Faronics Data Igloo Release Notes

Version 2.33.x.484 (September 11, 2024)


  • Supports longer file path (exceeding 260 characters)


46677 Resolved an issue where Data Igloo User Profile redirection caused user profile corruption, resulting in the user being unable to log in to the computer. (CN# 504597)

46899 Resolved an issue where Folder Redirection failed when trying to redirect a folder where the source folder path had more than 260 characters in length.

Known Issues

9019 Data Igloo error messages can become hidden behind the program window (Case No. EBT-482-54871).

9557 Data Igloo does not set correct permissions on folder redirection for Registry data.

10323 Data Igloo fails to redirect user profile or folder if there are any OneDrive smart files which do not have their local copies.

19146 Data Igloo does not delete ‘Public’ and ‘Default’ user profiles from system default location when the new user profile is redirected.

19956 Unchecking ‘Redirect any newly created profiles to:’ option fails to revert user profiles to default location on Windows 8 and Windows 10.


Version 2.32.x.470 (July 24, 2019)

New Feature:

  • Public and Default Profile Redirection: Ability to redirect Public and Default Profiles to a ThawSpace or different partition. To enable this feature, check the ‘Redirect Public and Default profile’ checkbox.


26150 Resolved an issue with Bloomberg Terminal not retaining activation data when the system is configured to retain the appropriate registry keys. (Case No. GMJ-246-21313, GFH-822-83420, UIG-458-66889, JVX-454-34860)

26524 Resolved an issue where Data Igloo did not retain all data, and displays 100% CPU usage. (Case No. RQC-986-21957)

26752 Resolved an issue where profiles did not load properly when user profiles were redirected to the root of a volume. (Case No. DIS-284-95588)


Version 2.31.1110.434 (August 22, 2018)

New Features

  • Support for Windows 10 version 1803.


23808 Resolved an issue where Data Igloo is unable to redirect user profiles on Window 10 1803 (Case No. TDG-505-82432, FIP-368-34919, ILD-511-96415, XHE-440-81337).

Version 2.30.1110.429 (March 07, 2017)

New Features

  • Ability to redirect user profiles to Deep Freeze ThawSpaces on Windows 10.


15640 Resolved an issue where permissions were not properly set on profiles redirected with Data Igloo on Windows 10. (Case No: DRQ-177-51858, YQM-778-63817)

17489 Resolved an issue where the user could not logon to the redirected user profile since the Profilelist registry key was corrupted. (Case No: TAD-397-30601, WKS-424-12421, NRG-627-42024, THH-586-51130, YCC-749-24893, ITN-103-96143)

19178 The IGC utility crashes with an unhandled exception when the utility is run after installation without launching Data Igloo UI.

19605 Resolved an issue where Data Igloo did not show progress bar when performing redirection of newly created user profiles.

19815 Resolved an issue where if prescan fails while redirecting newly created user profile, registry key path was removed and disabled.


Version 2.20.1110.392 (December 11, 2015)

New Features

  • Support for Windows 10
  • Ability to enter the Target folder path in addition to clicking Browse to select the Target folder for User Profile, Folder, and Registry Key Redirection. This feature is useful in the case of Hidden ThawSpaces created by Deep Freeze where it is not necessary to unhide the ThawSpace before redirecting to it.


12490  Resolved an issue where Data Igloo could not redirect the HKLM\SECURITY registry key.

15111  Resolved an issue where the operating system information for Windows 10 was displayed incorrectly in the user interface.

15112  Resolved an issue where Data Igloo could not redirect users who have applied folder redirection via GPO. (Case No: MNY-884-97386)

15172  Resolved an issue where Data Igloo did not block redirecting user profiles if the operating system was Windows 10 and the target location is ThawSpace.

15353  Resolved an issue where an error occurs when clicking on the Data Igloo when the built-in administrator has logged in.


Version 2.1.1110.375 (April 2014)

New Features

  • Support for Windows 8.1
  • Support for Windows Server 2003, 2008, or 2012


‪6161 Resolved an issue where the registry key ‘ProfilesList’ disappeared randomly. (Case No: IAB-835-88703)

‪7355 Resolved an issue where User Profile service fails to load on a computer using Data Igloo to redirect profiles. (Case No: RDG-401-17837)

‪7449 Resolved an issue where the User Profile Service failed and the user was unable to logon. (Case No: OGF-743-59856)

‪8710 Resolved an issue where Data Igloo service was set to Manual after upgrade to 2.0. (Case No: VZS-225-41120)

‪9018 Resolved an issue Data Igloo displayed an incorrect warning about Windows RT when redirecting users on Windows 8.1. (Case No: FJL-546-24517)


Version 2.0.1110.369 (April 2013)

New Features

  • Support for Windows 8.
  • Full Command line support for all Data Igloo functionality.
  • Ability to install, upgrade, and uninstall silently.
  • Allow subfolders of Program Files and Windows to be redirected to a Thawed location.
  • Recognizes the Maintenance Status from Deep Freeze 7.4 and higher.
  • Improved the mechanism of handling registry key redirection.


7436 Resolved an issue where if ‘HKLM\Software’ key is added in Registry Key redirection then workstation becomes unstable after restart in Frozen state. HKLM\Software and HKLM\Software\Microsoft keys are restricted from being added to the redirection list. Only sub keys are allowed to be redirected.

7438 Resolved an issue where User profile/folder redirection overwrites target folder if its name is same as source folder.

7448 Resolved an issue where Data Igloo UI may crash when changing the registry location under Registry Key Redirection tab.

7569 Resolved an issue where Media Sharing Services locked folders from being mapped during User Profile Redirection.

Fixes for Windows 8

7421 Resolved an issue on Windows 8 where Account pictures set for user profiles are not displayed under ‘User Profile Redirection’ tab of Data Igloo.

7422 Resolved an issue on Windows 8 where Data Igloo installer does not prompt for .NET framework installation if it is not installed on system.

7477 Resolved an issue where user profile redirection may not work on some non English Windows 8 systems.


Version 1.31.1110.315 (December 2010)

New Features

  • Pre-scan Files and Folders
    – Folders, including subdirectories and files are scanned for insufficient permissions prior to User Profile Redirection and Folder Redirection.
    – Scan Progress dialogue provides status of scan.
    – Insufficient Permissions dialogue details files and folders that do not have read permissions or are locked by a process.
  • Migrate security permissions
    – Optionally retain folder and file NTFS permissions during User Profile and Folder Redirection.
    – Optionally reflect share permissions to the newly redirected folder.
  • Improved Error Handling
    – Proactively identifying error conditions such as locked files prior to redirecting data.
    – Revised error messages that provide more detail and possible resolution.
    – Error messages also links to the detailed Log File for further troubleshooting.
  • Log File improvements
    – Moved log entries from the Windows Application Event Logs to Data Igloo Log File.
    – Now lists detailed file/folder permissions if redirection fails.
    – Now lists the locked file name if redirection fails (32-bit OS only).
  • Usability improvements
    – Workflow improvements when Redirect Newly Created User Profiles is selected.
  • Localized user guides
    – User Guides are now available in French, German, Japanese, Spanish, and Simplified Chinese.


    Version 1.20.1110.250 (March 2010)

    New Features

    • New Profile Redirection: Automatically redirect a new profile to a ThawSpace (or partition) on a Frozen or Thawed machine.
    • Registry Key Redirection: Redirect changes occurring in selected registry keys to a Thaw Space. When Deep Freeze status is Thawed, the changes to the registry keys saved on the ThawSpace are automatically restored to the registry.
    • This is no longer an expiring beta — there is no expiry date.


    Version 1.10.1110.200 (December 2009)

    New Features

    • Windows 7 support added (now supported on Windows XP/Vista/7).
    • Beta expiry date extended to March 31, 2010.


    Version 1.0 (August 2009)       

    First release of Data Igloo (Beta).