Personal Data Deletion Request


Please send an email to with the subject «Deep Freeze Cloud Account Deletion Request». Only the Primary Contact or the Deep Freeze Cloud Account Owner can submit a request to delete the account. So please make sure that you use the proper account owner’s email address to send the email.


Note that once the account is deleted all your data including data of all the other User Accounts, Policies, custom settings and all the information about your managed computers will be permanently deleted. After deleting the account, you will not be able to manage any of your endpoints from the Deep Freeze Cloud Console or Deep Freeze Mobile Administrator app. So, if you still have computers with Cloud Agent installed or any other Services installed on them then you may have to manually uninstall all the services. In some special case manually uninstalling all the managed Deep Freeze Cloud Services may not be possible if you have added any Local uninstall protection password in the policy. Hence it is recommended to first uninstall all the Cloud Agents from all your endpoints.


Faronics may contact the Account Owner or in some cases other SuperAdmin Users in your Organization to confirm the account deletion request. It may take up to 10 days for the complete data deletion.