信用社 - Faronics


持有人需要您来解决其财务需求。冰点还原的设置和配置管理系统可提供更长的正常运行时间,减少对 IT 支持人员的需求,并


  • 即使系统崩溃,现金出纳和其它出纳服务也可以保持稳定。
  • 确保自助终端拥有更长的正常运行时间,提高客户满意度。
  • “重启进行恢复”技术可将系统恢复至原始配置和设置,无需等待 IT 人员来重置崩溃或被篡改的电脑。
  • 支持请求处理成本平均降幅达 63%!!




  • 用于出纳的电脑
  • 用于办公的电脑
  • 自助终端
  • 具有 Citrix、VMWare、Microsoft 等的瘦客户端。
  • 以及更多!


Faronics 冰点还原让电脑坚不可摧。通过冻结由 IT 管理员设置的理想配置,并通过重新启动来移除系统中的任何无用更改或恶意软件,以保护端点。

我们的“重启进行恢复”软件确保每次重新启动都能对工作站进行彻底恢复,支持请求平均减少 63%。阅读以下事实,了解您为何能高枕无忧,甚至还能不时地按时下班。

Customized Configuration

  • Configuration Administrator makes setup for your unique environment simple.
  • Specify multiple passwords, select drives to be Frozen and create ThawSpaces to save data.
  • Create workstation tasks, schedule maintenance and set advanced networks.
  • Even create multiple customized installers with different configurations for different environments.

Easy Deployment

  • Deploy Deep Freeze system restore software as part of your imaging solution.
  • Or deploy it as a Silent Install natively, either as an .exe or as a .msi by using our Deep Freeze MSI Packager.
  • You can also use the Enterprise Console to deploy.

Central Management

  • Easily deploy, configure, and manage Deep Freeze across your organization with Enterprise Console or Core Console, included free of charge.
  • Use the built-in Command Line Interface to manage Deep Freeze from within the most popular desktop management systems (Microsoft SCCM, Dell KACE, Spiceworks, and Symantec Altiris.)
  • Check out our Integration Page for more information.

Enhanced Security, Compliance and Privacy

  • Complete protection for the master boot record (MBR) from rootkit injections and key loggers makes security and data bulletproof.
  • Customization Code ensures that unauthorized administrators are prevented from accessing or controlling a computer that runs Deep Freeze.
  • Administrators can assign up to 15 passwords or create One-Time passwords that will expire after a single use on the workstation.

Windows Updates

  • Automatically download Windows updates even when machines are Frozen.
  • Cached updates are applied as soon as the machines are Thawed, which means Windows Updates are much faster.
  • Forego setting maintenance window completion times and detect when updates are complete and automatically return the computer back to a Frozen state.

Retain Critical Application Data Across Reboots

  • Redirecting both user and application data to storage space on non-system or network drives.
  • Create virtual storage drives called ThawSpaces.
  • Data retained in a ThawSpace or a Thawed drive is not erased upon system reboot, even if the computer is in a Frozen state.
  • Or try using the complementary Faronics Data Igloo that allows you to redirect data for storage.