on the workstation.

1525 Resolved issue where the Active node task showed 1 task active, but there were no tasks under Active node as report task was running in the background and invisible.

1527 Resolved issue where the fonts in the EULA were of different sizes.

1535 Resolved issue where \ (backslash) was entered as the database server instance on the Faronics Core Server properties Database tab, it was not able to connect to the database.

1543 Resolved issue where the Create WOL Reminder Email menu option was available for unmanaged workstation(s).

1555 Resolved issue where there Backup Security Certificate option was not available in Express Install.

1571 Resolved issues where SQL errors were generated by Faronics Core. (Case No: 223-44522).

1575 Resolved issue where the number of handles increased each time the task was executed and did not go down.

1586 Resolved issue where the FCCMembership database was not created during initialization.

1604 Resolved issue where the Faronics Core Server prompts to enter the server credentials when they already exists.

1632 Resolved issue where the remote console crashed when changing the password or deleting the user.

1639 Resolved issue where Faronics Core Console started a Scheduled Task at an incorrect time.

1641 Resolved issue where selecting Previous on Configure Faronics Core Administrator Account page of an express installation displays a blank page.

1643 Resolved issue where Faronics Core Server takes a long time to get out of busy status to display the managed workstations when the Faronics Core Server has a large History data.

1647 Resolved issue where duplicate discovered workstations for databases were upgraded from version 3.23 or lower to 3.30 directly.

1650 Resolved issue where Microsoft Management Console crashed when changing nodes.

1680 Resolved issue where Faronics Storage Space is uninstalled but cannot finish uninstall due to insufficient privilege in \Safeboot\Minimal\FaronicsCoreAgent even when the user is an Administrator.


Version 3.30.2100.1951

New Features

  • Secured Core Agent
    Self recovering services and password protection to ensure security of the Core Agent and Faronics Clients.
  • Server Installation
    Install and manage all Faronics products on the Faronics Core Server.
  • Suppressed Reboot
    Minimize user disruption by postponing installation reboot.
  • Connection Enhancements
    Improved network connectivity with updated foundation technologies.
  • Simplified Installation
    New streamlined installation process with minimal user intervention.
  • Enhanced Event Viewer
    Greater visibility on system/user-generated actions.


1248 Resolved issue where Faronics Core installation is unsuccessful when Windows Firewall service is stopped.

1251 Resolved issue where Faronics Core Console drops connection to Faronics Core Server continuously.

1253 Resolved issue where Core Agent stopped sending events from workstation to Faronics Core Server when the server resumed from suspended mode and some events had been sent to Faronics Core Server while it was in suspend mode.

1254 Resolved issue where icons or workstation status is not displayed properly for executed tasks under History node.

1255 Resolved issue where the error message ERROR: Got Exception in PingHost appeared in Event Viewer constantly.

1262 On Server 2008 R2 with SQL 2005 Express: Resolved issue where Faronics Core database is not created after the installation on an existing Faronics Core installation.

1263 Resolved issue where the Core Agent stopped sending events from workstation to Faronics Core Server the event XML has “&” in it.

1272 On 64-bit systems only: Resolved issue where uninstalling Faronics Core Agent does not remove ThawSpace.sys driver under C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers directory.

1274 From Web Console only: Resolved issue where the Wakeup Workstations task has succeeded status even for workstation with no Wake-On-LAN support.

1276 Resolved issue where it was not possible to successfully generate Power Savings through Faronics Core.

1277 Resolved issue where the hidden setting for StorageSpace S: was not removed when Faronics Core Agent was removed.

1278 Resolved issue where the Digital Signature under C:\Program Files\Faronics\Faronics Core\Workstation Agent\StorageSpaces.dll showed the Testing Certificate.

1279 When Faronics System Profiler Enterprise was uninstalled from the workstation and dynamic filter was using Faronics System Profiler Enterprise columns, the workstation was not displayed under the group but it was counted as one Hidden workstation for group (until it reported its status back to core server). This issue is resolved.

1288 Resolved the error ArgumentOutOfRangeException that was displayed when Faronics Core had more than one Loadin installed and user with low privileges for all Loadins (for example, User or Guest) tried to open Properties page for second or all following Loadins node.

1304 To handle the large LDAP structure import into Faronics Core, the user had to change ServerConfig/ServiceConfig/WcfServiceConfig/MaxItemsInObjectGrap from 65536 to 655360 manually. This issue is resolved.

1311 Resolved the issue of faulting application enterpriseworkstationservice.exe.

1322 Resolved the issue where Faronics Core Agent did not start and displayed the error Workstation GUID using method MAC.

1336 Resolved stability and failing services for Faronics Core Agent.

1356 Resolved an issue where the window became huge when double-clicking the progress bar during Faronics Core configuration.

1383 Resolved an issue while running group tasks from the Faronics Core Console which caused connection instability.

1402 Resolved an issue where connection to the Faronics Core service disconnected.

1404 Resolved an issue where Faronics Core was allowed to be installed on Windows XP SP2.

1410 Resolved an issue where only 200 workstations are displayed in a report even if all are selected.

1415 Resolved errors while launching Faronics Core.

1419 Resolved an issue where Faronics Core Server crashed on clicking managed workstations.

1429 Resolved an issue where Faronics Core Agent crashed.

1440 Resolved the issue Application error: instruction at memory location 0x7C9101B3 reference 0x77c8e6c6.

1466 Resolved an issue where Faronics Core Console disconnected from the Faronics Core Server shortly after startup.

1478 Resolved an issue where Faronics Core Service is not able to start properly and also caused resource use.

1522 Resolved an issue where Faronics Core Console is unable to connect to the Faronics Core Service.


Version 3.24.2100.1896


1275 Resolved issue that could cause Faronics Core Console to quit unexpectedly with exception errors if a large LDAP structure had been imported.

1296 Resolved issue that could prevent roaming profiles from synchronizing correctly upon user log off.


Version 3.23.2100.1886

New or Improved Features

  • User interface for selecting desired drive letter for StorageSpace.
  • StorageSpace installation now begins searching for available drive letters at V: instead of S:.


1264 Resolved issue that could cause installation of the Core Agent via an unattended GPO push to fail.


Version 3.22.2100.1876


1195 Resolved issue that could prevent Faronics Core from communicating with a workstation that had two network interfaces, if one of those interfaces did not have an IP address (if an IP address of was listed first then Faronics Core could not communicate).

1258 Resolved issue that could cause installation of Faronics Core Console to fail in a Citrix environment.

1259 Windows XP SP2 only: Added warning message advising that installation of Core Server or Core Console along with SQL Express 2005 SP3 should not be performed until updating the OS to Windows XP SP3.


Version 3.21.2100.1872


1125 Resolved issue that could cause WOL tasks for a series of workstations to stall and fail part way through execution.

1249 Resolved issue that caused an upgrade of Core Console 3.2 from 3.1 to roll back with a [DBUpgrad]ERROR when using a remote database with SQL Authentication.

1250 Resolved an issue that could cause the Core Agent to unexpectedly quit after performing an action on a workstation from Core Console in rare circumstances.


Version 3.20.2100.1871

New Features

  • Support for new Loadins
    Compatible with the forthcoming Faronics Anti-Virus, Deep Freeze 7.0 Loadin, and Faronics System Profiler Enterprise.
  • Faronics StorageSpace
    Faronics Core Agent creates a hidden StorageSpace at install. The StorageSpace will be used by Faronics products to store configuration data and definition files and allow updated data and files to be retained on a Frozen computer.
  • Automatic Install of Loadin
    Faronics Core will automatically install the Faronics System Profiler Enterprise Loadin (when available).
  • Automatic Install of Workstation Agent
    Faronics Core will automatically install the Faronics System Profiler Enterprise Workstation Agent (when available).
  • Action Sensitivity to Number of Workstations Selected
    Actions can now be made available or not, depending on the number of workstations that are currently selected in Core Console.
  • Dynamic Filters
    Core Console will allow users to create filters based on system data collected from workstations via Faronics System Profiler Enterprise (when available).
  • Support for Policies
    Faronics Core now supports the concept of Policies to configure and manage workstations. Users can create a Policy and apply that Policy to workstations by adding them to the Policy node (requires a compatible Loadin).
  • Workstation Connectivity Check
    Allows workstations to take local action (as defined by a compatible Loadin) if they have not connected with Core Server for a configurable amount of time.
  • Common Security Library
    Faronics Core SDK updated with a common security library for all Loadins to use.
  • Improved Reporting Performance
    Reports are pre-processed by Faronics Core Server and then sent to Faronics Core Console.
  • Open Wakeup API
    Faronics Core Server includes an API that permits third-party applications to use Faronics Core’s Wake Up features.


862 Resolved issue that could cause installation of Power Save on a remote workstation via Core Console to take up to 4 minutes to complete installation.

1043 TimeLimit property is now used in LDAP search requests.

1082 Resolved issue where LDAP group name did not appear for a scheduled action on an LDAP group.

1098 Added encryption to portions of the Faronics Core Console config file.

1107 Resolved incorrect status message that would indicate a selected workstation was offline when it was online but was executing a task.

1111 Resolved issue that prevented the report name from being displayed if a report was created from multiple Core Servers.

1114 Corrected the URL in the Publisher field of Faronics Core in Add/Remove Programs.

1123 Resolved issue that could cause an MMC Snap-in error to appear when more than three levels of sub-group nodes were deleted from a custom workstation group in tree view.

1133 Resolved issue that could cause Core Agent to write erroneous messages to the event log.

1138 Resolved issue that could allow a scheduled task to execute even if the user that had created it had been deleted.

1166 Japanese Localization Only: Corrected minor localization errors.

1181 Resolved issue that caused Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit to be incorrectly identified in the Core Console OS column.

1195 Resolved issue that could cause wireless workstations to have two sets of IP addresses listed even when one NIC had an IP of This could cause Faronics Core to lose communication with the workstation.

1202 Resolved issue that prevented copy/paste from functioning when attempting to modify a dynamic filter rule.


Version 3.10.2100.1715

New Features

  • Added support for Faronics Anti-Executable v3.5 or later.
  • Added support for Faronics WINSelect v7.3 or later.
  • Added support for the forthcoming Deep Freeze Loadin beta.


643 Novell LDAP only: Resolved an issue that could cause an object’s name to be displayed incorrectly if it ended with a space.

681 Windows Server 2008 and Vista Ultimate 64-bit only: Resolved issue that could cause the Discovered Workstations > Network Workstations to be empty.

951 Resolved issue that could cause multiple error messages to be logged when Core Server updated the status of a workstation with a product agent installed for which no corresponding Loadin was installed in Core Server.

960 Resolved issue that could prevent a Core Agent update from selecting the agent .msi file automatically.

968 Resolved issue that would prevent an error message from being displayed when updating an existing LDAP connection using invalid credentials.

971 Resolved an issue that would cause an Assert Failed error event to be generated as many times as the number of unmanaged workstations in the Group, if Wake-on-LAN action was applied for that group.

978 Resolved cosmetic issue that could result in a number being appended to the name of a dynamic filter rule.

979 Resolved cosmetic issue that could appear in a warning message when editing a dynamic filter rule.

985 Resolved issue that could cause two instances of the same workstation to be displayed in the Discovered Workstations > LDAP Connections node.

999 Resolved issue that could cause Core Console to crash while disconnecting from the server while LDAP connections are refreshed.

1001 Japanese and Simplified Chinese localizations only: Resolved issue that could cause Core Console to crash while generating Power Save Reports, if Report Name has more than 15 to 20 Japanese or Chinese characters.

1008 Resolved incorrect error message that could be displayed when attempting to create a new user in the Manage Users & Roles tab.

1023 Resolved issue that occurred when trying to connect to Core Server with different user (when one connection already exists) and selecting reconnect option: the connection would be changed only for the current Core Console session and subsequent connections would restore the previous connection.

1024 Added a progress bar when attempting to connect to a Core Server from Core Console.

1027 Resolved incorrect error message that was displayed when the LdapException occurred (reported {0} instead of the error code).

1032 Resolved issue that could cause Core Console to crash when browsing the Faronics Core Console tree.

1035 French, German, and Spanish localizations only: Corrected insufficient text box sizes in the Create Certificate and Database Configuration pages of the configuration wizard.

1042 Resolved issue that could cause LDAP connections to fail with an error stating: the size limit was exceeded.

1052 French, German, Spanish, and Simplified Chinese localizations only: Corrected missing help file links.

1061 Resolved issue that could cause some active tasks to remain active, even if they had successfully executed.

1066 Resolved issue that could cause Core Console to hang if no managed workstations were connected to it and the Managed Workstations node was selected.

1101 Resolved issue that could prevent Core Console from connecting to a Core Server.

1106 Resolved issue that could cause a Core Agent upgrade or uninstall task to remain in the Active Task list even if it was successful.


Version 3.00.2100.1656

New Features

  • Discrete Task Server
    – Support for multi-tier enterprise architecture.
    – Scheduled tasks do not require administrator to leave the console/workstation on in order to run.
    – Provides for vertical or horizontal scalability based on performance requirements.
  • Multiple Consoles
    Support multiple users with independent access – no need to share access through single console.
  • Enhanced Security
    – Assign user rights based on roles such as Administrator, Power User, User, and Guest.
    – Secured communication ensures integrity of system – only authorized users can access and execute tasks.
  •  Support for Windows 7


614 Resolved issue where the workstations reported Wake-On-Lan results improperly.

616 Resolved issues where the strings for LDAP connection credential where in flipped order in Spanish: Anonymous Connection and Connect with these credentials.

617 Resolved issue where Core Console crashed while loading.

618 Resolved issue when creating a monthly Scheduled Task, where only January is displayed.

619 Resolved issue where placing a colon (:) character in a task name displayed MMC error.

621 Resolved issue where the Event Receiver hangs on starting.

788 Resolved issue where Core Console stopped updating the workstation view if the database had many events in the EventLog table.

913 Resolved issue where the Schedule Tasks and Event History was lost after the MMC failed to load.

931 Resolved localization issues on Chinese Core Agent configuration window.


Version 2.44.2100.1228


  • 582. Resolved issue that could lead to inadequate performance of Faronics Core Console.
  • 611. Resolved issue that could result in a Faronics Core Console crash while building LDAP.
  • 613. Resolved issue that could result in Faronics Core Console installation failing with an Error 1920 dialog.


Version 2.43.2100.1207


533 Resolved issue where the Faronics Core Console database deployment detected failures due to detached mdf file still residing on the database server.

595 Resolved performance issue that could result in a crash of Faronics Core Console.

600 Resolved issue where Null host names appeared in Faronics Core Console if they were not set correctly on the target workstations.

607 Resolved issue that could result in a crash of Faronics Core Console.

608 Resolved issue where the Core Agent sent About to Shut down event to Faronics Core Console when a workstation was shut down manually. This event was identical to the event sent from Faronics Core Console to the workstation when a workstation was shut down through Faronics Core Console.

609 Resolved issue where the warning String or binary data would be truncated appeared in Event Viewer, when discovered in more then two nodes (for example, Network and LDAP nodes). The workstation was then moved to the Managed workstations node.


Version 2.42.2100.1191

New Features

  • Active Tasks
    Certain Faronics Core Console and product tasks can optionally remain active for a period of time.


583 Resolved issue that could prevent queued events from being sent to the database if a workstation was rebooted while it had no network access to Faronics Core Console.

586 Resolved issue that could result in a crash of Faronics Core Console if a scheduled task was executed against workstations that had been deleted from the database.

598 Resolved issue that could result in a freeze of Faronics Core Console if the same recurring scheduled task was executed several times in a row and Faronics Core Console was manually closed and reopened during that time.


Version 2.41.2100.1144


585 Resolved issue that could cause the WOL (Wake on LAN) web service to fail after updating Faronics Core Console from a previous version.


Version 2.40.2100.1139

New Features

  • Enhanced Performance
    – Faronics Core Console features significant performance increases:
  • Responsiveness of Core Console when managing workstations has increased by more than four times. Improved database management that speeds up report creation by over five times.
  • Group Actions and Scheduling
    – Users can now perform actions on groups of workstations rather than individual workstations. Group actions include:
  • Schedule a future task, Execute an immediate task, and Configure settings.
  • Workstation Status
    – The Results Pane in Core Console now includes the activity columns:
  • Last Agent Event and Last Agent Event Date and Time that allow the user to see a workstation’s activity status before taking any action on the workstation.
  • Task Management
    – This version has improved task handling and management capabilities such as:
  • Track and View Failed Tasks — a new Failed Task node lets users view tasks that failed without having to search through the History node.
  • Retry Failed Tasks — simple right-click functionality allows users to re-execute a failed task without having to recreate the task.
  • Cancel Active Task — cancel any active task that is in progress without having to delete the task.
  • Edit Scheduled Tasks — new functionality allows users to select and right-click scheduled tasks to edit settings.
  •  Reports
    – This version has improved report management capabilities such as:

    • Printing Reports — new functionality allows you superior print management options.
    • Email Reports — email Faronics Power Save and Anti-Executable reports using your default email client.


119 Windows 2000 systems only: Resolved issue where the .msi installer prompted to reboot after repairing Core Agent using Core Agent Setup Wizard.

158 Resolved issue where a warning dialog appears at the bottom of the screen and not in the middle of the screen as expected when Core Console is launched for the first time after installation.

220 Windows Vista systems only: If the .msi file was run from the install location, and a repair was performed, it rolled back with an error.

257 Resolved issue where the Core Agent on all non-English systems displays a message Please enter a positive integer on trying to input the error in the Event Reporting Frequency settings.

266 Resolved issue where the repair process for the Core Workstation Agent locally by running a .msi installer failed, if the Core Workstation Agent was previously deployed remotely via Faronics Core Console.

416 Resolved issue where computers using nForce network cards attached to the motherboard did not display in the list of managed computers.

421 Resolved issue where Core Console Event failed with an Assert Failed:(false)_Null=TaskConfig error.

427 Windows XP 64-bit systems only: Resolved issue where reinstalling Faronics Core Console 2.3 after previously uninstalling Faronics Core Console 2.3 forced a re-install of SQL Server 2008 components, even if those components already existed on the system.

435 Resolved issue where the focus moved from Power Save Version to Core Agent Version when the column order is changed using the Add/Remove Columns feature.

441 Resolved issue where LDAP failed to retrieve groups from the Active Directory LDAP Server.

444 Resolved issue where the name of the button was incorrect in the Wake-on-LAN email template.

450 Resolved issue where the associated XML files were not removed, when a workstation was removed from the database.

481 Resolved issue where the workstation could not check credentials from Core Console.

483 Resolved issue where the settings from the properties dialog was not used when the credential for a workstation managed via Core Console was checked.

500 Windows Vista and Server 2008 systems only: the Create WOL Reminder Email option should not be available in right-click or Actions menu if Enable Remote WOL Web Service is not enabled in Properties.

525 Resolved issue where the Core Agent slowed down Microsoft Outlook.

561 Resolved issue where there was a dependency issue between Core Agent and Power Save causing longer than normal system boot times.

581 Resolved issue where events queued on the workstation were not sent to Faronics Core Console if the workstation was rebooted while it had no access to Faronics Core Console. This might occur when there was no network access (for example, the network cable was unplugged).


Version 2.31.2100.1010


432 Resolved issue that could cause Windows 2000 SP4 workstations to display popup error messages caused by the Core Console Agent crashing and restarting continually.

439 Resolved incorrect syntax issue with WOL Console link in email created through Create WOL Reminder that would result in a syntax error when the link was opened in IE 6 or Firefox.

440 Resolved issue that could cause SQL deadlock errors to occur on the Core Console machine when the Core Console was under a heavy load.


Version 2.30.2100.1004

New Features

  • Remote Wake-On-Lan Web Service
    – Provides the capability to remotely “Wake” or restart workstations on the network using a new browser-based web service.
  • User-Defined Workstation Groups
    – Users can organize workstations into customized groups using two different methods:

    • Dynamically using the new “Active Filters” that automatically sort and group workstations based on criteria set by the user.
    • Manually by dragging and dropping workstations into any desired group.
  • Product-Based Workstation Groups
    – Provides the capability to view workstations grouped by the Faronics Loadin that is installed on each workstation. Users can see at a glance which Faronics products are installed on any workstation.
    – Clicking on a workstation within a Product Group will change the view within the main workstation list view to reflect information specific to Core Console and the Faronics Loadin installed on that workstation.
  • Support for Local MS SQL Server
    – For users who have already implemented MS SQL Server and do not wish to use MS SQL Server Express they can connect to any local instance of MS SQL Server.
  • Core Console help files are now available in CHM format in addition to PDF.
  • Localization in Simplified Chinese added (English, French, German, Japanese, and Spanish already existed).


281 Resolved issue that could result in the Status column not sorting correctly.

305 Resolved issue that could result in Faronics product Loadins appearing on the About pane without icons on Windows XP systems.

342 Resolved issue that could cause the Core Console Agent to write erroneous Null Data warnings and therefore clog the event viewer.

396 Resolved issue that could prevent Core Console’s Shutdown command from properly shutting down a remote workstation.


Version 2.20.2100.828

New Features

  • Remote client agent installation through the network neighborhood and LDAP.
  • Import LDAP organizational units.
  • Rename/modify the name of scheduled tasks.
  • Improved help with context sensitive .chm pages that link to a .pdf manual.
  • When configuring workstation credentials there is a new Check button that can be used to validate the credentials.
  • Core Console window size and columns displayed are correctly remembered on re-launch.


  • Resolved issue that would cause account creation to fail if the selected account name was the same as a computer name.


Version 2.10.2100.694


  • Resolved issue that would prevent Core Console from launching properly after installation if the environment’s internal password policy required a password stronger than Core Console’s hard-coded database password.


Version 2.10.2100.692

First release version of Faronics Core Console (previous versions were for testing purposes only and were never officially released).