Faronics System Profiler Enterprise Feature History

Version 2.4

Support for Windows 8.1

Version 2.2

•  Disk Usage By Workstation

This report displays all available drives on the workstation and the free or used space.

•  Free Disk Space

This report displays the % free space thereby identifying workstations whose drives are almost full and require a clean-up.

•  Hardware Changes

This report identifies the hardware changes that have occurred and displays exactly what changed on the workstations.

•  Software Inventory

This report displays the list of software and their versions installed on the workstations.


Version 2.1

•  System Profiler now reports if a drive is compressed.

•  System Profiler will report if a physical drive is either dynamic disk or static disk.

•  Improved report formatting to display storage values in the most appropriate units (KB, MB, GB, TB).

•  Various graphical enhancements in generated reports.


Version 2.0

•  Store Data on Workstation Configuration to Faronics Core Database

Store current and historic data on workstation configuration (hardware and software) to Faronics Core database.

•  Query Faronics Core Database by Specific Criteria

Query Faronics Core database based on specific criteria. For example, generate a list of workstations with 1 GB RAM or with Windows XP installed.

•  Comparison/Changes Report

Compare the changes on a single workstation over time, compare one workstation with another, or compare past workstation configuration with current configuration of another workstation.

•  Export to CSV

Export any report to CSV format to be used in a reporting software or customize it further in a spreadsheet program.